— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131422
The night dialogues.
What are you doing?
I eat again.
and what?
Butter with soup. Take the bread, squeeze it with soup.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131421
This dangerous Western chemical invented by the CIA.

Don’t fool the CIA, they’t be brave enough. Dihydrogen monoxide was personally created by Satan.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131420
I approach the entrance. A company of children, one boy is crying, holding his wrapped hand. An angry grandmother asks them:
Why is he crying?
He has fallen.
He looks at the bandage on his hand.
When did he fall?
and yesterday.
Why is he crying now?
And he fell again.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №131419
I went to work that morning, it was autumn, there was a guy lying in a leaf without a T-shirt, under drugs. In the end, I called an ambulance, they looked, said that it was not their client, the police needed. And then the guy jumps up, runs dumb to the concrete fence and hits his head from all the mach and falls. The ambulance looked at me so sadly and said: "and now go our client" and go pick up.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131418
I finally understood why all kinds of fools like Jehovah’s Witnesses are constantly being tapped before me. My face is benevolent.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №131417
I once met an individual.
The appearance is good.
Education, decent manners, culture are available.
He does not drink, does not smoke, does sports.
There is an apartment!
Sex is okay too.
Getting married offers.
So here you, I escaped from my happiness, got bored with boredom and unreasonable jealousy. pregnant at the same time. I never regretted.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131416
I smoke at the entrance and see the announcement of the water shutdown from today.

Next to him, the father pulls the child home from a walk.

Speaking with a strict voice.

- What a capricious boy, for this I will turn off the hot water in your apartment!

My dad was angry...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131415
About the ideal guy from whom the wife wants to drop, some thoughts arose:

1st He says he’s making money fucking. But once so, this work should require a great deal of effort, either physical or mental. Simply do not pay the ZP several times higher than the average. And if he’s not a superman, I don’t believe he’s capable of cheating every day. Moreover, he writes that he is no longer young.
2nd The child at the age when you need to change diapers, 18 hours a day or sleep, or suckles. Even when people come home from work, it’s hard. So a few hours in the weekend is not God knows what heroism.
Three Sex every day, even if it is true, may not please a woman. Some are quite enough once every 3-4 days, and more often - already unpleasant. If our superman demands every day, and even for a long time, maybe she’s tired already and decided “no.”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131414
You can fuck not what your breasts have grown in, but what your brains have grown in.

222: Of course, I apologize, but in this case at least half the country should remain fuzzy :pushba2:

111, and thank God. Let them sit, the genetic fund will be cleaner.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131413
xxx: the customer in the project asked to change the mask of the maximum number of working hours per week per employee from 00:00 to 000:00
XXX: The Cruel Company

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131412
News with the title "Moscow authorities have come up with an alternative to Pokemon Go with Tsoy and Gagarin"

XXX is an alternative. We have everything in a country with preferences and poets.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №131411
The Governor is also a Pokémon. But this can only be caught on a large bribe.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №131410
The year 5035. There are two problems in Russia. In the morning I moved to work and rejoice that you have your shoes in your ass, not a hole on your forehead.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №131409
Beautiful but not beautiful. Previously, he was a boy and had no success with women. Analyzing it became bad. Not a pickup. Here is a pearl! It turns out that girls like to be rude in measure, when they decide for them, when they are not sought, but just take... NO! If you don’t like a girl, it’s pushing back! Summary: Of the more than 100 girls I’ve tried to separate, only two said ‘no’ after I split them. And I stopped! The border of violence, while most women like violence, is extremely blurred. It is necessary to feel, and when the girl is murmuring, angry, crying, frozen like in paralysis, in horror grabbed the knife - it is clearly not in agreement! Even if he says “yes” first, and then when he suddenly shares a sharp “no” – do not lead to sin, stop! Sometimes women don’t know what they want, and you have to sit there.! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №131408
Hubble, discussion of top programming languages:

XX: Languages are not interchangeable. They are like tools. No matter how popular a hook key is, it will never be able to replace a drill. How can you plan a personal future, pushing away from the popularity of a tool that doesn’t mean anything at all? Here it will take you a couple of years to spin the screw, and you have already buried the drill and two years studied the techniques of working with the hose key, which all these two years was fantastically popular and did not leave the charts. How will this popularity help to twist the screw?

YYY: Do you know how to twist the screws with a hook key? Do you call yourself a programmer?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131407
Yes, I did not take it in my hands for a couple of days, rubbing like a fool over the content from the first pages.
Admits, bro, have you even read the ball with a strapped end?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №131406
Interview of wife (g) and husband (m):
Your shaving gel is over.
M: How did it end?
J: I don’t know how, I just took it and finished.
M: How did you know it was over?
J: Well, I shaved my legs and accidentally noticed that it was over...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №131405
Nephew, 4 years old
and Tanya! and Tanya! Go to the bathroom with me, and I will hang myself!! to
I am : O_o?!!! Why did you decide to hang yourself?
Q: I do it every day! Go to help.
I: Well oooook...
He pulls me into the bathroom, leads me to the floor weights:
Let me hang you!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131404
About the Sophia textbook:

Yes, I did not take it in my hands for a couple of days, rubbing like a fool over the content from the first pages.

Even the bored scientist admitted that the grandfather with a cigar nervously smokes in the side.

And the most interesting thing is that I know and understand all these terms, but I am not tired of rubbing over the sick fantasy of their creators.
Moreover, they are fun in themselves, but when they go in front of each other - tiredness, fluffiness - it naturally endures the brain.

Natural description of Friday. Tiredness, fluffiness and tension of the twisted rod.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131403
There are two news.
1st Good: the tea machine stopped turning off without boiling. and :)
2nd Bad: the tea can now not turn off in principle

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna