— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №150645
The King of Belgium and the President of France have come to St. Petersburg to personally boycott the semi-final of the 2018 World Cup.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №150644
15 years ago (if not more) my family and I went to the Rostov region for a visit. That’s more than a thousand kilometers on our old nine. At night somewhere in the Voronezh region we broke the GRM belt. My dad tried to vote on the track, to find help, but everything was unsuccessful(( decided to spend the night in the car until the morning, the windows were all closed because they stood on the side of the forest strip. So they stood on the "accident", everyone even had time to sleep. A knock on the glass! To say that we were frightened is to say nothing... the track, the night, near the forest and somebody knocking in the glass! A man was standing behind the window and what he was saying (he was not heard at all, only the sound of passing cars). As it turned out later this man was driving home and noticed on the side of the car on the "accident", the number of another region, and thought that it was not a disgrace the car here stands, anyway broke. So he decided to help us. He dragged us to his house on the wire (and it was in the opposite direction), changed our GRM belt (and for free) and wished us a happy journey! It also turned out that this man on this day had a birthday, in the yard of his house played music and fun guests. But he was not in the tension to help us, to spend his time on us, and also at night. Every time I remember this good man with gratitude (I myself always drive the car), because the help of strangers, strangers to you people is invaluable! Who stood on tracks, sideways, etc. Waiting for help knows that. Help each other. All are good!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150643
If the sheep rule our country, then who do they rule?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №150642
I dream at night, in secret to get into the Yandex office and change the locations of the cold and hot water cranes, buttons in the elevators and change the layers of the keyboards.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №150641
A few years ago, I had an incident that I remembered for a lifetime.

It was home, closer to the evening. I do, therefore, the household, as I hear a knock, as strong as if someone is breaking into the neighboring door. A minute passes, two, the knock does not stop, and I have a baby sleeping, sleeping sensibly.

I look in the hall. The neighbor is broken. When you see me, it is immediately justified:

How can you whisper so much that you can’t hear anything.

And with irritation knocks on further, but quieter.

A little while passed and I heard a loud knock on the window. By the way, our balconies and neighbors were adjacent. In general, on the balcony stands pepper (well dressed) and asks to arrange him a "corridor" to the door, for which he at the grave of life will be grateful to me. Don’t help the guy, don’t jump from the third floor.

And... it would seem like an ordinary story of lovers with a light conflictless end, if not my hungry husband with a heavy wallet had come home on time.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №150640
Once a friend came to visit a friend. In the room, the elderly grandfather showed him with a whirlwind, looked here and immediately pulled a screwdriver into his foot. Then he fell to the floor with wild cries. The grandfather was helped, and the visitor, who was frozen with his eyes opened, explained the situation. Grandfather has a prothesis, and this is his favorite trick - to wrap the screwdriver into the tree, shocking the guests. But age takes its own, sclerosis began, and grandfather began to forget what leg he did not have.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №150639
If the driver is sitting behind the car, it is not so scary. But what if there is a boiling tea?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №150638
“Behind every great man is a great woman.”
“Well, behind every great man is a woman... and not one... a whole row.”
Salon Aphorisms

The older generation knows well that the Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokosovsky was a beautiful, charming and loving man, aristocratically treating women. No wonder he was so successful. With this trait of his personality connected many anecdotes and stories. Here is one of them.

End of April 1945.
In the morning, an aircraft landed on the airfield near Berlin, which was sent from Moscow by the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to take Roccosovsky to the meeting on the final defeat of the fascist log.

But not just an airplane, but an airplane with a surprise in the form of the official wife of Julia Petrovna. Since the commander of the 2nd Belarusian Front was occupied with the management of troops, Yulia Petrovna was met and accompanied by his adjunct.

Conflict began in the headquarters of the front. Numerous front wives of Rokossovsky - machinery, translators, communications, doctors - decided that he decided to fulfill his long-standing promise to show them Moscow, began to collect their things and rushed to the plane. Well, who will refuse to allow a woman into the salon who confidently claims that she is the wife of the commander of the front?

With his task - to keep Yulia Petrovna away from the headquarters - the assistant managed brilliantly. Rocosovsky met his wife in the dining room during lunch, kissed, began to cheer with compliments. It was time to leave, and they sat in the jeep.

Near the aircraft, in which one and a half dozen front beautiful women were sitting, awaiting a walk around the capital with their idol, they were met by a pilot in a combiné and a helmet and, stretching out in a string,:
Comrade Commander, we can’t fly, the plane is bleaked.

How can it be?

I am very upset, Comrade Marshal.

Someone else, probably, would get out of himself, started screaming, like "what nonsense this is, ice for a month like not, etc." But Konstantin Konstantinovich is not such a person. He looked at the sun rising from the sky, the grass bursting loudly, the first dwarfs, and thought for a moment. The pilot went through the war. I worked with Zhukov. I went to Major. So not a fool. So he wants to tell you what you can’t say. But what exactly?”

Once again I looked at the sun, the grass, the wife, and I understood it.
-Comrade Major, I give you 30 minutes to eliminate the bleaching.

And he took his wife on the "villis" to the other end of the airfield to show her the grove, where the slugs were already squeezing. He told her that the voices of birds at night could be heard, that recently his fighters liberated the village of Fogelzang, which in German means "bird trell", in short, carried all that sweet nonsense about peaches and turkeys that women so like.

The pilots, meanwhile, called a truck and five soldiers from the command company from the headquarters. The women were told they were no longer flying anywhere. There was noise, gamma, violence, outrage, protests. But those with a good word, and those with a shoe under the ass, were transferred from Li-2 into a covered car and taken to the location of the unit.

Yulia Petrovna returned to Moscow in an uplifted mood.
The family idyll of the Roccosovsky family managed to preserve.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150637
Well, all - lost - it is time to return and retirement age back to its legal place!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №150636
ga3ry: Advise a Linux distribution for the USB-based boiler

Drap_Vader: For the “café” or for the “café”? Such times came...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №150635
A little about the Norwegians. For coffee I talked to a local guy (also, of course, an unthinkable case on Swedish standards). At some point he looks at the crossroads and begins to weep, say, Magnus, Yoly-Paly, how many years, how many winters (well, I understood it).

Magnus on the other side of the crossroads also begins to scream something and distracts himself from the road. There is a skateboarder on him.

From the briefly formed pile of passers gradually extract the skateboard, the girl and Magnus. The latter, holding the ankle, crumbles in the opposite direction from us.

I’m a joke, I noticed, Magnus is apparently not very happy now that he knows you.

And we don’t know – the Norwegian responds relentlessly – this is the world chess champion Magnus Carlsen, I just wanted to express my tribute to him, but somehow it failed, yes.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150634
It was in the village in the summer. I was still a little boy, and Korsh and I played at his house in Dendy. Suddenly a thunderstorm began, and we were told to cut off the telescope and the console.

Meanwhile, the thunderstorm was not a joke and lightning shone, probably every 5-7 seconds, shaking almost immediately, indicating that the thunderstorm was almost above us.

We went to the veranda to see the thunderstorm, and since my friend's house was extreme and the veranda was out on the nearby forest, it was very beautiful and the glowing lightning was seen very well.

The thunderstorm is getting closer, the lightning is getting more and more, we are pleased - even if, on the veranda it is dry, warm and not scary. Nearby stood the mother and father of my friend and began to argue that there would not be a town and would not break the roof from the cowhouse.

Suddenly, the lightning hits the water tower between their house and the forest (or the thunderstorm near it, I don’t remember). To the tower from the house 120-150 meters approximately, that is, not very far. The flash was incredibly bright and thereafter an unrealistic thunderstorm, as if you were plunged into a huge barrel and at the same time knocked on the walls with iron hammer.

Here my friend falls on the floor and starts beating in convulsions, knocking around the floor with his head and making some bullshit sounds. I stumbled from horror, his mother rushed to him, let's stop and read, my father rushed somewhere to call, and then this fool begins to roast and stands up from the floor.

Lord Jesus, how he was snatched! Father instantly shrugged his belt and began to whisper straight on the sitting on the floor.

I in horror began to fall down and ran home, hitting the thunderstorm, but even from the street was heard how this fool cried)))

Then on the street I did not see him for two days, later he went out and said that he had taken the console until the end of the summer))

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150633
I once came to a school in the glorious city of Kamyshev.

Feeding was quite normal, but, shit, to eat, no, to eat was always wanted.

And here is the luck: sent to the garment factory!

Carry boxes with spices.

Aunt from the conveyor said that you can eat spices in unlimited quantities.

I will never forget the taste of these fresh, warm spices!

The dress lasted two days. I have eaten these spices for two days. He was full and pleased.

I haven’t eaten sweets for almost 30 years. I want to go through Tula.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150632
There is one funny fact. If anyone does not know, it is in the Germans, in the people, the red card is called "Arschkarte". (In other words a card card). And all because, once before, when everyone had TVs, the judges placed red cards in the back pocket of the shorts, and yellow in the load. TV viewers, seeing where the card came from, could understand what color it was (it was difficult to disassemble the color on the screen).

PS: Wikipedia describes this fact, but doubts its authenticity

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №150631
For fools, the law is not written, but it not only exists, but also successfully punishes the intelligent.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №150630
When I was a student, I had a disgust for children. Especially small. Orut, whisper, get up at night, change the diapers... Uzhos, shorter! I never wanted children. And I was so angry when these “mothers!” They take them with them to restaurants and especially on the plane... I married a careerist like myself. No, she didn’t mind for a while, but then her career went away. There is an advantage “without children”. We looked at the world, the apartment, two cars. Money – really not lying – I didn’t count. Just took the morning from half a centimeter on the shelf and went to work. Then they divorced... My mother said to me, “It’s because you don’t have children. Each for himself. She earns money, and you’re not fucking from the mountain either. The wife should sit at home. She has another job.” I then did not give importance, I kept silent as my son was supposed to... Four years have passed, we and the ex call together sometimes. During the holidays or dr. And she has already changed custodians to Fig, and I am not a monk either. There is no happiness. In the personal! Only in private! Everything is broken. She tried to get pregnant, "for herself", and it's all right... She's 38, in principle, with our medicine. And the doctors said late, woman, run away! You have the body you needed before. He calls me drunk. It’s all my fault, shit! Except for me no one... I say, you calm down, you have a man who loves, a job, a career... It is for me: he needed children! It is all you! As the saying goes, “You get married, fool! Otherwise, no one will be blamed.” I am alive, I am not in trouble. His business, in May forty-year-old has gone beautifully. And yesterday...

An important contractor comes to me, with my daughter. I don’t know, maybe four years. “Sorry, I’m not alone here.” Forget the question. Not good and okay. And we stand discussing issues, emotionally dividing our hands showing what and how. And I lower my hand, and I feel somebody has taken me with a small palm. I lower my eyes - and the daughter turned her head, my office looks around and just accidentally took my hand...

To say that I was struck by lightning, that a truck fell on me, or that angels caught me, that sheep, that sheep, and not just carried, but thrown somewhere into the clouds – it is nothing to say... I can’t pick up words... The warmth of this palm, which clamps my hand tightly. And that moment until she realized that I wasn’t a dad.

The moment lasted two seconds, probably. When they left, I sat down at the table, got a cognac and thought. Maybe I’ve been wrong all my life. One cup weighs the whole world. With trips, serpentines, mountains, beaches, Hollywood. And on the other cup, the children, the dacha, the dog, the dissatisfied and forever tired wife. I have no answer to this question, thank you for reading until the end.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №150629
Our players have fulfilled all the unfulfilled dreams of the fans. They became better than Brazil, Spain, Germany, Portugal... And anyone before the World Cup dreamed of being better than Croatia???? Woooot!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №150628
I am ready to serve as an example for those who are still learning to do nothing.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150627
Iranian Civil Defense Chief Golamreza Jalali said in connection with the drought, “Israel and another neighboring country are stealing rain clouds, preventing them from spilling over Iran.”
If there is no water in the clouds...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №150626
A man comes to the spare parts store and asks:
Are there spare parts on the floor?
Is there anything specifically needed?
Well, there... the wire, the isolant...
There is of course. You have a strange level. Parts from Oasis are suitable...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna