— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143269
I’m not a grammar-nazi, but the phrase “plunging on the museum” finally knocked me out of the track.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №143268
They are not all of this world. In his time when Serdyukov was defense minister, he went to Murmansk, where they launched Bulava. Shoot, she safely hit the target in Kamchatka. Everyone is satisfied. At the time, the commander of the nuclear submarine!!!! He received about 25 thousand rubles, which is to say about ordinary officers. And here the commander submerges to Serdyukov with the words: the guys tried, we need to encourage.Serdyukov on the joys - of course, offer as much as you ask, the officer modestly: well can two salaries? You are a...L! With two salaries? Write three hundred thousand and it’s enough!
It is said that so fast the commander has never run through the Finnish service.

[ + 17 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143267
I remembered.

The Soviet man is my friend. I recognize his eyes. He is not lying, he is only rotating on his skulls. In his narrow apartments, he silently grows old and grows moustaches, in the day-to-day he drinks strong tea, on weekends - vodka. When I come to visit someone, I immediately look at the wallpapers – if they are old, in flowers, with spots, bubbles, photo wallpapers, foolish calendars – I am in the house where I will be understood. Here they live honestly, they don’t trust anyone, they despise many, they drink tea endlessly and wait for it to end. Welcome to the world of the missing, ugly, closed, short-sighted. This is my home, I don’t need another.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143266
Aaa: I picked up my daughter in the kindergarten, wearing a dress, I see — there is no button. Well, pulled for a needle with a thread - squeeze quickly. And suddenly some dreamy memory inside awoke and shouted, “On a man nothing can be sewn! It is only for the dead! Take off your clothes!”
bbb: If you are forced to sew on yourself / a friend - you need to hold a piece of bitten thread in your mouth. And in no case to talk, silently carry out the operation.
ccc: Oh, the chip code!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143265
On the wave of psychologists recalled the case from the school:

The case was in class 9-10, the psychologist brought us the test. Totally anonymous, as she said. The test itself was the most common with questions such as smoking or not smoking, drinking or not drinking, using drugs, etc. Well, I wrote in a joke that I smoke like a steam car; I drink like an alkas with 10 years of experience; I eat drugs for breakfast and think about suicide every day. No, and what then? The test is anonymous.

The next day I am called to a psychologist and they say that, say, username, we know that everything is bad with you. I said, “In the sense? “” And I get in my face with my anonymous test. I was a big kid then, and my parents were even more.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143264
for a long time? Do you agree to the rule? If at 9.7, then do not work, with this 9.7 spin as you want, it is enough not to drive by the mark itself, and by the mark itself, and do not drive - to brake smoothly.

That’s why you, the pirates, don’t like it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143263
As a child, the comrade was in the yard, he was raised by his mother and grandmother. In their opinion, all the children except him were bad, addicts, thieves and did not fit him as friends, as far as I remember there were no exceptions to the rule. Accordingly, it was impossible to come to visit him, even the birthday he celebrated only with his mother and grandmother, without a single guest.

He was a humble but joyful and sociable child. He went out very and very rarely, mother and grandmother were lazy to walk with him, and alone can not. I remember very well that he was sitting alone on the balcony of the fifth floor of their apartment in the summer and outside the window in the winter, watching us play in the yard, laughing with us, trying somehow to participate in our games with comments, and communicating with us as much as possible from the fifth floor. Even in the winter he ran out to the balcony to try to help reason some controversial situation that was constantly arising during the games.

When he was allowed to go out, the place on the balcony was occupied by his grandmother and don't let God hide from his sight for more than 30 seconds, immediately followed a scream and he had to go home. Even less often, and only in the summer, I went out with my mother, who was sitting on the bench and watching him, but she quickly got bored and they went home again.

Then we perceived it somehow relatively normal. And we treated him well, no one hurt him. And now I perceive it as one of the saddest sights of my childhood, as a child sitting on the balcony every day from year to year and watching others play, almost without the opportunity to participate.

He was 12 years old when we moved, what happened to him later I don’t know, hopefully despite his childhood, he’s all right now.

Parents and those who will only be parents, please do not do so.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143262
I was 5-6 years old. In the summer, I live near home. I am a boy of the same age.

“Hi, I am Vanja, I was brought to my grandmother from the city to host. Let us play?

Okay, let’s do it anyway. And Vania continues:

I’ll go to my grandmother and come.

He comes, brings a dog collar and says:

Will you be my mistress? I am your dog.

We played all day long: he jumped, ran, gave a voice, was a good and a bad dog... I wanted to walk him on a rope, and punish him more often, but I couldn’t even find ropes, only a mount of rotten threads.

Years later, we met again, but Vanya took her eyes off, turned red and didn’t say hello to me.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №143261
The news:
In Moscow, they offered to use spinners for patriotic education.

xxx:I already want a steel spinner with sharpened edges. And I write in a circle: "We will teach you to love your homeland".

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №143260
Your logic is perfect.

In your logic, a big breakdown, chess players do not smell aggressively on others. You still accuse Columbus and Peter I of their addiction to the stinking nipple.

However, now there is just an outdated example that only owners of FMMs react aggressively: Spinner. No one is disturbed. They do not smell. They are not lobbying. Just a hand toy.
On the rotating spiners are already everyone who is not lazy. As long as they are not offended. They are almost forbidden. The eyes of many are offended by this toy, which is in the hands of young people.
What I want to say. To you, Webcam, just give a reason to prohibit. You would be forbidden to breathe if you didn’t need to.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143259
Among successful careerists, few have actually worked on a career.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143258
On Saturday, after a visit to the local “bleach” marketplace, I went there to a small antique store and got a lot of pleasure from communicating with a fat owner and an antique expert in one person. On the shelf behind the owner’s back, I saw a clay beer cup and asked to show it to me.
I immediately see the understanding buyer, the seller instantly revived. A true lover of antiques will never miss the opportunity to buy a truly valuable thing, for a symbolic price of 100 €. A rare thing, only yesterday put on sale, Germany, the second half of the nineteenth century, the era of the reign of Wilhelm II. A heavy, thick-walled circle as best as possible characterizes the good, high-quality style of German masters, the true art of clay processing. Decorate any collection of beer circles, flooded antiques...
I each of his words, I was overwhelmed with pride... Here you have to go back ten years ago, by that time I had collected pieces from thirty beer glasses, not that I would collect them, rather I loved to drink beer from them and sometimes bought after seeing something unusual, friends and acquaintances seeing my interest sometimes gave. So, unexpectedly for myself, I was burned with the idea of starting to make circles with my own hands. I was acquainted with people engaged in ceramics and, with their support, soon equipped a small workshop with a stove, compressor, etc. Ordered by his sketches in several places the shape of future circles and the work boiled... Everything turned out to be much more difficult than it seemed at first, but at the same time very interesting, in the furnace of circles already covered with colored glazure - in general magic, the slightest changes in the process and fantastic shades are obtained. Somewhere after 3-4 months began to get quite suitable cups (in my opinion), and in six months I stopped production. It was conceived as a hobby and possibly a small work, but turned into something bigger, which should either give up entirely or stop. He quickly sold out the equipment and left alone with two hundred and fifty circles. Strangely enough, half instantly sold, pure luck, in the suburbs there was a large "Liqueur-market", wine and vodka in a simple way, the elderly owner of the store mistakenly considered me an unborn nephew, several times he approached me to say hello, ask as family affairs, I explained to him every time that we are not relatives, but... my next arrival in the store and again hugs... In general, grandfather did not trade bought 120 pieces, by the way, in a year they broke up... More than a hundred I gave to all friends, acquainted and finally generally unfamiliar people. I remember having to go to the family doctor, I go to the office and put a cup on his table, I tell you from a pure heart, and he in response - the sweetest, you already gave me two, do you have any obsessive ideas? I gave him a bowl of gifts to the secretary, a good woman did not refuse.
So, returning to the merchant, as it was hard to guess, he tried to steam me a cup of my own manufacture. His eyes radiated such innocence and sincerity that I did not resist doing what I had not allowed myself to do in my life, even with respect to children, struck him for a swollen cheek and struck his bald hair. When I went out in a good mood, I remembered those friends who, when they saw my circles, advised me to engage in fishing, God is the judge, far from the people of art.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143257
“Michael, what did they go crazy?! to
They have plague.
Have you tried washing? What is there with hygiene?
It is easier to pray.
- Well, send them healers, herbivores, open gifts to people. Heal and teach.
To send, and gifted abilities...
Did it help?
They started burning them.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143256
What are you talking about, brother?
by VPN
You are a beast.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143255
Listen, Holivud experts, and in view of the adoption of new laws, how can we bypass blockages? Everyone accepted, fucking, the law, in the third, his mother, reading... Sometimes it seems to me that such laws are adopted for emergency development, because nothing stimulates progress as much as the desire for personal comfort and war. A war on the basis of taking away personal comfort.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143254
Justin Bieber’s concerts banned in China

is logical.

Their life is not easy.

People are full.

Work is lacking for everyone.

Pensions are not paid.

And here is Bieber.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143253
In the United States, the poppy Bad helped to jail his mistress, who shot his own husband.

Bad repeated the pre-mortem words with the voice of the murdered "do not shoot".

According to police, the resident of Michigan tried to commit suicide, but when she failed, she fired five bullets at her husband. Since the parrot remembered the owner's last words, the police were able to immediately catch the trail. In the end, the woman was found guilty of murder.

It is noted that the parrot did not take part in the trial".

Almost no comments. I admire the female logic. She could not kill herself, shooting her husband.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143252
aaa:Pornohab authorization through VK, what next? DNA in a passport?

Say thank you not through public services.)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143251
In the subway is used to standing on the left of the escalator - and here you get used to it. The first rule of life in society: think about others. There is a biblical axiom about this, read.

What is the dispute at all? There are regulations that regulate the movement of vehicles (including two-wheeled vehicles) on the road. And the movement in the intersection is quite a violation of itself. So if a motorcycle companion wants to jump sharply between the ranks, then let him himself show maximum attention and responsibility. If you have decided to violate the GDPR rules, be prepared for the consequences.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143250
In our office, employees, looking at the Game of Thrones, glorify the administrator no different than the King of the Server))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna