— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №18301
Q: Can you tell me how to connect a laptop to a TV without wires, using what equipment to watch movies?
A: Scotch... right in the middle of the screen.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №18300
xxx> I have a cat here, can you come up with a computer name?
yyy> The Mouse
xxx> No, this is a cat
yyy> Block of Food

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №18299
It is banal, but does not contain humor.

“Yes, dear, I am guilty, but do you know where to put a pencil in the "Execution cannot be pardoned"?! to
I do not know! But I know where to put the pencil in the phrase "Sleep cannot be given"!!! to
Lovely girls, remember it once and for all. Men cannot be punished for not having sex. No to Zhao. Remember this once and for all. Then you’ll wonder why your horns grow.

Get to the best, guys. Let the lovely ladies hear.

by Samvel

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №18298
Show the author of the latest comic book what hamsters really look like.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №18297
I love my city.
One corner behind the other covers it.
I know that they are mentions.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18296
The U.S. Air Force has moved to a special version of Windows Vista.
It all begins, royalty bunkers.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18295
If killing your clone is murder, suicide or abortion? O_O

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18294
maxx: Which in the glasses I like very much.I can't say anything about the first because the strange rouge she scratched and nothing is unclear about her ^_^'
Furi curi: she didn’t scratch her, she lives with her.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18293
Lovely women, please do not be offended when you tell something to your husband, he sneezes and says:"Yes, sweet, of course.","Ugu..." and so on, but after the story it turns out that he did not listen to you. He’s not the one you’re, he’s the one you’re.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №18292
Talking to a girlfriend, she lives alone, and for a long time.

Q: And with the XHHH too, the trip, all.
I: What is it?
Q: Yes he is a strange shit. Will it come - and it begins - let the nail bear, hang the shelf, do not need to fix anything? No, I say, I don’t need to... And here I recently went in, and smoothed on the linoleum – I broke, stood and looked and looked. I was so upset that he would think. Well, I glued him at last - or all the hands didn't reach. And he comes, and from the threshold joyfully - let the linoleum glue you, and glue the mashed. I have already glued it, I say, it lies under the press. He looked at me so deeply, and without saying anything, left. Did I do that wrong again?
I : to say? I think you guess that =)
Q: Yes, I’m going to know (((
I: GMM... what do you do?
Q: I hang a mirror in the bedroom, bought yesterday...

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №18291
I know what loneliness is – a bite of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music from which the ears already hurt, tears in the eyes... I know what love is – a light at the end of the tunnel, dissolving in someone very close, dear, a photo, when seen, a smile appears on the face, the desire to constantly change for him. I know what separation is – anxiety in the soul, pain, pain, unbearable pain, waiting for a call... I know what memories are – a long-abandoned photo, half-pulled phone number, a cynical smile and no one needs a question.
YYY: It is good. And with you?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №18290
“Yes, dear, I am guilty, but do you know where to put a pencil in the "Execution cannot be pardoned"?! to
I do not know! But I know where to put the pencil in the phrase "Sleep cannot be given"!!! to

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №18289
Black silicon was discovered by chance by a team led by Harvard physicist Eric Mazur. The team created the material by precipitating vapors of the sulfur mixture onto a silicon plate in a vacuum, then irradiating the plate with a femtosecond laser to reorganize the structure at a nanoscale level.

A coincidence of 0

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18288
To find a girlfriend is like playing a sapphire: there is one normal one, but around it there are seven fucking ones, and you can guess right away where the one is.
(c) Karpaev Anton Vladimirovich aka 4ma

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18287
A Moldovan helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.

Of the 17 people I talked about this, 16 asked.
"Huli he did there"

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №18286
I corresponded with a good friend, the conversation was about the length of male dignity.
Q: How much do you have?
I: I didn’t measure, I’ll ask my wife...
Q: Well then?
I: On the question "Aan, how much do I have?" I got the following: "19 centimeters, and what do you ask about?"

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №18285
Call from the user:
The system makes a mistake...
What exactly does he write?
- You know, it's all in the wheels, a lot and scary, and then the OK button. I am afraid of her harvest, suddenly they offer me to sell my soul.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №18284
Lurkmore about Luzhkov:
Stark Baturin did not lose a single case from those hearing in the Moscow courts. In 2008, he sentenced 500,000 people. Limonov's lawsuit on defamation (Limonov's phrase that Luzhkov controls all Moscow courts was recognized as defamation).

[ + 113 - ] Comment quote №18283
The little girl burned:
Early in the morning (at 8 o'clock with something) from a hammer I lead to school in the 2nd grade, the barley, in the best traditions - is broken. Asked to stand on the side, I approached the bar for a bottle of beer. I turn around – a little girl stands, and in front of her (a cock, a fool) a man with an open coat on his naked body... Forgetting about the beer I try to break away from the place and here I hear:
Wow, what a small dog!! In the execution of his...
I stumbled and crumbled, almost wiping the path with my nose, crying, looking at the fool who, insulting his nose, smelled the coat and somehow sharply decreased in height, gave a hole. To catch him, there was no more strength. After a harsh conversation, it turned out that her mother taught, just for such a case...

• Angry.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18282
Our dog has a flow, everywhere the cows run, laugh all night - tired of the whole thing. They decided to start one to satisfy her and the show was over. I caught him in the fence, and I closed the door and decided to look at the process from the window. And he went in and started eating out of the cup at 0. And then he went away, not satisfying the lady. Alphonse is fucking.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna