— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100268
A week of jokes about the national team of Russia is declared closed, a week of jokes about the national team of Brazil begins.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100267
Sashetta: Embrace and welcome kiss a person who is unpleasant? Since when has it been politeness? Something I do not understand in politeness, to see...

Whc: Sashetta is a reduced manifestation of an atavistic desire to suppress and devour an opponent.

Sashetta: Gdecot, your kindness knows no boundaries.

whc: knows - cessation of life activity is enough ::)

Stahash :D

Whc: What do you do, go to the marinade >:(

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100266
Sveta: Do you remember what a proga is called to multiply a hard disk on a compilation?
You need a hard disk.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100265
Is there life on Mars?

I have a dacha there.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100264
Bestiya: I was called a pollen with a lap knee
Lightbit: And you decided to prove to everyone that it’s not crazy.
Bestiya: Then I was called a perverted linen.
Lightbit: Wow, the picture is made.
She proved it obviously :D

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100263
xxx: now we will have our own "Cheburch" with a prostitute and a blackjack!!! to
XXX with the prostitutes

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100262
After the session:
Closed the norm. I tried a few new drinks in the process.
Wauu – the blood of the dean and the tears of the Zakkah?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100261
xxx: I have a cloud of scars)) some are almost grown, some are still visible
xxx: so it turns out that all the injuries are on the limbs) and regularly, even now) then I get a knife in my leg, then some shit (I'm used to it)
XXX: I am a man!! to
yyy: You have to grieve, get some belt in the Eastern uniforms and when you meet the guys carelessly splash and point to any scarring: "It was in Vietnam... We got into the siege, of all the squadron only I survived..."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100260
xxx: I forgot that in one of our rooms 50 rubles mat :D
I came to tell you about one accepted refinement, in the course of the story, according to the most accurate calculations, I spent 3850 rubles :D
xxx: but the essence of the finishing outlined correctly, and colleagues advised decided that otherwise was not to tell, and since the first time decided to forgive)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100259
Ant_on_: and why did you so reduce the conclusions after the table?
It didn’t stand?
Ant_on – what is it?
by Alina?
Ant_on – did it not stand?
to reduce?
Ant_on: Was it not necessary to reduce?
Alina: Yes
ANNT_ON: Is it still there?
Alina: I asked you if it was worth cutting out the conclusions or not?
Alina: I am interested in your opinion.
Ant_on: There was a car standing on the street. We weren’t allowed to sit in it.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100258
xxx: We have one person, he once went out to work for a double salary in the woods
XXX: He was counted as a solitary
But the buffaloes never go away.
xxx: After the expansion, he was charged + in 2 days))
xxx: Then we raised the ZP, and we had to hold for 1 day
XXX: And she kept on a new rate))
yyy : ))))) ahah
XXX: This epic has lasted for a month.)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №100257
In my youth I had a friend, Arsenie. A wonderful sophisticated man, philologist, graduate of MGU, wrote plays. He saw in the cinema the advertisement of the film "Rambo". My God, he said, how good that we finally made a movie about a great French poet. It’s French, of world importance, it’s a pity that we have so little translated. Why did Stallone play it? This is a completely different type!
This is why, dear citizens of culture, we are burning.
Many things, I apologize, knowledge creates sorrow.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100256
A serious news site:

In all countries of the world, the visibility of porn sites decreases during the World Cup matches, but immediately after their end it begins to grow, especially in those countries whose national teams have suffered defeat.
The only exception is Italy, whose population showed a sharp increase compared to the usual days (by 80%) after the victory over the British.

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №100255
I hope my client won’t wake up.
HGH: today
Has the delivery time been delayed?
We will be there tomorrow.
WOW : Shame on you!
Today it is necessary for him not to remember that without this cargo, the production of sausage in the Republic of Belarus will stop.
How can I delay the delivery of toilet paper?? to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100254
From the book about the physicist Feynman - is the translator not frightened, is it a magnificent example of technical snobism:
When I studied at MTI, I was only interested in science; I did not get anything else. However, in MTI there was a rule: it is necessary to pass several humanitarian courses to become more "cultural". In addition to the required English course, there were two other elective courses, so I looked through the list and immediately discovered astronomy – as a humanitarian subject! That year, astronomy saved me. The following year I went down the list, past French literature and similar courses, and found philosophy. I could not find anything closer to science."

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №100253
here and there:

Theory and practice sometimes collide.
When this happens, the theory loses.
Always is.”

If the facts contradict the theory, the worse for the facts.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100252
Sild: I will now read the answers of Mail Ru before the handshake
Sild: to come evil on the whole world and beat people. It is ideal.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №100251
Description of Request
Dr.Web removes programs compiled by the author.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100250
Question on the forum in the section "Master's Advice"
Kollyan: How do you know that the switch that turns on the light from the sound is broken?
Svinoed: It is very simple. You sit and knock like a fool on your hands in the darkness.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100249
From the movie "Noah".
The film 99% does not correspond to real events.Just another American fiction in a beautiful picture. Fantastic in one word. If you read the Bible a little...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna