— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102102
I work in the media. A letter arrives at the work mail.
"Good day to you!
I am sending the release "The Post of Russia does not plan to rebranding".
With respect,
Specialist in public relations of the UFPS of the Nizhny Novgorod region..."

Options for headlines to news:
Nothing happened on the post today.
Post of Russia: we put a bucket on your opinion

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102101
I am standing at the entrance, three boys of eight years and one of five years old pass by:
If you are going to offend me, I have an older sister, I will call her.
How old is she?
I don’t know, maybe 50 years.
It was so funny)))))) a serious argument)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102100
X: Yes, the pigs are all there.
Y: Well, I am in a poch)
X: The choice, by the way, on the nose. Candidates are everywhere.
Y: Eehh, if they were really hanged... and so only the posters

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102099
was recently at the exhibition. There is a small young man in a cage. Behind it sits her master, such a small and unthinkable man. On the cage a colorful bench with a photo of the cat, breed, name, age, pet - all honor to honor.
On the side of the cage, a white white paper of wind control was placed. A woman approaches, begins to carefully read a paper of wind control, trying to disassemble the doctor's carcass: "Shaya...shalom. berry...beria...ze..." And joyfully screams somewhere to the side "Ira, Ir go here, see what a cat here is a breed of shalomberidze!"

The owner of the abicca arises, and with such a roaring baritone, he says very kindly: "Shalamberidze is me! And this (referring to the stand with the photo and data of the little girl) is ABISCIN!"

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №102098
It was funny, but I had a real dialogue.
Did you not notice anything?
Has your hair cut?
No is!
A new dress?
and no.
I don’t know then...
I cut my hair!
So I told you first.
You guessed, and I wanted you to notice.
and?? to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102097
From Habr. Article about Google’s driverless car and digital simulator:
And why would Google not make this simulator online, so that everyone can ride next to that Google car, simulating the “real” behavior of drivers?
WOW: Because then it will happen that a crowd of angry drivers will be chasing a Google car with destructive goals.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102096
Every time an additional mechanism for security is invented, somewhere another mechanism of natural selection on the level of intelligence is sad.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102095
His parents from Italy brought him Mussolini's bust
Yyy: This is what I understand the healthy attitude to my son’s hobbies.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102094
XXX: I torment the acinator. The question "your character is a teacher?" "yes", the next one immediately after it "your character is familiar with the devil?" I even got confused somehow...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №102093
In the year 97 we also gathered in the playrooms and cuddled until the morning, until the dawn. And nothing—normal people worked out, except for those who were sitting or accumulated from general, I was the only one left.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102092
A friend issued a great slogan for advertising cigarettes with a superagent surname: "Bond-die, but not now".

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102091
I sit on the internet, I don’t touch anyone. And here begins the siren of emergency situation. It is never funny such a sirene, which voices on our entire AND area, and, in the current situation, can even signal military actions. I was scared, looking out the window. I don’t have a telephone to know what it is. I started breaking the internet. And here is what I found on

“Before the start of the “Hody of Glory” at 10:15, the entire region will stop and honor the memory of the dead in the ATO zone with a minute of silence, and the service of the HCS of the region will turn on its syrene. The signal, which usually symbolizes an emergency, on this day will be a symbol of respect for the heroes of the country, who gave their lives for the future.

ppp: they would still have an air parade from bombers immediately after the syrene launched - it would be fun at all.

[ + 11 - ] Comment quote №102090
I drink, you drink, we drink, you drink
A disappointing class.
It came about Russia.
The story...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №102089
I look at the unknown strawberries, bought by my favorite in the store.
I ask :
What is it?
In response to the whole apartment is distributed
E-e-e-o-o sparring a-a!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102088
Men mourn complaining about their half-dead chickens.
Men lie, however, as always, rushing and canyoning to get under the shirt of another fool. Oh-oh, my wife doesn’t give me half a year, and she doesn’t understand at all, but here’s you! Other women pretend to act if they really need sex.
Being the mistress of a married man is not good. But if there are few good men? I didn’t hear about his wife. And when I saw and talked, I almost fell from the chair - a smart, beautiful, with humor! She would fuck her! In general, we’ve been friends... And he’s shy as he rotates on a bowl, scared... well him!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №102087
This smart man:
A good (normal in all parameters) LED costs from 250-300 rubles, but most will not be able to distinguish a good LED from a bad one.I had to test the bulbs of some office "Finish"(not so, but you will see and understand.I roll the lamp into the basement, turn on and I have the stripes in my eyes gone.I softened that it was fun with the pulse at the lamp.I checked the device and the record - 146%(no joke) coefficient.pulsation.I sell LEDs, I am interested in people to know how to choose the bulbs consciously.Why?) Because I only sell what I am ready to screw / install and install / screw myself home and my parents.Lifehack on the choice of LEDs:you will be in Ashan or Ikea or elsewhere, check.The phone in photo modedirect to the light source...see the bands (in most cases)...the width and frequency of these bands and there is an em...visualization of the pulse rate.One phone look at different bulbs...Especially different manufacturers in one price category and one power) Of course, you can not determine the digital value without experience, but see the difference - quite.If it is interesting, write in a comment...I will continue on the economic component)
You, shit, say what is better: wide stripes or narrow!!! The water is half water and so much zero!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102086
QQQ: And you don’t have to put cars in, blocking someone out, blocking pedestrian paths, or filling playgrounds at all. On the grass, yes, you have to put it. There is no need for grass.

AAA: And where, forgive me, to walk the dogs?

ZZZ: On the roof of cars! One problem solves another.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102085
I will join.

I am 76. I use the internet without my grandchildren. How do they say, what am I doing wrong?

Don’t have to excuse yourself, don’t worry. These “usveris” still think that inets have been found in cabbage.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102084
Well, I came to work after honey in the clinic. Do you think I know and can do it? Yes to Nifia! When he studied, as something interesting - whispers: "Remove the students!"" Moreover, the patients are crying, and the doctors persuade them to give them a look. Manipulations were not allowed to do, the second assistant only held the hook. Doctors are lacking everywhere, the clinic even takes the 3rd course, only to close the holes, even for the summer, at least one area to close. The nurse is a 45-year-old aunt, for me two weeks did everything herself, showed and told. A surgical nurse. Shamefully yes. Where to go? Everywhere is so. It is easier to grasp a dissertation than to learn to work with your hands.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102083
Because somebody will be offended, and somebody will remain without sex.
Only frigid fools use ‘sex deprivation’ as punishment. Only fools are involved in this manipulation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna