— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №9074
I bought a monitor today at 22". It turned out that the desk wasn’t so bad for me.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9073
Olego: Close to friends are like this: let’s say a girl cheats on a guy, he’s such an ideological entertainer, the soul of the company, an unbounded. She likes it and enjoys it. Then the feelings, the whole hearth, and for some reason she begins to destroy it in it, to suppress it. His joyfulness and thirst for fun to spend time is already for her stupidity, childhood. He yields, breaks, becomes stagnant - now he is boring for her. Is this the spirit of contradiction?

Olego: Why suppress in him what caused her to pay attention to him? Explain to me like a aunt.

Jamaica: yeah yeah yeah, I can’t explain it with all my desire.

Jamaica: The word

Olego: (12:08:53 15/08/2008)
And it begins: "you have nothing to do there with them", "stay at home", "how do you behave at all?"

Olego explains it!

Jamaica: No

Olego is quick!

Olego: I will destroy half the women of the planet at the molecular level!

My finger is on the button!

Jamaica: Okay, okay...because the idiots are stupid.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №9072
<< How is life?
>> ooh, the options of the mass, in life everything is okay, recently aunt Natasha became )))

<< Aunt and aunt! It sounds proud! What is the name of a nephew?

<< Congratulations to you!

lil_calamity >> thank you, and the miracle of nature named Nikon

<< An ancient Russian name. In my opinion, very much in Christianity and the church gives this name!

Tio << But still great

lil_calamity << named after the camera

<< Eye... ))) are you burning, comrades!!! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №9071
<Jane> throw in the ass!
<Jane> and
<Jane> not that
<Jane> Go to the fuck!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9070
Intelligent people say no more than 10% of what they think, but fools think.

Not more than 10% of what they say.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №9069
At work, not only with me, but also with contractors-suppliers.

Call from them:

“Hello, my name is Alexander. I was told you were 31.

Are you going to send the goods to us in July?”

I: “Yes, it’s on Thursday, July 31.”

Supplier: “Are you able to come on July 32th, as your materials

We’ll only arrive in two days.”

I: "Unfortunately 32 I can't come to you because on Friday in Peter

Lots of traffic on the way out of town. What if I arrive on July 36th?

“On Monday?”

Supplier: “We would have done it.”

Indeed, compromise is a big thing. No need to call sometimes.

Things by their names.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №9068
It's hard to hope for the best when you go on vacation to do

The repair.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9067
T_T: At the benifice of Petrosyan, a paralyzed boy stood up and left.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №9066
My breasts have grown!! to
Oh you, you are that!! to
Well, in the sense of pumping)))))
Don’t be scared anymore...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9065
ppc two weeks as a driver, and already at work I try to open the cabinet from the brake))

I am sitting in the chair.)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9064
Let’s, cat, that you dream of pony that eat rainbow and catch butterflies.
I hug you tightly, kiss you gently.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9063
Don’t you want to go to the club?
Myth of money
Evgenius fucking))) you have done the job)
Myth Yes
Myth and what? I instantly got the money...
I still have a month before my salary.
EvGenius o) Immediately it is visible from the speech that a person has arranged for work )))

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9062
If in the market, passing past the tent with hats to pour seeds on them, then hops will start to peel out of the hats.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9061
I understood recently...
Love is when you write "I love, I love, I love, etc." without using ctrl+c.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №9060
I hate the status of Everyone!! (I wonder how many people will ask "why?")

Ksardas: And how much did he ask? =) is
Term1t: What are you talking about?
Ksardas: about the status
Term1t: :D :D :D everyone asks "how much asked?" *ROFL*

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №9059
We are sitting at the doorstep of the corner with a dumb dust! a friend lives alone! at night! a bell at the door... my friend:
There is a spindle:
Pay me for the washing!
The response of this two-meter spire (friend) killed me:
No adult is at home and closes the door.
The boy was in shock...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9058
[00:42:23] <LoveEgoist> no, I will wait for you coworker))
[00:43:03] <Psycho...> mmm... thank you my madmuazel... you are so kind... I am touched to the depths of my heart by your indulgence... thank you
[00:44:18] <Love Egoist> not worth thank you Messie...I am so polished by your attention that these few minutes will not cause me any inconvenience
[00:46:28] <Psycho...>hhmm... I hope those moments when your breaths will participate and your body will timidly and convulsively beat in my hands, when I will burn your body with my hot breath and passionate kisses... appear to you eternity.
[00:47:21] <Love Egoist> I seem to have thrown out a book with novels...
Psycho... sorry, but I found your book in the garden... following the smell of your ghosts, I stumbled upon it... and blatantly crumbled in the bushes on that scratched book... a thousand devils! Madame to Madame! You made me crazy!!! to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №9057
Mark: You probably have a lot of brakes in your chat? I am right?
Dream Girl: In the sense of brakes?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9056
For the third week there is no hot water.Today I pulled out a young apple from the seed hole of the shell.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9055
Listen to.............
Yesterday I and a friend walked over Brest at night. The situation: 2 o'clock at night. I wanted sweets. Only a pharmacy nearby. We enter:
- and you have.... - the seller smiles sweetly and understandably -.... HEMATOGEN!.... you would see her face!and :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna