— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №8588
BlackScorpionTM (22:27:00 4/08/2008)
You know I really get scared for our demographic situation in the country, when I have been lazy for a week on our local hub in scattered folders of more than a hundred people do not find porn... I see all the anime clips and music but do not find porn. And even more scary when I go into the folder of distribution really there I see the distribution in the folder "photo we are in nature " I find a photo of them in nature and nobody drinks in the photo even beer... maybe I missed something in life......

B®@t!$hk@ (22:27:49 4/08/2008)
Everyone looks different from you and doesn’t look like you. :D

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №8587
Sochi, I want to go there.
I: hehe, if it does, it will be great at all)
Let’s spend money on bananas!! to
I: You’re going to pay me for sex? 😉
KSI is stupid!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8586
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I finally got it!! They gave me!! to
XXX: Well, it doesn’t really matter.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! The name of this heroine should be known to the whole country!
xxx: I think it was a pumped hairy man from Tajikistan... he gave me hot water... :D
I am happy!!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №8585
aaa: Found hentai with subtitles O_O, dreams of the deaf =))))
BBB: Is Hentai meaningful?
aaa: no, I quote "aaaaaa, bite me!"
Issue of :rofl:

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №8584
From Asha

Avoid... Healthy. Are you here?
Or are you like the shadow of Father Hamlet? All day, like here, and like not.

I am not a shadow. I am the Father. Elijah left this morning. has not yet returned.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №8583
You went to Natasha yesterday.
I: I know
He: I am asking?
I don't know fucking you will understand.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8582
The quote:
"AQuaRity ‎ (19:50):
I remembered the biggest boost I’ve seen in the game.

AQuaRity ‎ (19:51):
The Pirate Myst 4

AQuaRity ‎ (19:52):
When you click the "Enable Subtitles" button, it gives out "Subtitles ONLY IN Dutch. Do you need it?and "

AQuaRity ‎ (19:53):
And no shit is included)))"

The biggest subtitle is when in the e-book REB 1100 you press the key with the picture of the note, and the message falls on the screen "the developers of REB 1100 wanted to incorporate a mp-3 player, but they failed".

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №8581
Technical support, customer call:
The network administrator, Alexey, I listen to you.
The customer: Hi! Oh I figured out! Thank you very much, goodbye. Hanging the Telephone

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №8580
Kittie: Have you ever tried to chew yourself? Every one of us probably has such a strange grandfather or grandmother who will only stretch hands to you, and you are already laughing. But even if you sit with your hand under your mouse for ten days, you will never laugh. Somehow, your ankle knows that it’s your hand.
Pyatach0k: Thank God, although other parts of the body are not so smart...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №8579
Review of the Mummy 3:

This is the thoughtful dialogue between the two newly smoked writers:

Now attention: our group of adventurers crashes into the evil narrow-eyed mummy and its accomplices, and then falls under a snow lava. Who will save them?
and Yeti!
What else is it, fucking, Yeti?! to
Ordinary, shit and yeti.
It is genius!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №8578
(31st July (1st August eclipse)
Tomorrow at 2 o’clock I should get up at the theater square and say repent, my children.
Then I began to cry out to the sky that it would be covered with darkness.
The hardest thing is to run away from the psychic for half an hour before it gets dark.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №8577
xxx: I just thought when I came and recorded the image on the disk, asked her pictures to print them on it, recorded all the movies on the disks, printed on them, put on this Linux, released space on the screws... but after all, I just came to the room behind the player so that the potatoes were not boring to clean.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №8576
XXX is

XXX is
Suitable for aunt.
XXX is
Something says
XXX is
I am with the garment.
XXX is
I ask
XXX is
Do you want to rest?
XXX is
I am dumb
XXX is
It is so in terms of sex.
XXX is
I apparently looked so that she was offended and ran away in the subway.
What kind of aunt?
XXX is
HZ for 30
You look fucking.)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №8575
College, first class... We go with our classmates to a shop for vodka and beer. The damaging seller is very interested in whether we are 18 years old without talking about 21... Behind us is a man of some kind of grit boy all okay I will take vodka for you... Well, if we bought him money, he bought vodka... near the store gives and with a kind voice like this.
Go to sleep, kids.
We have never been so ashamed.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №8574
Well, why do I live in a city, from where the main number of launches of the latest space installations are made, from where they monitor everything that flies in our space.... but in the whole city is just a modem innet??????? to

The cry of the soul)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8573
I need your advice as a lawyer. I left my ex, she loses me things (what can be done with legal so-called).? to
And cursed her.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8572
Prehistory: Drunk at a friend in Golyanovo. We walked, we returned to her in the courtyards, time somewhere at 12 at night I get up behind the garages to suck.

She: Fight, there is a man on our side.
I: Fuck, Masha, you are paranoid again!
She: No, normal, this is a tree!
I: Fuck, it would be better for a man to come to us than a tree.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №8571
You are not lucky.

The second half is bad.

T Virys

T Virys
Sitting alone is not comfortable.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №8570
“BELOMOR” Blah on the TNT screenshot say where Sobchak races running with a horse... Interestingly she understands where is the base?
“Alexstor” and horses don’t care who to run with.
Alexa will feed her.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8569
SEDDAY: On the weekend we went to the drone here, Masha gave a fuck. I had a hysterical laugh.
Seventh: he said two sentences in a short dream:
1st Suspiciously unique
2nd They fight for every centimeter of sandwich. There will be wars.
I was fucking fucking fucking. 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna