— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №35727
The situation from the category "I am a small orange"

At 5 a.m. we went out for a beer.
He approaches the tent, looks at it and speaks.
"Hello, do you have a strong point?"

The seller rattled.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №35726
Department of Japanese, Korean, Indonesian and Mongolian languages
What exactly there?
I can read the inscriptions.)

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №35725
1: And you imagine it’s a bed that doesn’t fold.)
This is the couch, and it folds!
You have no drop of imagination.
But in you is a sea of lazyness.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №35724
It was today. The manager approaches the designer and asks to scan the act with the stamp to send to the client electronically. And the second copy extends - "He must also, they must also sign the second copy and send us".

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №35723
from the football forum (discussing the loss of the Russian national team):
Volchek68: The feeling that our stars on those angry fees that they pay, the whole crowd put themselves in golden eggs... Horribly expensive, incredibly chic, amazingly beautiful... but wildly hinder to play!and "

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №35722
No matter what you say, but such a tough competition with the state no bandit in our country will withstand.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №35721
The Judge. Evening promenade on the coast. Standing near the attraction.
Check the power of the blow. To the wall is attached a fun cowboy with a round, thick blade. Over the blade, red numbers - the force of the blow in kg. Advertising on the wall:
“Whoever has a hit force of 400 kg receives a prize – a bottle of champagne.” On average, the public hit two hundred kilograms. At the edge of my ear I hear a conversation of the owner of the attraction with his employee:
Are there only two bottles of champagne? Where is the third?
Yes, the man here won one, he hit 670 kilograms.
Are you chasing Vasa? Meaning of winning? Do you know how to repent? I am
He taught you: For example, someone hit, someone weighed 420 kg, you rub.
You hit 420, and you should have 400, so you don’t get champagne.
Come back to us... Are you stupid, Vasya? It has always been!
“Viktor Petrovich, if he hit 420 kg, I would have told him, no.
The question. But how would I rub a man who has a 670 kg stroke?

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №35720
After 15 years of service as a priest in the parish of Father Pasquale was organized a farewell evening. One famous politician was invited to deliver a short solemn speech. The politician was late, and the priest decided to say a few words to his herd to take the time.
“My first impression of the community came from the first confession I heard here, and I thought. The archbishop sent me to a terrible place.
The first person who confessed told me that he stole television and money from his parents, robbed at work, had fascinating intimate relationships with his boss’s wife, and sometimes sold drugs. At the end of the day, he admitted that he infected his sister with a sexually transmitted disease. I was shocked and shocked. But over time I met with the rest of the parishioners and saw that not everyone was like that – I saw people who were good and responsible.
This is how I spent 15 years of my career as a priest.
Then there was a politician who had to make a long-awaited speech.
Apologizing for the delay, he began, “I will never forget the day our priest first appeared here. I was lucky to be the first to confess to him.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №35719
Today, XX.XX.XX, from 19:00 to 02:00 XX.XX.XX will be carried out works on the transfer of optical cables.

During this period, the services of telephone communication (city numbers of the type 460-XH-XH) and data transmission provided by the company "XXXXXX" will not work.

If you have any questions, contact us by telephone: 460 YY YY, 460 XX XX.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №35718
When I write to a developer who is very busy with any question on Skype – then I see him writing, then wiping – I get the impression that he first writes everything he thinks of me, then wipes and then writes the answer.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №35717
In our office, the pencil is often thrown, kleptomania is terrible.
The controller tied the pen to the keyboard, so she left with her.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №35716
The dishes can not be washed in principle. We only have to wait for the civilization to clean up the ecosystem.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №35715
From the news:
The hunter of a ghost train shot down by a real train

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №35714
Casey_Casey: Illush, help me
Onotoleonide: what do you need?
Casey_Sasey: I have a local disk c at 40 gigabytes, d at 120, what operating system do I have?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №35713
<Radz> Can I play Final Fantasy 7 again?
<spiderbait> No one stops you
<Radz> Although in this case I will be unavailable for the next 90 hours :(
<payne> play
<spiderbait> play
<xCell> play

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №35712
xxx: Noah, shash son of Prosneccio, I will have to play with him in games "I will spit out all that you so hard cooked" " see how I can fall and hit my head", and "and no-ka take food from the dog dish" :)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №35711
Commentary on the article on vessels intended for the laying of fiber-optic channels on the ocean floor.

Inshower: Here you look at all this pompiously and think that under the high-tech protective layers run bits, which then magically turn into porn. Why in porn? I don’t know, but it’s getting hot. Thanks to you sailors!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №35710
Should acts committed by force be considered unnatural and therefore undesirable?
Write a cursor and not a noy.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №35709
1: to remove a lawyer from the collection, put another
2nd was Nikolai! He is a good coach and will be afraid.
If they fight against Moses, they will fear him too.
Both must be put, one cuts, the other punishes.)

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №35708
XXX is
And how though. Curiosity and stupidity – a strong cocktail
This is a drink of youth! :)
XXX is
Unfortunately, many remain faithful to him throughout their lives.
Some of them fall into chemistry and physics textbooks.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna