— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36647
I went to the village to my grandmother. I walk down the central street of this village, looking on the asphalt with a cradle, some of the children, translating the number 256 into a binary system of numbering. I almost fell there. At that time, I was playing Dandy.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36646
Yesterday at 1.45 p.m. on clicks of the mouse in the computer responded only two buttons "off" and "off". after wishing a wise technique of a peaceful night, I went to bed at 2 o'clock at night, for the first time (!) Two weeks before 4 in the morning. There was only one question in my head - was it a one-time action, from my computer, or will the command hour be introduced? ( by

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36645
Yes, I feel sympathy.

Alexander: I am slowly beginning to sympathize with you, smoothly penetrating your sorrow, and gently as unobtrusively pity you.

Faith: Exciting Compassion

Alexander: Then I abruptly remove the shadow of sorrow from my face, I rub your sorrow on you and I touch the very essence of your problem!

Name: Oommm

I bite my lips.

Alexander: With thoughts, I can silence your pain, I understand concentratedly how hard it is for you, it pulses in your head - God, how hard it is!

Fuck how beautiful it is.

Faith: A

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №36644
< dude> I want to sleep
< black and white> strong
< black and white> on the beach
< puppy> on the sidewalk
< puppy> under the umbrella
< Dry Beer > with Cold Beer
< black and white> with a girlfriend
< black and white> in beach trousers
< thumb> thumb> thumb>
The dream-drummer raised his head up
<MaZze> and that is not a galactic?
< thumbnail> this is vulgar
< dude> and I need a romance
< eighty-five-year-old> with a whistle, as it is not romantic...
<@juriy> well something romantic on him
<@juriy> bandit, for example

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №36643
Tamara.J: Well, I went to the magician here... I promised that thinking about me would be narrowed, it would dry out all and run away like a cute... and what to do, in love and war, like a gritz)
Natashik: hi, I know the way is easier / cheaper / faster / more reliable! I sell it cheap :)
Tamara.J: Knowing’re throwing up the shit as usual (but...the means are, cry and cry!
Borrow money from him. very much. Do not give. He’ll want to see you, you’ll kiss him, and in the worst case, you’ll realize your erotic fantasy about muscular and aggressive guys at home.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №36642
On the news tape:
"17 people will fight for the post of President of Belarus"

Ugu, the last survivor will personally fight with his father... before this passing through a cage with lions, a cage with crocodiles and a swimming pool with sharks...

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36641
Today on the way to work raised the mood of a genius who wrote on the stretch of the building materials store:
Away with thirst!! to
There is a board for sale.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36640
He (14:42:08 24/09/2010)
The cat wants a kiss - annoyed

She (14:42:19 24/09/2010)
A kiss wants a cat.

ON (14:42:28 24/09/2010)
Tagged with: +1

She (14:42:37 24/09/2010)
The cat doesn’t want a kiss anymore. 😉

ON (14:42:56 24/09/2010)
Mmm as you can see :D

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №36639
The high speed internet!!! to
WOW: What happened?
I put on a new series of Dr. House, I thought I would sit down to teach electromechanics while I was in Kachaeco.
I think I should go to the toilet before...
I’m coming, and she’s already jumping!! to
Do you want me to give you a diagnosis?
Oh yeah, let’s...
You’ve been in the bathroom for too long. You will never give up an electromechanic, so you will go to the army.
In the army, they love shit. And finally you’ve eaten when you complain about the high speed.
You are a chronic dolphin.
I’d say you’re right, but you’re right, snooker :)

[ + 70 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36638
In the city chat:

I went to work today and I broke one of my pants ;-).
BBB: Do you go to work in the hooks? O_O
You are going to work: O_O
GG: Are you going? O_O

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №36637
After another night trip in the train came the thought that it was time to divide the wagons into for the snoring and for the non-snoring.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №36636
XsanDr777F (23:29:32 26/09/2010)
How it is funny and stupid.

XsanDr777F (23:29:49 26/09/2010)
But I walked a spoon on our rough pearl (

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №36635
I’m going home by three aunts walking peacefully with their little sweaters. Here a cat runs. The trail, it’s clear, is behind her. Aunt in turn begins to recall her sons: Masyanya to me. Must be here. And here is the last striking voice: Anton!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36634
The Czech restaurant Pilsner does not accept black waiters.
Because there is beer – a black goat.

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36633
Joker (13:19:14 27/09/2010)
fucking fucking
Joker (13:19:16 27/09/2010)
All the babies are terrible.
Sergey (13:19:26 27/09/2010)
E to?
Joker (13:19:36 27/09/2010)
Did I not tell you?
Joker (13:19:38 27/09/2010)
I bought glasses.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №36632
Are the lawyers familiar?
S_Style: what right interests
Conflict with the employer is what right?
S_Style : the fortress)))

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36631
Competition for the best car aerography. There is a discussion of a blue car with an aircraft depicted on it.
Comments to Photos:

1: Not very with the color of the car combines! What a wat!! to

2: and really, who guessed combining airplanes, aviation with the blue color, the color of the sky???? to
Do you even understand what you wrote? Maybe it is jealousy? Or is it a custom black piar, a competitive car? Or just a jump? Funny post in general!

3: and I have cherry cherries painted on the cherry machine. No one can see them, but they are perfectly combined with the color of the car!

4: I saw this car with cherries, it looks cool!)))))))))))))))

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №36630
From the forum about "cool numbers":
X: Even today I saw the ninth with a white print on the back of the glass—a large scorpion. Who knows what it means: small but biting, or something else?
Y: This means that the driver can’t see anyone from behind.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36629
What do you have to do with the avatar?
Ghost: This is me
Jordan: A

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №36628
Does anyone want to buy a computer?
YYY: How much do you give?
XXX: I’ll pay for 9, but I’ll pay for 6. Giga operations, screws for 120, fourth pen, and other for two, sound and outdoors are good.
Zzzz: He is hiding something.
Yes, to hide, the power button doesn’t work.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna