— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35527
XXX: The summer has passed. It was autumn. anabolic depression pulls on feats, on travel, on action, on 5 conditionally.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №35526
in the animal world. Preamble: I go to the store, in the store, the stumbling, growing into a whistle - the owners in the store, the breed of dogs misses the bond. In the store at the box, behind me is a dialogue between a boy and a girl:
D (with a peculiar compassion in the voice):
– You hear, our lap voices, maybe you’ll go to her, and I’m here?
Q: Will it be with her? Not small, it’s time to get used to it!! to

I leave the store, around the dog 4 cows, the fifth is already actively engaged in the continuation of its kind:))
As they say, the curtain - Well, someone will definitely be with a lapotka)))

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35525
The most effective contraceptive this summer is the absence of air conditioning.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №35524
O great and mighty force of surface tension! Thank you for helping me not shed coffee on my laptop!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №35523
Max: I write to the bank "Please increase the loan limit by 1.5 times". Answer "Specify the reason". I am "not enough" I have increased :-)

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №35522
Kay: Today I witnessed two guys in the store telling the girl to take a bag, motivated by the fact that she can buy a new package every day for the same money for the whole year!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №35521
Udarnik: I didn’t say the main thing yet, they also lowered the tone:)))

The keyboard: [censored] ahah How is the solitaire? Did not hang? It is time...

The idea was to lower him. Nothing, after a year, solo and rhythm will play on bass, and the bassist on the infrasound signal generator))

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №35520
A bright shape without content does not bloom for long.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №35519
On my birthday, my grandfather’s wife, my grandmother, ultimately said, “Let’s get no more! In the name of your grandson’s childhood!!“”
The grandfather, surprisingly, easily agreed, poured out the remaining half of the bottle with white, and then took it out of the house and finally started a bottle to drink for my eighteen, when "childhood will end."
My eighteen years we met without my grandfather - did not live, although later one day my grandmother remembered that some rituals had taken place, only where and what - did not know.

And here I am under a half-cake, a day ago I found this bottle, with "the same" cognac, breaking the sludge in the bar in the country. Printed letters touchingly displayed on the label "48th birthday, grandchildren!". A little mistaken grandfather, one drawing, but how wonderfully guessed - in a week "the same" birthday!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №35518
The editor of the newspaper, who allowed the stamp in the title of the article about the trip of the prime minister "Putin on K. Alin" was fired

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №35517
How do you live alone, single?
Kolyan: Yes, so the first month was lying on the top of the ass and the necklace did not do it, and the stitch went into the work... tomorrow is the day of the village where I have a house, I will go to the buchan, a little bit of a young cane :)
Better older than 50!
Well, everyone’s own, someone older and for $50, and someone younger and for that :)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №35516
Q: Have you seen the new full form of our military?
See also: NED
HHH: I have seen it. It was painted in painting and then enlarged so that the pixels were large.
there is a dull background and on it small squares of different colors, applied by a paint sprayer
Yudaskin tried and applied nanotechnology o_0

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №35515
Today at 11:19
Well then okay! Today we have prof. Day of the Oilman. This is where the young man is dragging into the old lady’s cock.

Today at 11:21
Of course, I congratulate you! I wish you a fun rest! Have you ever seen oil at least once in your life?

Today at 11:24
Well from where! But I saw gasoline exploding in an empty 60-ton tank. Like a burning oil poured out on the earth. My father was a oil worker in the past. So I can probably consider myself to be applauded to this profession.

Maybe you can count! Then don't forget to congratulate me in a month on Teacher's Day, because as I was studying in school, my mother taught for many years, and how many teachers for her life I saw... not remember all!! Some even fuck! So be sure to congratulate you!!! to

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №35514
Mike: in the net found a funny reproach of the manufacturer / seller regarding morally outdated equipment: "produced since 1990, the device passed the test of time"!!! to

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №35513
The server. It doesn’t work with VOV and SK2. Tragedy and discussion:

X: Blizzard saves the world, the servers are blown up, no way comrades, go with the girl go for a walk or find her for yourself!
Y: It’s more stupid to say that and it’s not possible...I’d like to walk with a girl I’d go for a walk with a girl...and I’d like to fill a rhetoric!!by 1111

c) RRock

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №35512
On the road under the Krasnodar collided KamAZ and Milkovoz. There was a kilometre blockade.
The victims of the accident became thousands of cats who wiped their tongues on the asphalt. and xD)))

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №35511
The number is knocked in the aska.
Hi, do you remember me?
2 is yes. You are a bot.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №35510
[20:57:48] <Fokc> swallow the ass
[20:57:53] <Fokc> and sounds in Japanese
[20:57:57] <Fokc> and grows fucking everywhere

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35509
by z2or3k:
Heroes of Sword and Magic:
The Ventilator Week is over.
We have a week of heating. Increase of Heaters twice and +10 to degrees on the air conditioner.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №35508
We sent today an electronic form from a higher organization (which is engaged in computerization of schools of the region) to fill in the format xlsx. We do not have a 2007 office. I asked them to send these files in XLS format. I get the answer:
I will send it by fax.
And they were expelled!and (

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna