— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №35407
Pavliq: Listen, how can I make everyone see me and not one? I worked here alone. Fucking how?
Add it to the list of invisibles
Pavliq: stupid like this? Fuck you understand.
MM: the right button on the contact to add to the list of failures
Pavliq: thank you very much
Poppy is offline

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №35406
Wolf> I generally suggest to make a set of Lada Kalina Putin edition

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №35405
Solo Max (17:28:21 1/09/2010)
In the Saratov region, a tank struck a bus....Pizdec, someone in the GTA IS PLAYING WHAT?? to

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №35404
I woke up at 11 a.m. and still don’t need to go to inst. I go out on the balcony, I look, the student comes home, with flowers...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №35403
thx (13:22:22 1/09/2010)
I can't understand - it's okay to support the Russian automotive industry, if he doesn't need it himself?
yyy (13:22:51 1/09/2010)
This is a game, gambling.
yyy (13:23:03 1/09/2010)
The One-Handed Bandit
yyy (13:23:32 1/09/2010)
billions of dollars, and eventually
yyy (13:23:42 1/09/2010)
But the fox fascinates.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №35402
The topic of shit in the car remained a secret for me and thank God. True friend joked anywhere, a shy man... opened two doors on the side and let me hide... and I quietly drive the car forward... he is a goose, sprinkling the stool and a mother – he follows me... (c) green

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №35401
Martalex: In the first week of September in the Roman Catholic parishes of the country will be held the consecration of school supplies
Martalex: the timetable is dedicated to the seals.
Thupik: I will not go.
You are given 4 in the exam.
Martalex: and you "and I’ve got the metropolitan’s inquiry". and look at the teaching as if he were committing a mortal sin.
Thupik: not riding
Thupik: This is physics.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №35400
Yyy: I’ve got one: I eat so much after sex that it’s just ppc. Today I and my whole refrigerator probably melted) There and cabbage cakes went on)
xxxh: "go on" is it, I hope, in the food?

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №35399

Only a true Russian can open the balcony at night because it is hot, and then hide with a blanket because mosquitoes.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №35398
Who Pingged Ulan Bator?
YYY: Well I am.
No more your Ulan Bator.

(from internal correspondence of technical support of one of the master providers)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35397
I want to be cremated!
I’ll burn it for the last time 😉

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №35396
[diamant] A girlfriend came to her wife, she plays with our York, she licked her dogs in the face, she kissed her dog in the mouth - oh what a sweet, oh what a sweet.
[diamant] then grit like this: chatta he smells like you
[diamant] and I am her: and this he was on the floor, and I stumbled his mouth in the sassy

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №35395
It was wrong to call September 1 the Day of Knowledge.
I should have called it Internet Liberation Day.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №35394
When I put my hand on the refrigerator pen, my cat falls into trance, her eyes expand, and in them a running line: FALL COLLABAS! Falling the collar!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №35393
x: okay, fuck it, on the mineral, on the salt... but on the fig on the toilet paper to write "No GMO"?!!! to
U: so it can be used in the production of sausages without GMOs :)

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №35392
xxx: suddenly the speed of the internet became as stated in the contract.
Look at the calendar 😉
At the end of the day, the school will finally take it.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №35391
From the online game forum
Does it make sense to change the dreamcatcher to an exorcist?
No, no, I am going to school in the morning.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35390
<[Real]muskus> well, again: "I have a problem, timely put 900r". Somewhere the obaltus grows, thinking of me as a mother, and he is up again. and sadness*
<scarabay> [Real]muskus: and you will break his dream of mother? How cruel you are.
<[Real]muskus> scarabay: As a wise mother, I can’t deprive my child of the opportunity to rise on the solid ground of financial independence on his own.
Scarabay is delighted: what a nobleness!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №35389
heard on the beach.

A five-year-old girl wrapped a toy horse in a shirt.

Grandma: It is very hot. Christine, give me a cloth.
D: He is on a horse.
Why is he a horse? She is not alive.
D: She is alive.
B: I am still alive.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №35388
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am I! And the rope? And why is there no contact, Mommy is worried.

YYY: So you can smoke, drink beer and fuck at home, but you can’t fuck on the internet?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna