— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154918
Grandma, where is my icons?
On anthrax.
What is Antresol?
What is Icos?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №154917
If anyone had told me this, I’t believe there were such people.

And most importantly, they are so proud of their trick that they rush to boast about their feats.

A friend promised me to help, but first I needed to help him, take him for a moment, to work, and then he will be free all day.  Bringed and so that I wasn’t so bored to wait in the car, we went to the house together. Maybe the hole I will give him, the matter will go faster, we will be freed faster.  Construction in a private house, work different brigades, different directions in different rooms, all do their own. To accept from each final work and pay, why the friend and came, to finish - to surrender, to receive payment.

I help to get faster, a friend tells me what to do, I run from room to room to check that everything is okay. The owner stands in the room and watches. Then he asks me to leave his shoulder bag in the room. So that she doesn’t bother me while I’m running there, here.

In my bag I have money, documents, car keys, how to throw it in a strange house with a stranger? Polite refused, said that let him hang, it does not bother me. And he responds.

"And you're a good guy, you don't throw the bag... And before you I had a sanitary brigadier, I came to launch the boiler. He left and dropped his bag on the table. I looked there, and there were the money cuts lying.  And he took three thousand from him, and with him he paid with his money.  It is his own fault. The horse! It went great.”

And rushing, pleased with yourself. I found nothing to answer. My friend prepared everything, gave up the job.

He paid as agreed. And we left. On the way, he told the owner’s story.

His friend immediately put him on the blacklist of his mobile phone. said

“Better not to deal with bad people.”

And I totally agree with him.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154916
My father ran away from work and turned on the TV. Repeat a football match. I laid a cup of beer on the table.

And I was first class in the first shift, I watched the match on the air and I said to him:

Our team will lose 2-0.

I had to wash the floor in the apartment twice.

I do not like spoilers.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154915
A call from an unknown number. I take. The male voice in the tube: "The boss is dead", and immediately goes to some work issues. I suddenly wake up, trying to catch out which boss is talking about. I ask.

It turned out that he had such a name - Died.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №154914
There was a foolish seller in the box.

He always made a plan. The management decided to look at his work.

In the morning, he comes to the office, opens the telephone directory at the place where he stopped the day before and tumblingly calls the list:

Do you need tubes? No is? Sorry I am sorry.

Just like a machine.

He listened and then asked:

Have you tried to change something?

What for example?

For example, ask, “What about your acquaintance?”

– Oh! It is an idea! The manager said.

The following month it doubled sales.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154913
What is a good discussion about nothing? There is no need to summarize at the end.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154912
The real story.
This happened in the metro of the "cultural capital" ten or fifteen years ago.
Whether she noticed a group of Roma descending on the escalator in the subway, or if she complained of passengers, but she took a microphone and announced: "At the station a Roma camp, be careful." Nothing unusual at all. Simple human care for passengers.

The Gypsies disappeared. They are not in the first. But there was a fighter for rights, one of those who pray, the forehead is broken, who learned about it and went to complain to everyone in a row: the press, the management of the metro, except that he didn't have time to get to the sportlot. To say, racism, humiliation of human dignity on a national basis, etc., with all the stops. The management of the metro responded that it conducted an investigation, resolved. Yes, such a case had occurred. There was nothing offensive or degrading in the announcement. Moreover, it urged citizens to be careful and sensitive, so that the passengers do not unintentionally break the subtle mental balance of the representatives of the people who suffered from the tsarist and Soviet regimes, and still suffer from the future, shamelessly left without supervision things or unconsciously displayed jewelry of yellow metal. Well, if human rights activists think that calling a person a Roma is the same as calling him a thief and a fraudster... So sorry, this is just racism.

Sorry, sorry, there was no such thing, the pen itself wrote as it should be, if in the place of the leader a decent and courageous man. But unfortunately, in reality, everything is as usual: than advocating for your honest employee, it is easier to go to the cause of the throatmen and not to hit your head with such little things. The guard was deprived of the prize, it was that an explanatory work on respect for minorities was carried out.
Unfortunately, such a harsh prose of life.

However, thankful passengers... No, not passengers, of course, simply, whether on the forum, or in the subway enthusiasts community, when discussing this story, someone whispered that it would be good to compensate for the loss of the prize... Word for word, and they collected money, managed to find that duty and pass.
It was enough for the bouquet.
It is a bull.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154911
What kind of cocktail is this?
This is the coconut urine.
The coconut doesn’t feel at all.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154910
When I was five or six years old, I first watched the movie "Bloody Sports".

One day, his father recorded this film, giving his friend, uncle Vite, an old cassette.

It was only after Van Damme and Bolo Yen went out to the match to fight in the final fight that there was a film interference and 3 healthy Negritos roasted a German on the couch. I wondered what these actors were, why they weren’t in the movie before. 😄😄 😄

This was my first #DasiFantastic#

Then my father and friends watched this tape under a beer. The father told his friends that it was his son’s favorite tape, but when the last battle began, I ran into my room ashamed and soon heard a loud roar from his company.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154909
I remembered this story when I heard the memories of the cake for classmates, which Sasha Gudkov told in the story show "Bleef". So in my post-Soviet childhood there were not many cookeries, and in those that were, the sales leaders were baked, sugar tongues and cake "Cartoshka". Therefore, we went to school tea drinks with home cakes. I won't say that my mom was a genius cook, but she only got one kind of baking cake from the sweet. By the third class, the uniformity in the form of these very pancakes was tired. So my mom decided to cook cake for my classmates.

I will remind you that the action takes place in the early 90s, my mother is not a cook at all, the recipes to get was difficult, and YouTube, with a lot of chefs, did not exist yet. In short, they survived as they could. I don’t know what a miracle, but my mom managed to get a recipe for the cake. A culinary masterpiece was done until late at night, because it was necessary to bring it to the class already in the morning. My mom managed to cook cakes, lubricate everything with a deficient condensate, cut the cake in the shape of a brick. The masterpiece was ready. The last action in the recipe was to cool the cake in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. It's me now, thanks to the chefs from YouTube, I realize that this way the shells were impregnated, and then this recommendation sounded strange. My mom thought the cake should be cold. Well, plus fatigue after work / cooking, in short, realizing that before leaving school only 5 hours, my mom decided to put the cake in the freezer and get it in the morning to cool off.

The refrigerator was good. The freezer was working properly. I am grateful to my mom for repairing the refrigerator. Within 5 hours the cake turned into a strong frozen brick. Cutting it was impossible, waiting for it to melt, too, was not possible. After breathing in, the mother sent the cake to the regular chamber of the refrigerator, said that the hell of such experiments and went to call the kitchen where her friend worked. In front of the school we went to pick up a paddle of cake. I told everyone that my mom did it, but the kitchen in the area was one and everyone knew that my mom was a bookkeeper, so they understood where the cakes came from. Although no one said anything. In the evening, we decided to try the cake. Mom pulled him out and he finally dissolved. For me, this is the most delicious cake. After all, he was the only one my mother prepared for my whole childhood. Taboo experiments in the kitchen mother removed only with the appearance of the grandson. Recently, they even baked pizza together and fed me with it.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №154908
There was a student with me in the group. At each session he always had a terrible crash, tails 5-6. Since the group was very friendly with us, we all tried to help him: we wrote labs, helped on all deliveries.

I once asked him why it happened, because he can do without a tail.

He replied, "You understand when I have a crash, a bunch of hassle and trouble, the countdown is silent... When I run and close my tails at the very last moment I feel the taste of life. Its fullness.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154907
The Altai Territory. Festival of Songs of the Author Powaliha-94. The festival was held on the lawn of the pine forest, near the abandoned pioneer camp. There was a small stage on the lawn, a place for spectators in front of it, and around, in picturesque chaos, tents were located. The toilet was only "J", he was in the forest away, and a path led to him. So, walking in search of a fire dryer, my friends and I found a broken statue of a gips pioneer. The statue had no legs below the ankle, hands and head. The sun was already sinking, and in the beginning of darkness the white statue looked terrible. We didn’t think of anything better than pulling her off to the woman’s toilet trail. Thro the night there were periodic whispers on that side and the noise of breaking branches was heard.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154906
As a police officer, we were often sent to help doctors. Mostly these were cases of hospitalization of drunk bullies, suicides and other everyday PNDs.

This time we also went to the ambulance. The patient is a middle-aged man, not bold, just absolutely unwilling to go anywhere with people in white coats. And here is the lady of the fieldsher, tired of conspiracies, kicks us, say your turn to conspire. The man, seeing this, begins to scream: "Don't approach, I have an open form of tuberculosis, I will start to care about you now!" I turn to the doctor and ask, “Isn’t this dangerous?“The doctor honestly says, ‘No, of course, it’s not dangerous,’ he gets out of his pocket and puts on a medical mask.

We persuaded the man to go to the hospital. I have become less confident with doctors.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154905
It is good to be a master! All things are afraid of you. All things are hidden, and you rest for your pleasure.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154904
A group of Chinese tourists during a tour of the Red Square found the body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the lawn and brought it to the Mausoleum.
In fact, on the lawn next to GUM was not Lenin, but the Moscovite Alexander Karlyšev, who earns money by photographing with tourists in the image of the leader of the world proletariat. Externally, he is very similar to Ilyich, and his suit and tie are tailored to Lenin's pattern taken from the photographs. After drinking a little with Stalin's double, Alexander went to rest, but then the Chinese noticed him. They decided that the perpetrators had kidnapped and thrown Lenin’s body, lifted it up and carried it with respect to the Mausoleum.
Employees of the Kremlin Command, who guard the Mausoleum, were extremely surprised when two dozen Chinese began to knock on the door of the graveyard. They were even more surprised to see what tourists were trying to bring into the mausoleum vestibule.
“I even sent a fighter to see if our Vladimir Ilyich was in place, so much his twin was similar. Then I tried to explain to the Chinese that this Lenin is not ours, but they did not understand Russian, and I do not speak Chinese. For half an hour, he tried to explain with them, then shrugged his hand and took Lenin under his responsibility," the commander told reporters.
Carlysheva was not given to the Chinese to enter the mourning hall of the Mausoleum. They laid him on the floor of the vestibule and, lowly worshiping the body, left. Waiting a few minutes, the officers put Lenin slightly trembling outside.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №154903
Men have only one thing in mind – not to extinct humanity.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154902
The seller is pleased:

My router is not working at all.

Included in the router?

I am stupid, but not so much. No, so much...

Short hips

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna