— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36447
When the elder sends a text message that the couple will not be, the soul becomes easier, although you did not plan to go to her.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №36446
The girl says:
"That's how I'm going to take and paint you a dolphin pen on white pants and see... (pause) what puzzles you're rolling me in!

Old Fox

[ + 62 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36445
Razr: I work as a manager for negotiating with corporate clients.
So today, it was necessary to make a very important call to a large firm, to sign a contract for a seven-digit amount.
And by tapping on the phone number, after the stings instead: "Good morning company is such a thing, such a thing." I heard "Alo bliaiaaaa...."
I could only answer this phrase: "Hear fucking...."
The funny thing is that the contract was signed.
The whole department.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №36444
Curs@nt (11:35:09 23/09/2010)
To burn her in hell))) For blondes

Caucasian Soviet (12:36:13 23/09/2010)
Is there a lot of technology?

Curs@nt (12:37:09 23/09/2010)
Oh.... and glossy journals on nuclear physics with images of Wassermann)))

Caucasian Soviet (12:37:22 23/09/2010)
Issue :D

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №36443
The case was in the late 1980s in the Pioneer camp. We had in the music room all summer while there was a camp resided the local shelter Kolyan. At the beginning of the first shift, he was given a bed. He attached her to the wall and it turned out that the whole bed to attach interferes with the balk which he decided to kiss. He probably found somewhere the dumbest tail. And for work. After half an hour of work the nerves of Kolyan began not to stand and he with every blow began to say to his tail what he thinks of him. At the same time, there was so much mate that the ears could not withstand such pressure. Here, a camp DJ somehow unnoticedly entered the music hall and saw this picture. He slowly turned on the amplifier and microphone and gently laid it on the floor to Knee in the room. Now the whole pioneer camp for half an hour heard Kolyan’s thoughts about the tail, its owner, and so on. and etc. These thoughts spread in a radius of two kilometers along the lake so that local fishermen even floated to calm Kolyan.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №36442
I came to the conclusion that drawing is more profitable than playing on forex)) on forex I lost the carpenter, and on drawing I did not earn anything)))))

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №36441
I: You know, I really wanted to have a cute face.

Leave a photo *

I: and it went crazy: "go to the side of evil, we have cookies"

Yes, there is no flow of cookies, there is a separate bathroom, heating, telephone, TV, refrigerator, bed, drink and snack.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36440
I'll admit, I don't like to be scattered with money too, and when I get acquainted with Thian, I suddenly become a miser, who eats a strawberry every day for breakfast. Now you can see what Tanya wants from you.
yyy: Grapefruit in our time is a sign of wealth :D
Zzzz: Oh, it needs to be removed before the cooking. And all the dark grains to collect and bring back to the store - change

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №36439
A friend has a puppy who, at the sound of a chocolate foil, says the phrase “What, shrimp, chocolate you eat?”and :)
Another drunk at home. Late in the evening, everything is spread around the houses.
Three are standing in the hallway, already dressed, waiting for the fourth, stuck in the thrust of great need. The Silence...
There is a kind of hustle and a shell of paper behind the toilet door. And then through the silence of the evening, a poppy cried out: What, chocolate, chocolate?and "

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36438
Altai Territory, bank robbery

At first, the attacker tried to get money from the ATM with the help of a sheet of paper, but he did not get anything. Then he took a knife and tried to disassemble the front panel of the device, but could not. After that, the man went home for a tail and broke the bankomat panel. But there was no money inside.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36437
<segan> yeah, you’ve gotten a spoon on the channel! I have now entered the word "nyanya" for half a minute!! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36436
Googles make love, not warcraft.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №36435
UUU: I understood the real predestination of cockroaches in human heads!
Q: Do you take it?
The turtles in the head are needed to move the brains!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36434
<+x0x0x> I’m going to Vantage Passage
<+x0x0x> and soap
<@amore_perras> "bess of soap" is cool. There are also the "washers of shrimp" and the "washers of Satan";

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36433
Only the Latvian students of the medical university can make dragons, cats and super transformers in the anatomy of real bones given to them...

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №36432
xxx: recently filled out a job admission questionnaire, next to the same was a guy of 19 years old. so he wrote in the column "family status": "in active search"))) restraining laughter he promised to call again)))

[ + 75 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36431
xxx: I realized that it was time to go on vacation urgently... no, the working days were of course always not sugar... but when today after work finally got under a hot shower, she pleased to wash her head and only then realized that she forgot to dress up...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №36430
Teacher (man of age) in a couple:
- Girls whisper you need each in the mouth of the snickers so that you finally silence!
(The audience is crying)

at the next seminar:
(The same situation with the girl)
Lozinsky: "Girls, you are talking again! You have to be punished!"
One of the students: "The snickers in their mouth!"
Lozinsky: "Now snickers are not snickers, but in the mouth of something to arrange!"

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №36429
Dialogue in the store of various drinks:
I: Give me half a liter of unfiltered light. Do you have a half-litre bottle?
The girl is a salesman (DP): Ah, there is. Bring a bottle from the toilet!
Petya (also behind the stand): What?! to
I : What?!! to
DP: Well, Petya, a bottle is in the toilet behind the toilet!
Pete is???! to
Do you have another bottle? I mean 😉 😉 😉 😉
The girl-seller (slowly realizes what she said, begins to chick): Let me mow the foam, I haven’t mowed today...
Petya goes to the toilet.
The curtain.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №36428
Everything is rock.
No, it’s never rock! From rock must arise the desire to take and play.
[xxx] and from the wounds arises the desire to take and blame
[Zzzz] the runners are gray!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna