— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №20553
Hi, don’t you want to come to me today?
Q: And what will we do?
M: Well I don’t know, I’ll have sex, you can watch TV.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №20552
The righteous go to heaven and the sinners to hell.
But there must be a special place for the ducks.
Sleeping Fox: an infinite field overwhelmed by rabbits?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №20551
The seller sold his soul to the devil. and Chechnya

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №20550
Per everyone in the player has a few songs for which he is ashamed.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №20549
Did I forget to smoke or quit?

-"not started" in our time sounds strange?

[ + 121 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20548
Say, and this only happens to me, When you wake up 5 minutes before the alarm clock, sleep, the mood is good, well, you lie down these 5 minutes, because you get up lazy... And then, when the alarm clock rings, the eyes cling and sleep hunting????? to

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №20547
“And if there is life on other dogs, one mouth asked the other. No is. The other ear answered. Other dogs are uninhabited and walk all around our dog. And how can there be life if you can’t jump from one dog to another? "Maybe!"— The old flea has come forward. "Our ancestors came from another dog!" - "This cannot be!"-cried the young fleas. “We have arisen from the mixture of non-living matter on the dog!” – “No non-living matter,” the old old flea replied – “the dog is also alive!” – “It’s too much!” – “the mother flea in the glasses” – “the dog can’t be alive, it’s too big!”

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №20546
Please bring it to the top, please!!!! to
Alexander, deputy director of the ION store at the metro station Kievskaya, who worked in the night shift from 18 to 19 September! I know you will definitely read it!
You are the best! Thanks for the help! And... I fell in love with you! by [

Brunette at Toyota. =) is

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №20545
There are such people, they "ide nakher" perceive as "write ischo";

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20544
Excerpts from the rules of residence:
It is prohibited to fry strawberries inside blocks on naked electrical wires, or other devices, including powerful incandescent lamps.
It is strictly prohibited to collect jet engines or other devices from refrigerators or any other household appliances inside the rooms of the dormitory.

I am proud of my university.)

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №20543
I saw two news windows in Rambler today. On the first is written: "Hallucinogenic fungi can control a person for a year", below: "The Ukrainian Council has made an unthinking decision."
=) is

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №20542
Saratov city, advertising on the street

Do you want to do something useful to society?
Do you want the girls to run in front of you or after you?
Do you want to be waiting for you everywhere?
Saratovgorelektrotransport invites trolley bus drivers to work.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №20541
From the series Doctor House.

Do you want people to travel normally? Remove the safety pillows, attach the machete to the neck level, and everyone will drive at a speed of 3 miles per hour.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №20540
Lord, there is an opinion that the bonding law in Russia also started with loans and mortgages.

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20539
Local provider forum.
It is not possible to replace the cable without changing the IP. Suppose you have IP, 35 - meterage of the cable from the PC to the box, 52 - from the box to the nearest hub, 192 - meterage to the nearest fiber optical hub in the ring, 92 - kilometerage of the ring.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №20538
I am a postgraduate student at the institute. I have a 404 audience. Every semester there is a new fool who signs next to "not found" I catch - I hang for the eggs!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №20537
to this:
And you are confused by the question: Winnie Pooh a pig or a cock?
Winnie Pooh is a bear.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №20536
With the cry "There will be no wedding!!I get out of the balcony.
– – – –
Those who have brought this to the best are just as foolish as this "ridder in socks."
– – – –

I did not get to the best, however, I can not fail to notice that the author of the answer to the quote has never thought about it at all.

People, break up, this happens, I hope I haven’t opened your eyes? Separation can be quite peaceful and pleasant, it happens that both sides want it. Why not? There is no close relationship, it is possible to make friends.

The girl decided to replace the guy. And at the same time, to humiliate, to say, you are a real man, and if you refuse, it is a scrap and bad.

I wonder, I only have the feeling that she has received the merit? And if you choose which of you two is a fool, it is you, the author of the answer.

[ + 76 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20535
The face will be beautiful by going through the Photoshop filters

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №20534
It is not we who go through life, but it follows us.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna