— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №36207
In China established a new center for the study of Russia
Yes, we are definitely BZZZ.
James: And the old cha, was Russified?
Tagged: Sleeping

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №36206
This is only possible in Russia: in early September, in the Tver region, in the forest, to the nearest settlement 10km. I go collect mushrooms and I see the book rolling has already collapsed from moisture, bended I read the cover : PHP for tea... O_o

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36205
I now watched the book Elai - there is a type of post-apocalypse, everything is destroyed, there is almost no water, an ancient sample for the weight of gold, etc., but all have white teeth.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №36204
From one forum, the topic about the trauma of cockroaches:

DW: Better to poison the cockroaches together with neighbors, i.e. I wanted to say together with the neighbors that they should not run from apartment to apartment, in the sense of cockroaches...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №36203
flower05> Probably not in the topic, well I know a couple who so met :-D a girl went near the tsunami and behind a guy, he says to her-a girl, your hair has fallen. They have fallen in nature! She failed to build. :D

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №36202
On the official website of the Russian Academy of Sciences in English, "Protein Institute" gently named Squirrel Institute.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36201
I sit at work, I work in the MILICY, in the phone comes a request for authorization with an explanation of the reason... the reason is as follows:
"Hello, if you want to push, tell me where and I will go anywhere..."

Please please please please please 😉

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №36200
I wash my laundry, I love it.
It calms my wicked blood.
Without this humble way of life
I would be a murderer or somebody.
Someone with wings and a fire sword,
Wash your laundry, and nothing else!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №36199
Case of life.
The girl wrapped the guy in handcuffs to the bed of the section... and turned on porn and left.. and at this time the girl's parents come.
The voice from the bed.
"Hello and Lena is coming soon?"

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36198
Can this problem be solved in the mind?
Maybe, but not in mine.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36197
Looking for a fire-resistant fabric, I found a great option:
Fire resistant fabric
No fire is terrible.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №36196
Do you listen to it normally?
Johnny is
I don’t understand anything)
Is the i5 normal?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №36195
Do you love sushi?
XXX is honest? I hate... Do you want to smooth up the blame by making me sushi? I agree :)
YYY: Ahha... It wasn’t just interesting)) guilt? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36194
Cut out of the article:
In the night of June 28, 2008, in the courtyard of one of the houses, Mr. P. saw the car VAZ-2106 and wanted to steal it. Breaking the windscreen, the man broke into the car. However, all attempts to start the engine were unsuccessful. As it turns out, there was no engine in the car. Then mr. P. removed the engine from the nearby car GAZ-24 and transferred it to VAZ-2106. Then I took the car and went to my friend.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №36193
XXX: That kind of life!
YYY: Did you want to say "mama born me back"? and :)

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №36192

XXX(15:29): When will yours be pregnant?
YYY(15:30): And am I fuck? I’m fucking fucking, but I’m like the electricity right away.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №36191
Dialogue in the store:
I have a little salad.
How much?
I don’t know, put it...
How much?
A little bit, without fanaticism.
Men, from how many grams of salad do you start to admire?
- )))))))))))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №36190
To be in love is stupid, and not to love is terrible.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36189
The happiness of acquiring a new apartment cannot be experienced in its entirety without overcoming such a test as moving. Movement, as you know, is equated by destructive force... However, it is not about that.
The scheme is traditional: barrel packaging - disassembly of furniture - loading - cargo taxi; unloading - unpacking - assembly of furniture - loss count - exhalation.
Traditionally (and economically feasible) friends are attracted to this business: loading - unloading - raising in the apartment. Drink and eat as desired at the end. Friends in such cases act as a conditional guarantor of the safety of everything that is loaded and dragged.
The elevator is not as large as we would like. The heaviest, larger and most expensive things can be done by hand. The enthusiasm eased, the hustle disappeared, the lights extinguished. However, it must be pulled - and this fact could not change any circumstances.
After the next climb, I found a long, fresh scratch on the refrigerator, and when I came down, I stuck near the treasure standing at the entrance, an extremely suspicious type who walked around my property, carefully examined it and pretended to have something in mind. The guy looked typical. Whey and swollen face, long unwashed, extremely unfresh with clothes and breath, dim with sight. I made a terrible face, and with a glance I sent him a straight question.
“What ear?” He was not confused at all.
Their own?
and mine!
Up or down?
I immediately cut off the conversation:
I’m fine, I’ve got the trucks.
At that moment my “carriers” went up. They instantly figured out what they had to do with my eyes full of supplications and despair.
Humanity has always been my weakness – and I, mentally apologizing to my wife for alleged property damage, began to discuss the terms of the contract.
How much? I asked furiously.
He took a break, completed the calculation in his mind and called me a completely ridiculous amount compared to the one I was in principle ready to pay. He added:
Commander, don’t worry, we won’t beat you. Not the first time.
I said uncertainly.
Friends breathed out relieved. I prepared for the worst, because a normal person would not trust such subjects.
The type departed and five minutes later brought with him four other gentlemen from his tribe.
It looked like magic in my eyes. These plumish margins quickly wavered around a bunch, with the help of gestures, views and interdomains, formulating a technical task for themselves. The type received information and distributed the work resource. Caused by car runs.
The coat, and I took it. I don’t know where the professional trainers are preparing. But these, apparently, were trained seriously, and they themselves were probably at least graduate students in their profile. They grabbed and intercepted heavy and uncomfortable objects with some sort of clever techniques led only by them, changed the path, and the staircase twists were cleaner. Some bulky things they also cleverly bonded with cravates, instantly made some looping in the right places, grabbed, and without losing the pace brought them up. At least the eighth floor. Everything is dynamic, rhythmic, clear, I would even say, elegant. They did not make a single crossing and never stopped on the road up. They even mated and flattered, without breaking the tactic.
Thirty-five minutes before the arrival, only we were left. We looked out of sight to the place where the colossal chest of all that had been earned by my hard work had just grown, and knocked ourselves in the ears. I remember talks on the phone with all kinds of transportation services, where dumb ladies or speech-spoken slugs told me about it.
500 per hour - the driver + 500 per hour + 100 per floor (!?Everyone for everybody! The loader.
From the top of the apartment, the wife called and expressed her deepest satisfaction with the quality of the work done. Our employees arrived, the senior went to me for a report. I gave him a bill of 1,000 kilograms, which was almost a third more than the approved budget. Prorab swallowed and looked around at his team - they scattered their hands. and ah. No surrender.
Naturally - breeding for an extra couple of hundreds, as well!
However, I never boasted about the knowledge of human nature – and I did right. Fuck I guessed!
He was confused:
– Commander, there is no surrender... Out of the store, we’ll wait here.
He put his hands in his pockets. The brigade stood up “free” and prepared to humbly wait.
Undoubtedly, in front of me stood an honest man, faithfully fulfilling the terms of the agreement and not trying to cheat. Should I tell you how impressed I was?
I shaken my head negatively and gave him the note again. He looked at me, accepted the money with dignity, kicked his head and gave the team to shoot - and the gentlemen went on their business.

Posts in script:

Tell me how I now deal with all sorts of shipping offices, after seeing with my own eyes the perfect example of the scheme “employ, when you need, pay how you think fit” or “ hire, when you need, pay as much as you think appropriate.”
And who will judge my friends, who, having looked around, scattered their pockets, cried out the company, and out of pure love for art "throwed" them another piece?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №36188
Serena, do you love me?
There is no money!
You’re talking about money, I’m talking about feelings.
I love you, Lucy, I love you very much!
Oh, it doesn’t matter anymore...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna