— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №36187
XXX is listening. Who did Spartacus win? My neighbor was so pleased.
and the Romans. But then they took revenge on him.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36186
You are well preserved.
I have developed badly.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36185
Women after sex:
You are all so happy and happy, of course. You are not fucking!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36184
I went through the server with tea. We have 2 admin. I see one of the consoles opened, the other also looks tightly into the monitor. He sings under his nose:
What do you like about Cro-o-O-Olik?
The rabbit wants to fuck-a-al...
WOW: This is a mantra journey.
I’ve been out for tea... It’s... They’re still singing... With the same intonations... I’m scared...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №36183
At work I am bored, I look up and down (without sound, so as not to burn), tired, opened the cushion, folded...
Silent steps (how does he do it?) the director comes in, I get pizzas for toys at work time, I scare the cards sharply, and there........ORGASM!!!)))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №36182
Is that what is good in me?
LuciFeRR: I am fucking
LuCiFeRR: in the sense I do not know))

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №36181
XXX is
Do you have a 32 key?
The nod? Of course not, I don’t like him. Kaspersky is my friend.
XXX is
Do you have a 32 key?
I mean, I have Kaspersky. I don’t use nodes, at least thirty-two, at least a hundred-two, not stupid.
XXX is
LOL, you don’t understand, I need a key to 32))
Fuck, you are really stupid. I say, Kasper Yuzai! Go short, don’t get angry with me!
XXX is
The fucking key! by 32!!!! The haunted! Pink, fucked in the mouth, the key! Do you have it???? to
Would you say that right away, shit? My father must have it in the set. Come in and see...

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №36180
About the VKontakte group:
Title: A group of people who, when they rewrite a statement and cannot understand what word is written, try to depict the same shit in their notebook as there :D

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №36179
Funny Bag on eBay
if you go to the section with the Gandons, then you can choose "used"

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №36178
Do you need a rabbit? D or Christmas Goose?
She: They need a rabbit for their rabbit rabbit :) Or he has already touched their cat. The poor cat is already afraid to leave the house :)
Q: What, can’t you give a cat a rabbit?
She says :D He doesn’t have time :)

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №36177
After 3 months of waiting for a response from SCSI's winchester warranty repair service:

See also: Allo!
Client: Can there be hope?
Service: There is no hope!
Client: Mmm... aaaa...
There is Faith!

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №36176
Jen MTS: Well, for example, I am a very lucky person!
Dimon DJs: You?! to
Dimon DJS: You don’t have a girlfriend
Dimon DJS: You argue with your parents every day
Dimon DJS: You work from morning to night, and you get 5000p.
Dimon DJS: And you call yourself lucky?! to
Jen MTS: Yes, you are a dumb!
Dimon DJs: Here is it!!! to
Dimon DJS: And for all the rest, your best friend is a dude!!!! to

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36175
From the news:

On June 2, 2009, Luzhkov used the word “homics” in one of his interviews. Alekseev considered himself insulted and filed Luzhkov in court, but the Moscow city court rejected the claim, stating that the word "homic" is not insulting.

Now gay activists are going to picket the city council under the slogan "Luzhkov - homic"

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36174
xxx: I, by the way, invented a way of propaganda for vegans. They need to break the law so that every bowl of sausage or sausage stick must be marked with the names of animals. Let’s say, "meat, 3 kg, cut. The Swine of Illinois" Or the "bird’s feet. Indyuki Gennady, Vorfolomey, Kuzma and others
yyy: sprots of Gennadius, Warfolomeus, Nicholas, Alexander, Marina, Nicholas, Efim, Anastasia, Elena, Oleg, Marfa, Michael, Natalia, Vasily, Alexei and Voldya in oil.
Zzzz: This is only in the first row.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №36173
Will you get a car for the weekend?
I have Fallout!
It was: =)
Vyacheslav: If I break you can give a disk without a box!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36172
She: I am not sending mail. Can you help?
Q: What kind of client do you have?
She: I am not a client, my server does not accept emails sent to it.Gmail on the server is a mail demon, not a client.
I Forgot You're Not a Blonde ><

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36171
XHH: We had a small curtain in the courtyard before, one that is easy to cross, and in the days it was just removed. And I saw today an Autopilot of the Higher Class in action – a man, drunk, with his eyes slightly opened, and crossing a long removed fence.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36170
xxx: secretary, art director, designer...
Teach me to steer.
Stay what?
The Lost...

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №36169
The son asked to buy bananas and all kinds of nonsense.
I choose a banana, and I:
Take these, they’re quick.
Not for me to eat!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36168
RT @arsmirnov Write to Medvedev on Twitter, no matter what
Talk to him on TV.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna