— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №36167
XXX is fucking. When Mommy came home, I cut off the computer after an erection!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №36166
Hard disk as a salary - for happiness you always need twice as much.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №36165
I play at the Corsair. I bought 220 cents of Roma to my sailors, but they didn’t miss it. These animals ate all the rum in 17 days. The village counted. The average sailor eats 4.7 liters of rum per day. Harsh Pirates of the Caribbean... And you say Russia is boiling.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36164
The logic of women.

She (crying from the kitchen): Do you want tea?
He is: Yes.
With sugar or without?
Mmm, let’s go without it.
She: Then I’ll make coffee.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №36163
From Habr about the domestic smartphone:
No, here’s really innovation – the phone won’t have such parameters as “front” and “back”! It can be taken from any side. Displays will be on both sides. The Revolution!
yyy: This phone will have a back on both sides. and :)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36162
Zarin@ (14:44:15 16/09/2010)
We have a parrot in the office, a carochi bird. He learns to fly, but he cannot fly, he flies around the office, until he falls from fatigue to a thread on the table, the head, the PC, etc.
Well (14:44:53 16/09/2010)
You can set up a hose with water and he also swims a scientist

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36161
Q: Can the question be more in the topic? I worry about the third year.
and thy :? )
Have you ever imagined that you would sleep with me?
Oh yeah, even a few times.
WOW: And how then?
XHH: Liked
Ohhhhhhhh :)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36160
News: Pristines sealed school in Samara together with students ) We live in an amazing country!

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36159
If a girl drinks, she has a reason; if a girl does not drink, she has a boyfriend.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №36158
People risk not their lives, but their duration.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №36157
Everybody has seen such brave supermarket guards... Large bodies looking nowhere... Overwhelmed with the importance and unwaveringness of their own person...
My wife told me. He works in the hypermarket OK.
There are bicycles for sale, collected accordingly. Well, a young potential buyer apparently decided to try it in the business, sat down and tried to ride around the sports department.
The guard runs:
Did you know how to ride here? Shut up on the street.
The boy took the big and went out on the street...
The story is 100% true. It was in Peter.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №36156
In protest against the burning in the United States of a single copy of the Qur’an, as well as against the blatant accusations of terrorism, obscurity, cruelty and extremism of all Islam, hundreds of thousands of peaceful demonstrators in Arab countries were burned.
7650 U.S. flags, 3532 Obama portraits, 427 Uncle Sam's chouchels, 3 embassies
The United States and 5 embassies of other countries and 19 people are alive.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №36155
Why do you answer so long?
Intelligent people first think before writing.
She: But I am writing right away!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36154
From Habr:
A recent study by Vogue found that women aged 35-64 think about aging for 252 hours a week. Meanwhile, at 252 hours it is 10 days and 12 hours.

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №36153
I work in the contact center of a very large cellular communications company... generally as in any such facility, employees when talking to subscribers use a set of phrases. In the evening... a young man calls and begins to ask some ordinary question, and in the background the dog laughs so loud that I barely understand the essence of his question.
I am so confident in him:
Please stay away from the noise source, I can’t hear you.
The guy answers:
I cannot
I am confused:
Why? →? to
The answer killed me:
- Because this "source of noise" has four legs, and runs after me ))))

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №36152
<Benoite> and how to change the power management scheme for another user?
<Infra_3600> Benoite, to give him coupons for strawberries

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36151
Dialogue with random English-speaking ICQ user (Lisa Sun)

Lisa Sun: can you help me translate some word?
by Lisa Sun.? to
Allen: Shure
Lisa Sun: Ok thanks
Lisa Sun: The Moment
Lisa Sun: Thickness: 18mm and 21mm Moisture resistant brand FSF according to the Russian GOST, laminated, non-laminated (brushed and non-brushed) variety of vv / sr, sr / sr, s / s.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №36150
Something is not very wanting to go to work in an organization, the employee of which is in the status:
- "I got vacation – I bought chocolate"

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36149
Rin: Go on
UNDEAD: "B... K... easily ran along the path"
Rin: A fun cow
Rin: The Spring Cat
Rin: The Thinking Rabbit
Rin: delicious chicken
Rin: an important cousin
Rin: The Kakau
Rin: a great car
Rin: Dried corn
Rin: cooked sausage
Rin is fucking. The Great Calcutta
Rin: I am stupid.( by
Undead: All Over
Is this a pre-school game?

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36148
Tagged with: "smile" The smiling light of the day

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna