— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36147
XXX and you stopped talking. What happened?? to
YYY is nothing.
YYY just it became such a vegetable, if before it was a vegetable - a cabbage, then now it has turned into a cabbage cabbage.
YYY Friend Cabbage, I was completely satisfied, it was interesting with him, but with cabbage cabbage it became just unbearable.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №36146
Guess what the first thing IE 9 did after installing and restarting?

He is dependent.
Then he closed up with an error and restarted himself.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36145
<levsha> And in general, it is interesting to watch the mechanic, if you go to the service center and tell: "I have a driving error when I drive. The car is at home now. I do not remember the memory error. What? Do you know what it is?“?”

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36144
xxx (15:44:18 16/09/2010)
At work, the girl fell alone and could not close her mouth... We were taken by an ambulance. I only saw that in the cinema.
yyy (15:45:12 16/09/2010)
A poor girl
xxx (15:46:11 16/09/2010)
This is only the beginning of history.
yyy (15:46:36 16/09/2010)
What? Starting the whole office?
xxx (15:46:51 16/09/2010)
She put her jaw in and she came back.
But the doctor warned that the structure of her jaw was such that it was necessary to sew carefully and for the night in the next month or two better a bandage.
xxx (15:47:24 16/09/2010)
What happens to a normal person when he can’t get rid of it?
yyy (15:47:36 16/09/2010)

xxx (15:47:48 16/09/2010)
is right! I want to go like a jacket.
In short, the girl again on the way to the hospital office lies under the tables
yyy (15:47:56 16/09/2010)

xxx (15:48:58 16/09/2010)
And when she arrives, doctors fall under the tables.
Life is beautiful and amazing, but surprisingly more.
yyy (15:49:11 16/09/2010)
:D I think they won't risk anymore and will switch it over right away)
xxx (15:50:27 16/09/2010)
Those who
If she returns in the nightclub, the editorial work will be paralyzed until the end of the day.

[ + 76 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36143
Lord, take Lady Gaga, Timati, Britney Spears, Tokyo Hotel, and at least all at once and return Freddy to us.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №36142
Chapter 8: I’m tired
YYY: Why are you tired?I sat all day listening to music in pairs!
XXX: But it was heavy music!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №36141
What do you do tonight?
I think I’ll agree with you for tea.
She: Is it okay?
He: But before that, of course, to calm down a little...
So what about tea?
He says: I agree!! to

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №36140
yyy: the smell of the house smells of gasoline, or gas... very strong
I am afraid I will explode!
XXX is calm. Put a candle and pray.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36139
Aleks0327: If there are any suggestions, requests, wishes, write)
Roverbee: Running away from Lech...
Alex0327: I am Sanya...
Roverbee: The More Running

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №36138
<pingvin> People, who will advise to account for traffic lock?
<levsha> unlimited

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №36137
<[GNZ]Oodin> [sky]Maña: After shaking in the silence and tranquility of sex you want in 10 minutes, after normal sex - you can experience the rise and euphoria for another week or two

<[Sky]Enlarge_you_pencil> [GNZ]Oodin: in the army the rise can be experienced a year!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №36136
Hi to

Hi to

What do you

He gathered questions for you. I mean, I am 😉 😉 😉 😉? to

When it’s over, I’ll collect.

They why me.

The Wall *

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36135
by Marisa (19:10)
Are you in Khabarovsk?

by Tim (19:10)
I am in Vladivostok.

by Marika (19:11) :
Is this city nearby?
How many minutes to drive?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №36134
In Novosibirsk, the head of the anti-corruption commission was detained for receiving a bribe of 300,000 rubles. You say there is no justice in the world ;)

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36133
Ten years of professional opera vocals and rehearsals of soloists in a heavy metal group are nothing compared to two lectures read in the first course... I broke my voice after these lectures ((((

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36132
xxx: I know the story of a four-metre soma...who lived somewhere on the Volga! He swallowed a little girl...and then her mother! The girl’s father then caught him and scattered him. Inside were his wife and daughter.

Yyy:...and two dozen ships
Then they all went out and lived long and happy.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36131
English for five!and p :
2Ivanhoe - Cho for a stupid nick - Ivan Hoi, Punk Choli?
Ivanhoe is:
You, as I look at it, "English"-just like metal handed - on weight?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №36130
Well there you build a town... stores, banks... houses, cafes... people sleep...
Then the ball was tired. Remove it from the appendix. How are they there...?
It is a well-known case. God, see, has been removed from our application

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №36129
(Talk about a newly bought friend of a sea pig)
Is she already accustomed to drinking?

She doesn’t need a naphid! I read here that they get all the necessary fluid from food. So they don’t drink water at all!

Do you know the sea pig?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №36128
XXX: Unknown
xxx: out of the direction I was seriously interested in where the desk is stored - in monitors or in that black box.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna