— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №36087
13 of September. Day of programmers. Conversation with my girlfriend in Aske:
I: Dear, and you know what day is today?
She: Yes, today is the birthday of Bella from Sumerok :-)
I: The Blue

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №36086
The girl sells a cat in contact:

Does anyone need a cat? Guys, do not brake, the girls are rushing from the hairy - feeding, only to the house to pull and there catE - control in the head!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №36085
“Be careful. People love to hear what they already know. Do not forget this. They don’t like to hear new things. They do not expect a new one. They like to know that, say, a dog can bite a person. This is how dogs behave. They don’t want to know that a man can bite a dog because in their world it shouldn’t be. In a nutshell, people think they need news, but in fact they thirst for “old age”... It’s old age that will tell them that what they think they already know is true.” – Terry Pratchett

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36084
by Laadino

I will remind you.

In what way?)

I will come and remind you.

I would marry and remember it all my life.


[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №36083
Viewed in Formspring.
X: Why don’t you get in touch?
YYY: Because you don’t want to upload programs that allow you to see through your clothes.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №36082
xxx: I understood that it was necessary to change the blanket when I noticed that it wipes out the glasses only getting dirty.)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36081
The Gothic (
M is m?
Three men love me.
I don’t know what to do, tell me.
[Kjukecke]Hz... I find it easier, I love 1 girl
[Kjukecke]she lives upstairs with her boyfriend T_T

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №36080
Eduard: look up
Oleg : and? I see a white ceiling, paved with some kind of foam, generally white squares with patterns. still at a level of about 2-3 meters hangs a lamp, there is no four-lamp luster. What kind of flowers. How interesting you are around!!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №36079
1: I read today in the news tape - "Troops from many cities have come to the children's theater festival"
1: It’s gone wrong.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №36078
No deodorant will save our drivers.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №36077
If you drop a spoon, a woman will come, a fork, a wicked woman, and a knife, a wicked man. What if I dropped the knives?
Then the evil Siamese twins will come!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №36076
The best thing a sick, sneezing and coughing person can think of at home is to prepare all the foods, wash the dishes and smooth out all the clothes.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №36075
Who will tell you what the differences between the English and Russian versions of the game Dragon Age? Except for sound and subtitles, of course.
YYY: In Russian, instead of a crown, the king of Ferezna has a uchanka.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №36074
A colleague in the office on the cell phone calls his wife, the phone is good, hears well:
Remember what we talked about on Friday?
We talked a lot about.
About my wishes.
About what exactly?
Oh well shit!
I have a dozen drawings in A0 format, the last thing I want to do right now is listen to amorphous requests. An amorphous power plant is enough. Specifically what to do?
That thing with Velvet.
Under the left pillow.
Under which?
with the dolphins.
and Wii! Pleasant cries and cotton in the palms. Suddenly silent and quiet. Oh, what is this cloth?
It was loaded in the store.
What is it?
I have no idea. On the note was written "pingvin, like a cat".

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36073
There is a very simple and quick way to get instant awareness. To do this, you have to wait for the premiere in the movie of any blogger and on viewing it in the cinema periodically shout out his name and name. And literally in a couple of days, video pirates will bring you around the world along with camrip copies of this film.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №36072
Jenny: Where are you going to rest?
I am in Anapa :)
Jenkya: Will you take a picture with the monkey?
The Young: No She is with me...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №36071
yyy (15:44:28 14/09/2010)
As strange as it is - but usually a monkey with a grenade grenade is bought by her male.
Or sometimes even a whole group of naive primates.

xxx (15:45:39 14/09/2010)
This is what
Sometimes they buy a tank.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №36070
From Habr:
Most people under “ordinary” or “classical” neural networks understand full-connected neural networks of direct distribution with reverse error distribution.

Yyy: Most people will not understand what this proposal is about =)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №36069
Cherry: Let’s summarize Alex’s achievements so you can imagine your bird’s capabilities with targeted, targeted learning. During 15 years of training, Jacques learned the designation of 100 objects displayed to him, such as wood, leather, paper, block, nuts, spina, apple, banana, orange, etc. He determines the shape of objects, the number of angles in geometric figures (from two to five), counts to the chest, distinguishes and names seven colors of objects: pink, green, blue, yellow, orange, gray, purple. He correctly uses the denial "no" and is able to ask for what he wants, that is, applies the knowledge obtained in practice. He distributes objects by categories, has the concepts of the same "and "other" "common" and "different" It turns out that the bird can master some basic logical and philosophical concepts.
klez: surely he alone would have performed more functions than all our accountants and secretaries together.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №36068
Skif: Probably, I am a crazy administrator, if I only at the end of the monologue of a girl from accounting, which began with the words "I changed drastically all the forms" understood that it was about 1C...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna