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[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118248
Someone has uranium to be brought to class, and our surgeon, who probably still treated all of General Dovator's horses, convinced us that any self-respecting veterinarian must have enough morphine in his bag to provide first aid to a horse or any other animal, large or small.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118247
Why did Gerasim feed the Mummy when he was about to drown?
Well, probably to be harder, faster to go to the bottom...
So if today before the beach my wife fed me a strain, then I need to be careful.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118246
From electronic documentation:

Manufacturers of departments...

Official note
I persuasively ask not to write in orders and orders (except for money), the full names and ancestry of employees, this is not correct in relation to the head signing the order (order) whose name and ancestry is indicated by initials.

Head of Office...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №118245
AK>> Native Linuxes have a peculiar notion of convenience, or rather, it is simply absent. Type if it does not fall and has 80% of the necessary functions - then it is appropriate. I’ve tried to communicate with the MC’s — they don’t understand what I’m talking about.

TB> mc has never fallen. The plasma fell and again and again.

AK>> That’s what the conversation is about. I feel uncomfortable, but I
They say it does not fall.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118244
From the group of recipes:
My grandmother burned a burst. She said that Mira (a tribe) tried to cook her own borst, and it resulted in pieces of mint, cherries and... Chernobyl. (What is? You ask me)
With what...?" I asked again, thinking that my grandmother meant black slides. No, Nifua, a borst with Chernobyl.
Yes, I was also sublime trying to figure out who of us had the roof, until the brain clicked and remembered that this very city and this very location was named in honor of such a grass that we had grown half a garden (high this stinking palm).
Borst, by the way, was delicious. Mint gave a lot, indeed, but it is nothing, the world was praised from the heart))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №118243
I’m sitting in an online store looking at furniture.
And there prices stand, and below them the amount of the monthly payment in the payment and it is quite small written that the payment for 24 months.
Calculator at hand, well, I multiplied to see what overpayment will be.
It turns out that it is approximately 35-40% cheaper.
The dollar jumped, they quickly raised the main prices, and now anyone can see how much this furniture was worth 1.5 months ago.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №118242
I dreamed I was reading the price of a prostitute. The breast is 55 rubles. I told my wife, I thought - 55 rubles. Is it for one, or both? And complaining - is it once crushed or how much?

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118241
Xxx and LED lights.
It is much more expensive than in Russia, and there is no guarantee. From 1 year to 2-3 years.

Zzz ordered from one seller 1W lamps 220V basement E27 (for 1 dollar - 4 pieces), on the staircase, he sent 3 watt, all work.
I thought it was sold wrong, filling out the form on the site, and there is no 1-watt.
But a month later I looked - again discounts, 35 cents for 1 watt.
I ordered 10 pieces for 200 rubles, came again 3 watt...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №118240
Due to the influx of refugees in the cities of Europe, the demand for locks and copy keys has risen dramatically.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118239
>>> A lot of contradictions. Sleep fully! But before eight in the morning, engage in persistent physical training (where only half an hour of heating) - give an unreasonably high load on the heart of the unawakened organism. Meditate and pray during training.

Reminded: participated in brevetes (amateur cycling for a long distance with a time limit, require good physical training, but are not actually competitions), so there one day on the forum one swelled up: I look at something, after the finish many on beer lie down, here, say, when the body of the athlete is heated up and does not feel the damage from alcohol, here may the liver refuse or kidneys, etc.

And the first response to his sermon: How good that I am not an athlete.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №118238
Tag: to be a cat
I believe I believe
You eat, you sleep, you crack
XXX: Around the Circle
Yes, cats are rough.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №118237
Officials blocked porn?
Support them!
Give the used Gandalf to the nearest official in support!
Show them that you love them and know who they are.
Wouldn’t the bad guys let him go? Well then leave it on the doorstep, he will go out and see and understand everything!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №118236
In terms of originality, courage, creativity and provocation, all of this your “new art” lies in Japanese porn, like a sheep with a bull.

Not mine, but I couldn’t help citing.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №118235
To stop the horse from racing... is understandable; and can you stop the outflow of capital and the leakage of brains?


[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118234
For seven years, they traveled to Egypt. We were warned in Moscow, and already in Egypt, that we should dress more modestly, and even men should not wear shorts, and women generally remain silent - like we are in a foreign country and we must respect their customs and some so-called culture.
A couple of years later, my family, my wife and I, then 8 years old, went to Austria. Beautiful country, windmills, dwarfs in the garden in almost every house. We walk through the beautiful Vienna in the center, the guide tells us something about the cathedrals, architecture, it's boring to listen to the little ones, it's more dull on the sides, and suddenly I see running to me with fear - daddy, there are ninjas, there are ninjas. I initially figured out - what a ninja in Austria, no, the guy was right, but they were not ninjas, but representatives of the most murderously good religion on Earth. As usual, without being embarrassed by their ballahons, they walk in parange and in Europe, and are very similar to the ninja. So I wonder why respect for other people's customs and culture is obliged to observe only civilized people, and backward peoples are not obliged to do so?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №118233
Describe your degree of adequacy.
I don’t do a selfie.
You are accepted!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №118232
Talk about debtors.
1st Here is one only <name> gave as he promised, but as he took, called, said that the last cock before yesterday without salt doeled, but after the bubble came with a bag of beer. Sometimes I imagined the last meal without salt.
2nd He drank it, not drank it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №118231
Interesting fact: the wheel of a Formula 1 car costs 100 thousand euros - like two of my apartments))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118230
I won’t fall asleep if I don’t write this.

Vaginal shoe should still do not "top-top", but "shoe-shoe")

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №118229
The eldest son caught the dog and was ashamed that his third brother (he is a year old), albeit younger than the dog (a month) - and the team performs better.
And I sit, I record, I am interested here... :-)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna