— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №20153
Sp( taken)one from the forum on autotuning
Our task on the lamp to create a diffraction grid so that the xenon beam passing through it changed its frequency and wavelength. Thus, it is compressed and eventually shines brighter.
YYY: The guys! If you paint the whole lighthouse with silver, then the light will be even brighter, the current with the width of the stripes of the hope will not облажаццо. Then inside the lighthouse there will be a coherent standing wave forming (learn physics!) and already from the standing wave will be a single-mode radiation
Zzzz: Guards, you didn’t catch the chips. The hottest thing to paint is not silver, but egg yellow half with acetone! There is also ultraviolet!!! It burns even more light!! to
QQQ: Do not confuse the main polarity, otherwise the bulb will radiate darkness and cold.
Thanks, I laughed to tears!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №20152
At the parental meeting showed his son's work on War and Peace. There is only one sentence in it: There are a lot of bookafs in kngie slugs, niasil!
Oh, I feel like he will be sitting long now without a comp.

[ + 90 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20151
In response to
Strange view of homosexuals in my neighbors. No, indeed, it is very foolish. For some reason, they decided that if there is music in my apartment before four in the morning, people drink beer and cognac, girls whisper, some guests swallow in the entrance, and so happens every Friday, then I'm sure to be scared.

In fact, there is a pydoras... in the entrance,, the children are sleeping, and in the morning people go out on the street on the bluff of your guests. How to call you after that?

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №20150
I have a headache before having sex with a woman.
What do you do with a woman before sex?
How what? I swallow.

[ + 63 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20149
The real question on the answer site:
I soaked a black leather jacket in a whitener. I know it’s stupid, but what should I do now?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №20148
I went to my family and saw a beautiful cat. I wondered how
They called me, and I heard a strange name – “Lyžik”
and??? An athlete is?
Laughing, they told the story of this name: They took a cat and on the advice of a logopedist
It was called “Rizky”. Well, the daughter does not pronounce the letter "R" and it's all here. of course,
Over time, the child has mastered the difficult letter, but the cat is so accustomed to
The name “Lyžik”, which has not responded to the correct name. and :-)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №20147
Sasha: Yesterday, my mom goes in with her suitcases, passes into her room, and in the door she is overtaken by a cat, jumps onto the bed still in the air taking a seated position.
Tagged: ahaha
Sasha: A month of patience

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №20146
This is from the subordinate:

Oh, how I pumped today!!How my mouth hurts!!! to
Oh, Anatoly Viktorovich, it’s not you!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №20145
xxx: We have been tired at the universe at the matan school that everyone is written off at the exam. Two courses suffered with us, and on the third allowed for preparation to use anything. Typically, during a personal conversation it will be clear whether the student knows the topic or not.
xxx: Day X Hour Ch. Everyone is divided in pieces, and Kolyujya, as before, sits with a textbook almost under the piece and cramps on a leaf of mint. Prepod approaches and says, “I have permitted the use of literature, put it on the table and write calmly!” And our uniform red answers: “I feel so comfortable, Denis Sergeich. It’s a habit, you know!"))

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №20144
France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy has ordered to pick out low-level workers for his visit to the plant in Normandy, so that in television reports they don’t look low in the background. This was by RIA Novosti in interviews with French and Belgian media representatives of the trade union and the workers themselves.
XXX: Do we do that?
Yyy: Our rumors ordered to select a low-rise president

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №20143
What to attack: a hole in the socks, on which leg is not one - still a big finger looks like...

[ + 104 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20142
We have those in common. In the universe there is a room where cute girls-programmers live, but since they are caught by constant visits by guys with dirty intentions, they are on the door of the hanging table "lesbian clan". The boys came in three times more.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №20141
Search for an apartment:
"...without children and animals, (there is a bicycle, but it’s smooth)"

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №20140
xxx: washed license software in the online store is like a paid bio-toilet in the forest)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №20139
My girlfriend constantly scratches my back during the culmination of sex. Can you tell me how to remove her?

Give her cakes.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №20138
Around so many non-standard and exceptional that standard and decent became the exception.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №20137
Last autumn I went on a trip to Bulgaria. We did all the business there with friends and decided to ride around the country. We travelled all we could, the whole country in two days. In the evening, it is already dark, we approach Varna with the intention to spend the night there. At the entrance to the city, still on the highway, on the right side, a lot of fur, and behind them the Bulgarian Gaiishniki, hinder us. I have a sense of self-worth.
I was driving for 90 hours, asking what the problem was. It points to the radar, 95 and says: here is the speed limit of 40 kmh, there is a sign, you have very seriously violated the rules and begins to make a protocol. How much, I ask, do you have such a violation? Tired, driving all day, not to quarrel. Calls in left, I translate – in the area of 100 euros. Fuck, I think with you, sink, I did not see the sign behind the furas, up to a hundred on the highway - a normal civilized ride, but what to argue in a foreign country, on a rental car, not knowing your rights - duties. will have to pay. I have already prepared 100 euros, look, fill out the protocol, ask times, clarify. I know that in Europe (and Bulgaria with one leg already like there) it is not customary to give bribes, I do not try to give, I think I will honestly pay according to the protocol, or you can get cool for giving a brib to the police officer. The police officer filled out the protocol, signed, says, you need to go to the bank tomorrow, pay the fine (today the bank is no longer working), then go to our police station which is on street. This is where you get your rights.
I was pushed up. The indifference of the ordinary offender, willing to pay a fine and leave, was replaced by the horror of a man who remains without rights for a night in a strange city in a foreign country (forgot to say: tomorrow evening we flew from Burgas -200 km). And if the rights do not come and are lost, and where to look for this police station and this bank - you are tormented. No-yes, a second breath comes, a glow in the eyes.
Just say, let’s do it again. Yes, I broke, but I didn’t miserably break, you see, I’m a positive serious person, not an outcry of any kind. I just did not see a sign that is not surprising in a strange country on an unknown road. In Russia, a police officer would not have done this. And how does the policeman ask what he is talking to me, did he do?
Well, I say, it is important for our policemen on the roads not to punish a person, but that he understands, realizes his guilt and does not do so again.
The main thing is that, prevention, then the accident rate will decrease. We say there are different ways of punishment: notice, warning, and if a person does not understand, then a penalty and everything else. Here our GAISHNIK saw that I, entering a strange city slightly exceeded the speed (just 50 km) would make me a comment, and I would answer him with gratitude to say: thank you, I swear.
Driving for 2 weeks without breaking the rules. Here, I see, the policeman is stuck, he enters a dialogue: and why not just disturb two weeks?
Well, I say, look, you are the driver yourself, when you come from the service, can you never disturb? Parking is easy, even for small things. Here, I say, if I promise never to break me, I’ll cheat.
I will be able to stand for two weeks. For our police officers, the most important thing is order on the road. So he takes an honest word from me not to disrupt for 2 weeks and releases. Well, I keep my word. Here he extends documents to me and says: Yes, there are also police officers in Bulgaria, for whom it is more important not to violate and not to pay fines. Keep your rights: two weeks – do not violate, promise? I swear! Here the second policeman from the bottom of the car rises up, who listened to all this dialogue and I said:
Yes, you’re right Kaspersky, go ride with you. Look at the first two weeks. I answered iron. Given the fact that we flew tomorrow evening, I had to spend the remainder of two weeks in Russia without disturbing. The word must be held. When I tell our GAIShs about this case, they crack, but they also let go. The main thing is that he did not mislead and realized his guilt. And 2 weeks if everyone starts to drive according to the rules - it will be a very good thing. This is so.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №20136
The traffic jams are two Russian misfortunes – the fools and the roads – in one place.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №20135
At the TVC today was fun... Morning program, a story about the descent on the water on inflatable women. The leader after the show commented:
- The winner was one on an inflatable baby named Vanilla Pelotka (just so, with an emphasis on E)
Looking into the camera:
As long as we are thinking what a film is, we have advertising.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №20134
zavtra_v_sadu: They say that you can be purified through suffering.
Can potatoes be cleaned in this way?
If so, how do you make potatoes suffer?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna