— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №35887
The story happened when I was married for about six months.
The woman is black-eyed, with long black curls. I come from work and knock at the door. A short hairy blonde opens up and looks at me. I say "sorry" and I lock the door. The surprise she prepared for me, changed the image :)

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №35886
A community of useless questions
z_zerg_z: Are there any professions in which you can work without communicating with people? Absolutely by. and fully.
mun4uk: the seller in Eldorado

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №35885
Sister (23:05:37 10/09/2010)
Go into the bath, turn on cold water in the shower and get under it, and stand for 3 minutes, this is called a bath once a week.

Sister (23:12:13 10/09/2010)
Then one oak, run around it around the house of 20 circles, come home, ask your father to break the fence, press out 300 times, disperse and lay down the bed 10 times, eat the food of the cat, and go to bed, then you will understand the day of the soldier in our part.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №35884
Oh, and I dreamed of you!
It – and how?
In different positions...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №35883
XXX How are you?
UUU: like a live beer - I do not move, but I let bubbles go

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №35882
From the Pickup Forum:

XXX: There was a similar situation. The girl did not let herself be kissed, simple hugs, treated me with distrust. During the "embracing" she struck and cried. I showed myself on the good side, regretted her calmed and fucked.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №35881
I stand next to the director’s office. From there there is a scream - "Oh, you have shaved the unbroken, where did you go??? Yes, I will take you out with a fur, you giraffe goffrown, I will take you out!!!Stand up, Sculpture is overwhelmed!!I am in shock, and the secretary quietly continues to do the kind of work on the computer. The door opens, the boss comes out, red, sweaty, and seeing me calmly so asks - "Do you play computer games??" I am in a full o.we bump something like "nu yes". Next question "A in Stalker played?" I am proud" All three parts, and a bunch of fashion passed!!" Dirk is great!! Go and pass me through the Monolith to the Performer, or with two apotheke and a row to the "calice" I can’t do it!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №35880
XXX: I go to the car.
Yyy: Alan, do it, I’ll do it afterwards.
Autocad is up to 10 years like...
xxx: yes probably
XXX: How many lifetimes do you have on the compass?
yyy: well, I have so much that if when searching to blow up the computer together with the inspectors and the house, then I will get less.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №35879
by Vice (16:53) :
I just got a computer to see. I found out that the problem was in Mommy. I change. I take off the rubber and see that instead of the thermopast, judging by the smell, the chewing gum!!! to

by Serg (16:57) :
Bougie )

by Serg (16:57) :
It was not so bad 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35878
The last time in the summer I went out to nature, while my husband was saying a toast, he had a cup of tea in his drink.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №35877
tr1kar: In other words, about associations.
Tr1kar: I went home today on Republican.
The street of evil dogs?
tr1kar: Aha =) is
Tr1kar: So, there was just 3-4 small ones.
TR1KAR: And suddenly a sage jumps out on them.
tr1kar: Small but very aggressive.
Tr1kar: I know how to deal with them: I look badly in the eyes, hand forward and loudly, I say clearly "Back!"
ATUCIQ: To be joking?
tr1kar: Well yes. So the seam once pulled, and I look in my eyes, not so sure anymore.
Tr1kar: I shouted to her again "Back" and she ran away.
Tr1kar: So now guess what my name is in the area. =) is
The Wolfcock? =) is
Tr1kar is crucial. =) is
The crocodile Dundee. = D

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №35876
[19:59:25] Alexei: by the way, in the fields near the airport is dangerous in the autumn )) in us somebody threw a tail

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №35875
Video captured by a 90-degree camera.
xxx: in KMPlayer you can turn around when viewing.
YYY: Here is another, the hernias are there. I turned the monitor.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №35874
Yanukovych (11:55:32 10/09/2010)
Today I watched such a scene: the police officer Mers is driving on the left lane, he is driving a jeep, with flashbacks, everything is as it should be. And here the grandmother comes out on the road (apparently an old sabotage) The front jeep brakes sharply in front of her, and the police officer Mers rolls into it from behind from all the way, and from behind to Mers - a driven jeep) It was necessary to see the confused faces of menta in the merce.

DirtyHarry(11:59:57 10/09/2010)

Janish (12:00:04 10/09/2010)
I am a mommy.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №35873
Before going to bed, I kiss my loved one in the forehead, nose and lips, then I turn to sleep and hear him unhappy:
If you start kissing, kiss it to the end.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №35872
xxx: mushrooms gathered... I will fry... what about mushrooms – I don’t know
xxx: for the chance washed his nails and dressed in everything clean.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №35871
Del: Have you heard the news? Google has said it will pay higher salaries to homosexual employees than to employees with a traditional orientation.
KolRn: and it happens that the guy is like normal, and as you look at the code... it works in Google.
KolRn: with an increase in salary

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35870
In the era of piracy, real sea wolves quietly walked on the deck of a ship, even in the strongest storm, even under the degree, even with a wooden foot. But to the conductors in the trams they are still far away.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №35869
Shut off the light. I found a candle. prepared to eat. And still fuck up for the computer to hide - in the darkness and with the candles! This is a diagnosis...

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №35868
Once a rocket was launched, which had the following feature: the first few seconds after the launch, it flew strictly vertically, and then the tangage program began to be worked out, i.e. The rocket was targeting. At that time, the launch was successful, the rocket left the launch table, beautifully left, but... the program of the twist on the tangage was not included! The rocket with the reef went to the zenith, the commission thoughtfully followed it through the eyes and then it came to the smartest that after burning out the fuel, the rocket together with the warhead will return to the start! Without speaking, the members of the commission looked around and, like running camels, broke with wild speed in different directions along the barks, stirring up clouds of sand.
It is said that after that the following fourth was born:
Smoke, falling, a rocket
She ran away from the calculation...
Whoever has ever seen this,
That $X will come to the rocket!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna