— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №81805
>> You may not know that all those who are related to computers are users.
>> are called "programmers" =)
and gt;
> and those who, a little bit better balls in computers are called "hackers".)
and gt;
And in general, all programmers are required to be able to work with an autocad and
Design packages

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №81804
xpavlov: Every admin should be a practicing gamer. Otherwise, he will atrophy the conditional save/load reflex, which can lead to fascinating quests "how to restore the state of the servaq for this morning, having backups last week" in his hands.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №81803
I saw in the block today.
A crossover without a back wheel. On the back of the glass is the ad "Help Irene! IRA will accept any help" and link to any website.
Good people signed their fingers on the dirt: "probe stock?"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №81802
The Patent Trolls! That you all rest, and Mikhalkov made a movie about it. And afterwards also...

[ + 37 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81801
What is not romantic? He and She stand, holding slightly trembling hands together, looking into each other’s eyes, barely breathing... A light wind shattered their hair... Only a heartbeat is heard, more and more loud... The adrenaline mixture is carried through the veins together with blood, euphoria, agitation, a bunch of angels fly around... And there is SILENCE... Second or two... Baah! And around falling meteorites, breaking the earth, hot lava streams, fragments of cosmic ore, dirty cars, destroyed houses... Chaos and Anarchy! She says "Look how beautiful it is! The meteorite! We will all die!" and He: "Pofig, we blast!" And they roll among the debris of asphalt, stones and armor... And around them the mushrooms... Nuclear... And the ash falls from above... Radioactive... He compresses her palm stronger... Asphalt covers them... They have little time... He says: "Well, here is the winter!" And she: "Yes, dear, Nuclear Winter!". They kiss, beginning to crumble in pieces and fall with their feet forward to the next nuclear fungus that has dissolved on the horizon, because they taught it in the lessons of the OBŽ... Another meteorite falls into a bunch of radioactive ashes left of them, blowing up the cloud... The wind catches it up and carries it far and far into the darkened skies, far from the Apocalypse unfolding below... Happy end, titles, alarming music... Curtain!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №81800
As hard as we lived before the advent of smartphones, we had to go to the toilet with a laptop.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №81799
The Judge. The Cyprus Alley. Walk with husband and child. In front of them are two pretty drunk guys (one falls, the other runs a smoked cigarette). And before them there will be a white run. One of the friends takes her in his hands, a few meters later another takes a blanket and puts it on his shoulder. Well here, of course, I have the phrase "to the boys white came", itself broke out ^_^

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №81798
in English "cock" - x*y, and "roach" - dirt. "cockroach" is a cockroach.

Yes, it really is a tick tick.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №81797
If a poet lived in Siberia, he would write:
I love snow in early May, even if it is at the end of the month.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №81796
Today it is not easy to win, it is necessary for others to lose.

[ + 78 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81795
In the yard of Merce scratched the door of Oki. From Oka comes a grandfather with screams.
A man came out of Mercedes and gave his grandfather:
My name is Helmut! My father is a judge.
The grandfather sat down, rattled and struck the Mercedes, saying:
“I took tanks into the war, and here all kinds of Germans will beat me!
Helzer with his mattresses crashed out of the car, waving in the direction of "Oka" beating...
Three young men separated from the courtyard, one of them jumped sharply to the "son" and cut a short blow to the jaw.
Who are you, kids? The old man asked.
Partisans, partisans and partisans.
The balconies of the house applauded standing.

[ + 54 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81794
When a boy is born in a family, the state does not help to raise him and learn. But when his parents grow up and teach him by his own strength, he must immediately pay the debt to the state. I wonder when did he get into debt?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №81793
Scar: Fuck, there are some of the best programming lessons on this site, why haven’t I heard of it before?
Zank: The First Rule of the Fighter Club

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81792
The poster was removed by the police six times these days; every time a citizen stated that the content of the poster seemed to him to be extremist. On Monday, the activists seemed to have placed a chess and mat to the Kiev police: they took this inscription with a crumb on the sidewalk, showed it to the policeman who had approached it and said - remove it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №81791
Maybe I’m a paranoid, but I’m not going to give him anything.
Maybe you are a jade?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №81790
to this:
The xxx:
I don’t know why all of you have seat belts. The belt does not allow to collapse side by side when bypassing numerous road holes and fly forward with sharp braking. And also under it is very convenient to sleep, especially if the cushion is placed (for passengers=))). Another thing, if you have not yet come out of the teenage period, when you definitely need to show everyone that you are cooler only eggs after 10 minutes of cooking. Then yes, sticking is a serious blow to reputation.
= = = = = = = = =
And when I sit on the front seat (whether driving or not), a mile after two, I recall convulsively that I forgot to attach and sit down, I see a belt across my shoulder. So much to automation has been brought to habit.
Especially because I feel somewhat damaged without belts, not protected, in general, as if naked in the middle of a crowded street.
Only five-point belts cause the problem - you feel stuck to a chair, only the head is chatting.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №81789
We walked for a couple of weeks in northern Norway on the fjords. We stayed mostly in tents. tk. There around the sea, the water was taken either in streams or campings.
Somewhere in the middle of the journey we stood near a small town. Well, like a city, a couple of districts with one main street. And we must say that at that time there was a polar day and ‘night’ was slightly darker than day, i.e. If you don’t look at the clock, you don’t know what time of day is. Go to town for water. The gas station is closed, shops closed, no people. We look at some institution where light is burning on the first floor of the office. We approach, we knock, a girl looks out of the window. Furthermore, a friend who knows a little about the local dialect and English has a dialogue that breaks out of the usual "allow me to get water? So please" At the end of the dialogue, the girl disappears and a friend tells me: that suddenly at 3 a.m. we knocked with empty bottles in the window of the psychiatric clinic and asked to pour water! O_O
The comrade asked if he knew what day today, where he is, his name and how much time it is :-) At the end of this short course of psychodiagnostics we were shipped water, indeed already through the hall, but we looked all the same :-)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №81788
[0:40:44] Syndrome: a lesson in girls
[0:41:30] Syndrome: reminds me of a moment from my childhood when a bearded man came to us at school and told us for 2 hours how to use tampons to girls, also brought a healthy plastic vagina and explained everything on it...after that I was treated for autism for a year

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №81787
The guy in the line in front of me stands - fun, he calls
and aloo?
(I think they are walking)
You are normal, how do you walk? First, the rain, and second, you are a shit.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №81786
by Anton
In a porn video, she poured something into the wine while she drowned.
The intrigue which
What will he do with her later?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna