— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №97473
The xxx:
Usually, if you explain to a person what you do not understand, you begin to bump into what you say and you have a lot of affigenous ideas on one or another issue.)

Explain to me the punctuation in complex and complicated sentences

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97472
The worst U.S. sanctions against Russia would be imposing sanctions on Steam. You cannot play Dota 2 because you are the enemy of democracy. and :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №97471
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Wall *
D: Relax and relax
Yyy: Perceive it as a farm for the sake of the straw
RFL is the best motivation, fuck it! Thumbs Up

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №97470
Do you have breast weapons?
WOW: How is it. Sometimes, you run away from the maniac, you let him get closer, and as you chew his breast over his shoulder, until you have time to remember.
You write terrible things.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №97469
XX: In the list of things to do before the age of 48 item 3496 will be in the dragon’s paste!

YYY: The Dragon’s Pasta? I immediately see several options:
A tube with a dragon rubbed in a paste, and you are in it.
Pasta items belonging to the dragon, and you in them
- any paste called “Dragon’s Pasta” and you’re in it.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97468
XXX is built! I’m back to visit a girl from the Czech Republic.) by the way Wick End is this weekend?
YYY: Vic End is a weak end
xxx is a bitch? that is. Is she coming to me at a weak end?
YYY: Well, purely logically everything goes together...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №97467
Shop, aquarium with live carps. In front of me is a lady of the age, but with a claim on the lady:
Are the carpets fresh?
The dealer, keeping the poker face: They are alive!
D: I mean, are they not old?
P is This is my grandfather, but he is so shy!
The lady asked to weigh her granddaughter.

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97466
There were no psychologists at school before. Psychologists were at the same time: a classy leader, a soundtrack, a director. In rare cases, the area.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97465
I don’t understand people who download TSs in HD. What do they hope?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97464
Is there nothing good in the cars?
The names of the flowers are not bad.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №97463
How to slow down to 190 - don't drive that way. Well think you at least hypothetically, everyone knows that the situation is described is not OK. Lovers go back to the past.
A few years ago, a smart man, too, at the speed of 190 in the city center, thought about how to slow down. as a result, the car that stood last in the traffic jams in front of the lighting - twisted, 2 bodies.
And the acquaintances of this half-idiot were very upset that this story ruined his career.

What am I clinging to?
lovers pursue on 190 - meet, please wall of concrete on your way!
Do not ask questions.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97462

And Americans all advertising of hygiene products is published only in special medical journals, and on TV I don't even know when you can show it, maybe on a public channel, at night. They are Americans! The wild people!

In Americans, doctors regularly consult with teenagers, explaining them in detail - what and where. They are wild.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97461
Packing the zimpyu rubber in storage bags, I thought that they are winter wires))) and you are all a butterfly, chubby...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №97460
Alexey: I look at "Machete" and I go to bed
Tatiana: It’s before sleep
Yes, I’ll dream of pink pony 😉
Tatiana: Running with rabbin juice
Alexey: And shooting each other from caramel shells with multi-colored M&Ms.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97459
I: Will you catch my wife on the road?
Friend: I’ll catch it, just throw her phone at me, or I don’t have it.
I: That’s why you don’t have my wife’s phone? I have yours.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №97458
and naive:
I watched another masterpiece today. There is such a brutal uncle: the head is smoothly shaved, a 2-week scarf on the beard, a skinned skin, a thick chain on the gridi and a rocker t-shirt. With a woman’s bag in hand. Next to him was his girlfriend and apparently her bag. But why?! Why do you take your girlfriend’s bags???? to
Not to run away! Where is she without her suitcase?


[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №97457
Seberya: Just under the new words hides the usual old. Under the beautiful word "College" hides PU. Who is MS? This is an ordinary conference, leading. "Wow what a device/gadget!" That is, to call the device "the device" we can not. What about bit boxing? The rapers consider it art. And as a child, we called it "buckle the mouth".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97456
About "Breaking the template" by phone:
I take a phone:
and yes!
Aah...who are you?
A man, and you?
He waited for a half-minute for a response, then put on the phone.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №97455
My friend told me about miracles.
He served as a sapphire in Chechnya. Once they walked through the canyon, scratching the area on the subject of "lists" as they should be followed by a column with supplies. In general, ahead of the kinologists, then the guys with metal detectors, the BTR with an antenna that silences radio signals, at the end of another kinologist. And here there is a wild explosion, bushes and trees fly in different directions. They looked around – all whole, no one was hit, it exploded from behind in 40 meters. Someone was running down the hill. have caught. On the interrogation it turns out that he laid a radio-controlled, in order to stop the column with the provision, but knowing that the BTR silences the signals simply from nothing to do decided to chew the controller. They called the commander of the BTR crew and asked "what's going on?" To what he answers, "So the antenna has not been working for more than 6 months."

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №97454
and Mom! by Mam! by Mam! by Mam!
Well what?! to
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The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna