— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №81345
xxx: such thoughts are strange... I read the fifth Harry Potter, it tells how the poor Harry had to endure Voldemort’s mood swings, but did not tell what was Voldemort himself? Did he catch Harry’s moods too? anger, jealousy, thirst to kill, sudden erections? Per his whole body was sick.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №81344
$#I, again a whisper about who should sit with the baby!

There is a simple solution: your brains have not matured before children, you do not need children - do not give birth.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81343
She is at home on maternity leave with the child. I come home from work, spit on the bed. The dialogue:
Go sit down with Rome.
I: Len, I am tired. Give me 10 minutes to lie down.
When should I go to bed? I have been on his feet all day.
I: Is Romka sleeping during the day?
J is sleeping.
I: Here you sleep with him.
J: I am doing business. Look at what kind of house.
I am a second. For four months, you claim that you do not sleep when our son is asleep, therefore, you are doing something, and this dialogue between us and you ends every night with the word "hate". Tell me, are you doing shit?? to

The second day we didn’t talk.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №81342
The Finns have already hit us.
and yes? ) I don’t understand football!
Dime – It is certain
Because they play hockey.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №81341
From the Russian-language Estonian newspaper:

The Finns and Estonians after the Winter War do not love the Swedes, nor do they complain. The Swedes pay them with the same coin, are skeptical of the Norwegians and fear the Russians. The Norwegians spit on all of their oil a lot, but the Russians are also afraid - for every case. Estonians are highly attached to Latvians and are wildly afraid of Russians. Lithuanians despise Latvians and Estonians and are proud of their great past. Latvians, like the Baltic ones, sit on top of them and are also wildly afraid of the Russians. Russians are all fooled. They beat under Poltava the Swedish Charles the Twelfth and compare themselves only to the Germans.
They do not like Jews.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №81340
What is the roof! I have a cat with the wind! Good that inside. The window is plastic, the windows are tight. The child slept, relaxing, and the wind slipped on the surface. He would be stuck on the floor, clinging to the curtain. Now you need to buy new curtains, and somehow convince the cat to eat more so that the incident does not happen again.

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81339
Ivanova Ksenia - 19 years

Who I want to find:
Not drinking a man for re-marriage and joint children (there are 2 daughters).

People are normal? OO

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №81338
Polygon, district center and clinic.
Table on the office: Dentistry.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №81337
I corresponded with a friend who tells how he and his boyfriend went to his friends:
She: Yesterday she was sick here, and she was very sick. Dimka came in the afternoon, gathered with him to the boys. My throat hurts, and I’m mostly silent. I broke up, and I go to gather. While I painted, he approaches from the back, I see him in the mirror, I turn and plunge him onto the bed, all such a cute, gentle and playful babysitter ^_^ I hang over him, I gently bend my head to the side, smile charmingly, and with a manly chilled voice I give "Time is approaching". He first pulls back from fear, and then fills himself with laughter. = = (
This is a shit girl.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №81336
From the blog of a good psychiatrist.
Once in the Baltic Sea a fishing boat disappeared. A few days later, a sailor came to the shore from this boat. They ask him: What happened? The cow fell from the sky and drowned the boat. Well, clear pen, go to psychiatrists, and find out for yourself. It turned out that the carriage pilots at one of the airfields stopped the bull, dragged it into the compartment and flew. Then he started flying. The entire plane could disappear. I had to open the applet. He saw the white light and ran out of the compartment, and at the bottom was the Baltic and a fishing boat.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №81335
What is more important in a girl? Breast or eyes?
It is the eyes.)
You’ve seen a lot of my photos. What color are my eyes?
He is like a carrier))
Okay, and the size of the chest? Okay, to the point? )
It is: 3-4
She is VOOOTT! My eyes are blue! On this subject, the breasts and eyes can be considered closed though you are right. A girl without eyes looks much worse than a girl without breasts.
He is :)))
She: But it turns out that if there are breasts, then the eyes immediately lose their appeal... And in general: the beauty of the eyes is back proportional to the size of the breast!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №81334
Fuck, your position is to deny it all.

She is: No!

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81333
The paradox is that this world is beautiful even with its fools – you just need to be able to use them properly.

[ + 47 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81332
In the spring of 1956, a letter from a Canadian citizen, Gordon Lonsdale, came to the Faculty of African Studies and Oriental Studies at the University of London with a request to accept him to study. Since the Canadian, according to the documents, had a solid bank account, his request was satisfied, and in September the same 56th Mr. Lonsdale descended from the vessel "America" in the port of Southampton to English soil. Thus began the illegal work in England, the most fortunate Soviet intelligence of the Cold War era. Conan Trofimovich the Young and... the history of electronic car security systems.

I must say that K. T. Young was a man of very interesting fate. He was born in Moscow in 1922. In 1932, with the permission of the Soviet government, Conan went to the United States and for six years lived in San Francisco with his aunt, who left for the United States in 1914. In 1938 he returned to Moscow, in 1940 he finished school and was called into the army. He spent the entire war in front intelligence. Demobilized in 1946, he entered the Institute of Foreign Trade, which he graduated in 51.
All in the same 1951 Young was involved in the work of the illegal intelligence of the state security agencies. Since 1956, he has been a resident of the Soviet intelligence in Britain under the guise of the Canadian citizen Gordon Lonsdale.
Like every illegal young man, he needed a good cover. Conan Trofimovich himself recalled that, in addition to studying at the University of London, he was required to engage in some business, which, on the one hand, had to take a minimum of time, and on the other hand to justify the existence of Mr. Lonsdale's decent funds, without which the intelligence officer is unable to engage in his business.

The young man quickly found such a business. He became one of the first dealers in Europe to engage in trading machines. These devices could trade any small commodity from chewing gum to condoms. At the same time, the tax authorities could hardly check their income. Such a device, being installed in a hard place, could "trade" almost any amount.

Lonsdale’s case quickly began to flourish. By the end of the 1950s, his company became a reputable company with a decent staff. And the youth intelligence has also reached impressive scales. He managed to have agents in many government institutions in Britain, several times personally attended closed parliamentary meetings as an honorary guest. Time for business with our intelligence was less and less. And then he decided to organize a new business that would be profitable, virtually without requiring his intervention. It was obvious to the young man that it must have been the production of some new product, and such that its potential consumers could become hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. Konan Trofimovich rightly believed that by setting up the production and wholesale sale of such a product, he would then be able to make a profit for several years, spending a minimum of time on managing the business.

The search for a suitable product for a long time did not bring results, but the young man helped the case. In the middle of 1959, a young man named Tommy Rourke, an employee of his machine service firm, told his boss that he had a serious business offer for him. “I want to introduce you, Mr. Lonsdale, to my father,” Tommy said. He invented a worthwhile thing.”

That same evening, the “Canadian” businessman visited Rurk the Elder. The old man turned out to be a busy man, and the device he invented was very promising.
The English "culibin" laid a black metal box on the table in front of our spy and removed the lid from it. Inside there were multicolored wires connecting various radio parts.

“It’s a guard,” said the old man proudly. The car guard. With these clamps you connect the device to the ignition system and the car starter. Now you will not be able to start it until you type the digital code on this disk.

After that, Rurk pulled his old Austin out of the garage and offered Lonsdale to start the engine. As soon as Gordon turned the key in the ignition lock, the car's clamps and headlights blinked. The car never managed to get started.

As it turned out, the old man already had time to patent his invention, worked on a new, more perfect model, but to find investors for the organization of production he failed. Realizing that he attacked the gold vessel, the young man promised to set up a mass release of car guards.

In the shortest time, our intelligence company created the company to produce the world’s first electronic alarm. The success did not come immediately, but a year later the company gradually began to make profits, and Lonsdale overturned its business of servicing trading machines.

The massive popularity of alarms came after the 1960 International Innovation Exhibition in Brussels. It was presented by Gordon Lonsdale and Rourke the Elder, and it won the Great Gold Medal "as the best British exhibition." After the exhibition, the alarms began to be sold throughout Europe. The company's turnover increased, a new model was being prepared for production, Lonsdale began to receive offers to buy a company from him for very decent money, but...

At the end of 1960, the Polish intelligence officer Mikhail Gonelewski fled to the West. Soon, the CIA transferred to the British intelligence services the data obtained from him about the agents of the illegal Soviet resident in England Ben (under such a code name passed in the closed documents of the Young) at the Navy base in Portland. He was monitored and in January 1961 Lonsdale was arrested during a conspiracy meeting with his informants.

In the course of the investigation, the British counterintelligence was unable to split our resident – he did not extradite anyone. Moreover, the British could not even know his real name - Conan the Young in all the investigation materials was under the name of Gordon Lonsdale. However, the court held over him in March of the same year sentenced him to 25 years in prison.

Sitting in the English prison, Conan the Young continued to run his business until the end of 1963, when he became aware that he was going to be exchanged for British spy Herville Wynn, detained in the USSR. Then, according to some data, the Young sold his own control share of the company to the American electronic corporation "Saturn" (the funds from this transaction naturally filled the treasury of the Soviet Union). This company is known today in Russia for its alarms “Alligator”, “Pantera”, “APS”, “Jaguar”, “Clifford” and... “KGV”.

USSR folk artist Donatas Banionis repeatedly met with Conan the Young during the shooting of the film "Dead Season". It is unnecessary to say who became the prototype of the main character of the picture.

The Senior Lieutenant

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №81331
After seeing only two magnets in the refrigerator - from Magadan and Vorkuta, the thieves fed the cat and washed the dishes.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81330
I love Android Market and Russian users. Lazio recently in search of new programs. I encountered in the comments this:
HH:" That’s more than that! The Best!
App is fucking! We are best! 0 stars cannot be placed. the best program, thank you!"
This is the best program :)

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №81329
SMS from the girl:

I know you may have been there yesterday or not, but you could have called what it was! And if it wasn't, then call and say that it wasn't, but I'm almost sure that it was ugly without me, or maybe not, but all the way! Do not call me."

How to React?! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №81328
The sea shines with joy,
Laughter and fun around.
and eating the berries,
Children are running to the water.
The sea shines with joy.
There is a buzz on it.

But on the fence I write
The word "x@y"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №81327
This is if you come to me, Vania will be locked in the room.

YYY: When I was a child, when my mom was visited by guests, she closed me on the balcony and told my guests I was dead.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №81326
A randomly intercepted excerpt from the conversation of Russian tourists of the 1950s in Thailand:
"...there is very easy to climb through the fence and the beach there is excellent..."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna