— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №80785
xxx: Professor you can cook methamphetamine / LSD?
YYY: There is nothing complicated.
ZZZ: What about the Bordeaux?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №80784
I always do everything for sure!
You always do everything through your ass.! to
It’s not my fault that it’s through the ass!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №80783
There is no worse condition than when you can’t even drink for your health.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №80782
There is a laundry near my house. And when I get home on the bus, I always ask to stop at the washing. There is no other suitable direction. I eat once, and wash in the fire. The driver turned to me and said, “Girl! “Your house is burning!”

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №80781
Following the return of the title of "hero of labor" it would not be difficult to return the title of "enemy of the people".

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №80780
>> and so on. Go with my at nightclubs, you will get to know all sorts of sucs.

- Go with me through the sewers, you will get to know all sorts of shit.

The moral of this fairy tale is this: where you look, you find, young fellow.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №80779
xxx: Lewis Carroll, travelling through Russia, recorded a wonderful Russian word "defendable".
(That’s who’s rotted them, as he noted in the diary.) with English letters. The view of this word causes horror... zаshtshееshtshаууshtshеkhsua.
No Englishman or American can pronounce this word.

yyy: It is good that they are not German – they have the Russian letter "Щ" more complicated: schtsch!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №80778
Intool: I think in 1.1 ml. People (or those who will live here on Earth) will move to another planet or even planets in the 2nd Solar System.
Yes, of course, they will inspect the house 2, drink beer and start building spacecraft.
Intool: Can you imagine what a billion years is? It’s not a thousand years, not even a million. Think about those numbers. You see how mankind has advanced in all directions over 2000 years. I’m even scared to imagine what’s going to happen in 10,000 years.
WrathInMind: FIFA 12014
Is Half-Life 3 coming out?

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №80777
I recently talked to my mom and she was so unknowingly: "Again we have in someone’s field a train crashed". Well, of course, I begin to show sympathy there, all things. She went on: "Well, he was a player listening and he didn't hear the trains... He went from one village to another with the player in his ears." And then it comes to me that he didn't cross the road, but went straight on them from village to village. With a player in your ears!! It is Darwin!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №80776
Are you going to get married?
ASIA: How do we gather? Choosing a dress?
Alexey: Not at all. Do you have plans for the next couple of years?
Answered Alexander, I missed it.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №80775
Comment on the photo of the girl with the tattoo of the Morya's neck on the jaw.
Talk, my friend, and come in!
yyy: I'm waiting to fuck my grandmother, who in the "Moria" Balrog went on) Well, we'll pick up more goblins, then go to the Gandalf Dispensary) Fufufufu)))

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №80774
I hate neighbors with drill... for 7 months the same from 9 to 9 :((
-as usual - bought an apartment entirely of concrete and pull out the rooms in it.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №80773
As my favorite said:
“In our factory, there is one drunken master who makes these stuffs, and he is not Jackie Chan at all!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №80772
Where did the cucumbers grow? The White Church?
YYYYY: Yes 20 km from the White Church
Tomatoes are there.
xxx: Today is the anniversary of the accident at the Chase.) I should have brought it from Gomel, and the radiation background is normal.
YYY: We have no background, the tomatoes can tell you.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №80771
I thought, and 9 years of masking from the military commands can be equal to 1 year of service in the guerrilla troops?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №80770
In Kharkov to the May holidays destroyed a memorial sign to the banderists.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №80769
The evolution of the monkey made man, the horse made transportation. Someone is lucky here.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №80768
xxx: as one client told me today on my "look at our website":
- Previously everyone sent on x@i, and now on the site...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №80767
I HZ how to do it
On your hz, there is tz

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №80766
I will not talk about us. I will tell about myself. Yes, I have become such a reference that I will not run out on the street when a couple of fools are craving one (but in school I went out). I will not go into a fight because tomorrow I will be taken to the point of reference, the nervousness in the family and the incitement will begin at work (the stock markets are not needed, they will be fired because they do not go into plans). I regret, there is a spiritual zeal to rush into the most unpleasant but... immediately social restriction works and how to live? Being a master is possible. But not in the city, just not working for someone, just not living with the same references.
And as soon as you start to breathe smoothly, courageous internal troops will take over your smoothness. Will they take away (or am I exaggerating?) This would not have happened if 10 people (and each of those 10 others) had been injured for me. In short, it really feels like a lamb in a bench where there are frames in which you are still needed. for now you can cut sheep (taxes) well and there as a meat mixer will order.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna