— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №96432
American sociologist N. conducted research on the topic of "Relationship of people of different nationalities to foreign property". The scientist travelled around the cities of the world, left a suitcase in the middle of the railway station, hid and tracked time. Here are the results:
No one touched the suitcase in Stockholm.
A suitcase was stolen in half an hour.
In Paris in 20 minutes.
In Rome at 10 a.m.
In Tokyo, five minutes later, the suitcase was handed over to the find office.
In Tel Aviv, three minutes later, police arrived, seized the station, loaded a suitcase in a armoured van and took the city to explode.
In Odessa, the exact result was not obtained, because while the investigator looked at the suitcase, his clock was stolen.
The last in the series was an experiment in Baghdad - along with the suitcase, the American himself was abducted.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №96431
The company is engaged in the production of press for TBO. I received a request by mail:
We have fish production, we drink steaks from frozen fish.
Fish comes to us in the form of bricks in boxes. In the grinding line we have installed 9 seals, in order to provide them with split fish, on the grinding line we currently work 6 healthy men, who grind layers with fish cuvalds. Our task with you to manufacture a machine that will increase the performance of the fish crushing node,
Reduce the number of healthy men to four. I suggest you put for us such a machine on the basis of a press for maculature.
and Murmansk. Machine for breaking layers with frozen fish."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №96430
Proff: I heard from a colleague the paradoxical definition of dirt.

Proff: It’s when on weekends you’re running a computer to whisper on porn, by habit, you’re going into a bag-tracker immediately and you’re shaking up after three hours of cleaning up.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №96429
I am in line for X-rays. Voice from the Cabinet:
How old is this machine? Does he not spit in me uranium?! to
Do not spit, stay humble.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №96428
here here :
And the most hit is the balcony in the hallway.
What’s wrong with the balcony? I would like.
*** by
The balcony in the hallway is as cool as the library, cabinet and winter garden in the house. But in the realities of sold millipizdric apartments, in the hallway of two square meters, and also with a balcony, a frog, consists of one door and there is no place to hang a nail to hang the jacket.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №96427
Yesterday in the resuscitation called me a 4-year-old boy:
Aunt come to me.
I am fit. There is a surgeon nearby.
The child :
Find my mom, look her in the eyes, just look, and say I love her so much.
The surgeon left with the words "Well, how can I endure this?"
I realized that I never changed my job.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №96426
Fighting in the Rada: On the words "You are waging a war against dissent" the speaker disconnected the microphone, struck from the tribune and a mess began.
XHHH: The Rada finally started working in the usual mode!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №96425
f.k I have two joys at work:
See the clock at 11:11
2 and not see 22:22

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96424
Fuck the teachers.
Two positions. The first, the teaching, the Soviet type - whoever wants, he learns. and fair.

The second, student, post-Soviet type (paid department) - we paid the money, you are obliged to teach. is logical.

to summarize. Budget seats are being cut with terrible force. In addition to the competition, there is a lot of speculation. Students, irritated by widespread cynicism, begin to present themselves from a position of force, money is paid. And don’t think that they pay the major, it was 10 years ago, they pay the average and below the average. They are angry because money matters to them. Teachers don’t see that money. On average, the salary is from 11 to 19 thousand (on average, in Moscow there is not only Vishka and MSU). Yes, for such a h/p only every day and look for approaches to the minds of young people. Why is it all. Thanks to the Ministry of Education!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №96423
We don’t drink vodka, we go there. Not just vodka. I mean, not just drinking!! to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №96422
Comments on the news about the shooting of the 7th part "Star Wars"
In the final there will be a scene where Darth Vader is filmed from the election.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №96421
A normal salary is one at which you stop shaking your eyes every day. All other definitions are from the evil.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №96420
The local people of Kharkiv stormed the opera and ballet theatre, thinking that it was the mayor and demanded the mayor.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №96419
The deputy minister of energy from the apartment stole documents and 250 thousand rubles, which the family was going to spend on vacation in Crimea.
Not the fate. I’ll have to fly to Goa again, Szuco.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №96418
The 6th sense, the 6th sense - and did not think of the barometer in the knee joint, attached to the nerve pain?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №96417
I refuse to acknowledge the results of my 40th anniversary!
YYY: Give me back my legitimate 25

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №96416
xxx: And we start the prize game under the general title "So where are they, the borders of Russia?"

According to the Thames TV - English channel show: in parliament discuss, as usual, from the dawn of the Ukrainian issue (working). <...> True, the same issue applies to the Russian Federation and most CIS countries.

yyy: The beginning of the post was very pleasant: "So where are they, the borders of Russia?" -- "On the Thames".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №96415
I don't know what the architect smoked, but the cottage has windows in the strangest places: on the staircase cage two on both floors, but at the level of the carpet, the loft all in the windows, somewhere the windows at the level of 1.5 floor.
This is a big mystery – what do architects smoke? Apartments in new buildings is a song. Entrance through the warehouse. A meter per meter, but with a window. The balcony is more than the only room. More than all the rooms combined. And the most hit is the balcony in the hallway.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №96414
In short, the U.S. Postal Service refused to send the package to Sergey Ivanov from St. Petersburg due to sanctions imposed by the U.S. Government. Meanwhile, Sergey Ivanov of the SPB was not the one Sergey Ivanov, against whom sanctions were introduced. What is not surprising - the name "Sergey" and the surname "Ivanov" are among the most common in Russia.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №96413
We talked to the technical specialist on mass spectrometers, and the conversation came about nightmares:
I dream that you are Jon. You fly and you suddenly fall into an ionic trap! But that is not all. With enormous effort you break out of it... and then you realize that the trap does NOT work! The horror...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna