— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126278
After reading about peanut butter, I realized how little problems a person who has no antipathy in food has. Someone like me, for example. Truth and themes for discussions in which interested parties can take part are also less. I don’t know if this is plus or minus.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126277
I smashed my back with melon.
There are no ropes on the shoes.
Now for all the jokes.
is ready.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126276
Portrait of a typical "businessman" from the 90s to the 19s:
"This is a regional entrepreneur of Geneva. Gene rose in the 90s on a mortar, because no one had a mortar, and Gene had it. Why this happened, Gina does not like to remember. Since then, Gena has moved from Adidas to Brijuni, built a bearing factory and creatively opened a network of pubs. Gene considers himself an educated businessman, he graduated from the Link School of Distance Business Education. Gene has a 17-year-old son who dreams of leading his father’s business. But Genah knows that his son is a fool, and tries to think less about the future.

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126275
A understandable

If you see a girl whose face is distorted with a shoe, know - the boots are new, do not apply to make a compliment.

And "Al" is this a new name for underprivileged? This explains the new boots and the desire for compliments for the walk of the walking dead)))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126274
> Don't believe, I have a status "married" and a photo on an avatar with a small child - they still write! Offer to meet and "no and what the husband is?". I don’t know what else to do, they probably don’t look at the page at all. Women must write!( by

I’m written that I’m fat (in my case it’s true), and I’m not written at all. I recommend. Families from real or just long-time know that you are a person, not a nauseous bully, but from unwanted new acquaintances.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126273
This is what you are asking: "1 April! Why didn’t you put anything on the main?and "
I will answer you: stop fighting for all the stuff here, write funny quotes and you will be lucky. They did not deserve...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126272
Moscow region, engineering troops, water without cabbage in the morning, cabbage with water in the lunch, cabbage without water in the evening. Cabbage was salted in a mini pool, 3 on 3, with a depth of 8 meters, dropped it in the ash there, smoked there, the bulls in it, naturally no one came out.
Moscow region, engineering troops, 1978-80. The concept of the army is excellent. Cabbage was fermented in "mini pools" (called "board"). They were wrapped in rubber boots (specially dedicated). No one sucked and no bull threw - what kind of cattle should be to do such a western thing to the soldiers?! The SSB.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126271
About crosswords, by Yuri Nikulin:

In the recreational circus, crossword lovers once could not figure out a single word. The whole circus long broke their heads over the question: “The close relative,” six letters. People were in despair. I waited for the answers in the next chapter with impatience. The answer was "Brat".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126270
I will explain:

However, it was not the most terrible thing that the garden saw - one boy poured a milk bowl on his head. Like Nafiga - unsuccessfully guessed and educators, and fellow groups, and parents.

It is done simply - the plate stood on the edge of the table, dropped the spoon, put under the table, put the plate...

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126269
A smiley in the classical sense is a set of symbols serving to convey emotions, identified with the eyes, mouth, and sometimes the nose, eyebrows, etc. "> : - )" The one who puts only the clamps depicts only the mouth. "))" and He hides his eyes. So he’s dishonest with you and maybe lying or thinking something. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Don’t trust a person who smiles with only his mouth.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №126268
I don’t know, April 1st, but where are the tricks?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №126267
Linch: I am standing at a tram stop, under the roof is a company of bombie man at twenty. One of them comes in and asks for a couple of rubles. I’m angry, busy, I’m thinking about shit, I’m shaking out all the little things, because it won’t save the father of Russian democracy. The boy is loudly delighted, goes back, they get enough for a gin-tonic. They sit and drink. The boy goes to shoot cigarettes, no one gives him, and I end up giving two pieces. He rejoices and goes back.
My tram approaches, I go there, and here the whole company begins to scream, applaud, go "thank you, thank you, give god health!"
The whole tram in Aachen. I have improved my karma.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №126266
In my opinion, someone should either take off the cross or put on cowards. I thought of myself as an opponent of generalization, and in the following paragraph you wrote: "Show me at least one woman who does not claim to be a male wallet!"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126265
I remembered, at the beginning of family life 12 years ago, my wife one morning told me:
I dreamed today that you changed me. So you stay without breakfast.)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №126264
Please explain, why can’t the image be considered information? Preferably with examples and references to literature/standards.

They are more upset when they learn that the image in the computer is also made up of units and no-li-coffs.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №126263
Here’s the joke on the internet:
"When I came home early from the night shift and saw a half-naked girl coming out of the bathroom, I scrolled in my head only three thoughts: has the son grown up, the husband or grandfather believed in himself?
People, who knows how it all ended?? to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126262
Scoons: I’m facing pigeons at work, and I’m increasingly not understanding those who call these Foolish Fools the Birds of the World? It cannot, it cannot be the messenger of the world, to be so stupid and so much shit!
Viblis: Yes, this is the world when you can stumble and mourn without thinking of war :-)

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126261
I adore my brother!

We have a poor inheritance in the family for cardiovascular diseases, and my dad died of a heart attack, not living to retirement. Therefore, my brother was very alert, finding some discomfort in the left side of the chest, which occurs exclusively at work. No, not pain, just discomfort, but the cared for, as they say, God cares.

He went to the doctors, the doctors found nothing, and himself outside of work feels normal.

In general, it turned out that the case was the pass, which Losha used to wear in the loaded pocket of the jacket "for work". The jacket is narrow, the pass is hard, the leach is tenuous and has a large fat layer, which would extinguish the pressure of the pass on the chest, has no...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126260
The question is, where is the shark’s leg?

Where in the stomach. Have you ever watched the "Square"?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №126259
About life in the United States, forum "Bay area" (San Francisco and the surrounding area):
Girls, who knows what’s going on in Walt Crick? There are huge ranks of people in the center (around California pizza), some sitting on bags.
YYY: This is the turn to pre-order the new Tesla 3...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna