— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126138
One day, an American named Larry Rutman threw a bumerang, which came back and hit him in the head. Larry sued himself for $300,000 in damages and won the case. The money for inflicting beating himself was paid by the insurance company, in which Larry was insured against such claims.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126137
List of tariffs of the capital mobile operator. The first comments:

BlackD: You have no price in Russia. I am from Tallinn (Estonia). I have a package in Tele2 costs 8 euros. It includes free calls within the network, to other networks 1000 minutes + unlimited internet. There is no roaming inside the country.

I found something to compare. There is no roaming between North and South.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126136
Half a day, half a life, half a glass... Are you serious? Children, the floor is only in the rooms and in living beings. The floor is parquet, linoleum, flat, and also male and female.

Rules for words with "pol", meaning the number:

1st Sex + consistent is written without a gap: half a day, half a day, half a life, half a kilogram.

2nd Exception - half + l: half a liter, half a tablespoon, half a tape, half a lemon, half a sheet are written through the defect, because "l" and the quantity (half a liter - a bottle, not a quantity; half a liter - an adjective, not a quantity).

Three With a defiant we write if the root with the vocabulary or the own name: half-Arbuza, half-Arab, half-autumn, half-streets, half-Moscow, half-Addis Ababa, half-Muchosransk, half-Borovitska.

A funny story:

Half the first, half the second, half the third, half the fourth, half the fifth, but half the eleventh.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №126135
Rest with my husband. I lie down and I say to him:
“Arthur, you haven’t made a compliment for a long time!
He squeezed a little:
How did I not? I told you recently that you are clever!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126134
What does it mean when stupidity borders with stupidity?

This is when two neighbors are at war.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №126131
Meeting a wife walking with a child
Kirill Fedotov: Dan and we met your DNA
[17:32:29] Denis: )) only half of the

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126130
The verb "search" for 1 spinning - ending in the form of 2 persons -eth. You are looking for work.
The verb "pill" 2 sprinklings - the end of -ite. You are draining the budget.
But there is another overwhelming inclination, which is formed with the help of a suffix -and-:
Look for a woman!
Pile, shura, they are gold.
Feel the difference.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №126129
>>... At 10 you’re just waking up and you’re wearing cowards, and I’m already...

In the hood, I apologize. I have always been stunned by the unstoppability of the strawberries. 2 o'clock in the day - the time of early rise of the typical savage in the weekend. The Early!
I get up at 11 a.m. and you get up at ten or ten.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126128
At the entrance of the neighbor he found a book - "Karate". Not every day has a chance to be a great master. And then a friend told me to be more careful, because the one who threw it out has already read it.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №126127
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Why didn’t nature create a crocodile?

YYY: Only some, and only morally.

xxx: I would bite this uncle... with a long tail... a tail!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126126
In St. Petersburg for a fight in the TC detained a pensioner with nunchaks

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №126125
About sacrifice and free choice.
First of all, is it a good idea to buy pizza if there is food in the house (Greek with cocktails)? and Nippon.
Second, well, if you ordered a pizza, it means that you wanted it straight to the point, and you need to eat it right away, and otherwise again - it was ordered? And leave the strawberries with cocktails for dinner/for tomorrow, she will.
Third, what is the problem before preparing breakfast to ask the little boy, tell you what you will, oatmeal or egg - so as not to make unnecessary body movements and not psycho in vain.
Oh my God, people are doing such nonsense.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126124
I have not watched Russian television for about 13 years (since the closure of TV-S in 2003), because of the all-penetrating snake. I have studied English for many years. I understand oral speech. I watched CNN. Finally a normal TV. Gay rights, gay rights, gay rights are offended. I turned off CNN.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126123
I wanted to set up a piano at home, walked around and opened a website. The title of the article "If you are not an adjuster, then it is impossible to configure the piano yourself." Cool. Thanks for help.

[ + 25 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126122
I live in Kharkov. I recently applied for a Polish visa. There were no seats in Kharkov, it had to be recorded in Dnipropetrovsk (250 km from Kharkov). The passport was returned by courier service. I get a passport and I understand by print that the consul who put the visa in the passport was sitting in Kharkiv. It turns out my passport travelled with me Kharkiv-Dnepr, then with them Dnepr-Kharkiv, Kharkiv-Dnepr and at the end of the courier service for 100 hryvnia Dnepr-Kharkiv
YYY: O. Optimization

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126121
I took care of a girl in the universe. At the same time, another guy walked to her - a beautiful man in the car was more expensive than my apartment. But she constantly shaved him.

And she walked with me, let me know that she liked me, even passionate kisses. Finally, this girl is coming home to me. I think I will be lucky today. Set up for bed deeds, washed, shaved, changed clothes.

And here she came. It was about an hour of talking about nothing, I already started clinging to her, as suddenly her phone ringed. Of course, that was the major. He told her something there, and they directly agreed to meet with me tonight. I looked at her surprised, and she began to say to me, "Sorry, you're good, but I like him, I wanted him to compete, so I met you, bla bla bla." Well, I think everything is clear with you.

There was an uncomfortable silence and suddenly I asked, “Do you want tea?” I went to the kitchen to make tea, and my broken self-love dictated to my left ear, "Speed her laxative in tea." My mother is a pharmacist, so a home medicine box will be useful for all cases of life. When we drank tea, she was going home, preparing for the upcoming date. Already at the door she asked me again, “Without insults?” In response, he received an approval with his head.

I was hoping that in a couple of hours her stomach would get stuck and she would think about her attitude toward people sitting in the toilet. But I was more lucky. A couple of days later, probably, the whole universe heard the sad story of the guy about how during a passionate act of love, she crashed straight into the seat of his new car. It was the best day of my life.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126120
At the end of the 1980s, one of the reconstruction officials whispered: "The inhabitants of Elabuga are proud that Marina Tsvetaeva was hanged in their city."

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №126119
My girlfriend told me. She quarreled with her husband, psychic, went out of the room to the kitchen, sat there on the table. So he came there, took me on his arms, as in his time at the wedding, brought back to the room, put on the bed. Well, I think now “compass” with me will be...

He sat down at the computer again, saying gently:

Get angry here to see you!

[ + 25 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126118
D.A. will be in town in a week. Medvedev, in connection with this full course of preparation is underway. A day ago, a local officer looked at my house, came to seal the safe in which the gun was stored. Now, all weapons owners are seen as a potential threat to the former president. And it does not matter that in the safe, in addition to the gun, there are many necessary things that are used daily, and it is not convenient to seal the safe for a long time, as well as put all the valuable things for this. As a result, after a short dispute, the district officer simply gave a paper with the date of seal and said to stick it to Medvedev's arrival at the safe.

It seems all this is logical, understand why, but almost every year someone comes to us, and this is the first time such a requirement. And how many assassinations in Russia were committed with legal weapons?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126117
Remember, there are six ways to waste time and money: drunkenness, night wandering, attending fairs and celebrations, gambling, bad company and laziness.

XXX: These are the foundations of Buddhism

Oh, that’s the description of my weekend!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna