— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125876
I: I hope he doesn’t think of switching the mode here and there and pouring this trash into one file.
He: Pofigo, because I will be responsible for this, I will say that it does not match TZ, go all in the ass.
I: Anything can go on the go, but it must go into the ass through logs, not in logs through the ass.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №125875
I saw that you’ve flogged with her at GitHub! We are separating!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №125874
She: How can I be sick for one of these teams if it’s just blue for me and green for me... and it’s not even my favorite color.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125873
I work on training courses
People even pass a decent number in a month, but some are especially remembered.
At the end of the course, we drop some material on the flash.
Bringing one uncle instead of a flash phone
In principle, no difference, there is a rope, the comp is connected to the comp - dropped, a typical situation
But he was so shaken by his phone that he used to connect it himself, through the back USB ports of the comp, and the computer under the desk.
and does not go out, grit "I will wait under the table until it is copied, so that I do not go out twice"
My colleagues are half laughing.
Here he is called.

Oil painting: working room
from under the table a part of the male back and ass, the owner of which is something there whispering under the table
According to the law of gender, the boss
He asks: What is happening here?
We are copying the material.

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125872
Admines, moderns, or whoever reads this text, stop these posts of smart and deprived!!! They are /

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №125871
I am a single father, my daughter at the moment is almost 5, and as strangely sick quite rarely, you just need to be able to harden your child and not bite.

From here I burned. Your single child rarely gets sick, and all those parents who have at least one sick every month, it turns out, just can’t harden children. Either one is hardened, and the other, presumably, is overwhelmed. Probably specifically. Such stupid ones.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №125870
It happened yesterday. The girl came home for love. I was prepared like a clever Vasya: I bought flowers, went to the pharmacy, put on my best trousers. I come to her, and it turns out, her parents asked under any pretext to get me to repair their computer!

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125869
If the girl says to you, "Go find another, better than me!" This means that you must answer, “I don’t need anyone but you!“Not to run away with the scream of URA!”! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №125868
PolyMorph: I am overwhelmed by power! Potatoes with chicken.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125867
There is such a book series "Lunar Chronicles" - old fairy tales in the spirit of non-scientific fiction. A few girls, but not summers, but quite themselves with the story. Cinderella cyborg (not a splinter, but by law like any cyborg belonging to the guardian), Rapunzel is a talented programmer, who was settled on the satellite for operation, etc. Behind the "Russian" there is generally a robot who fell in love with a man and, illegally transplanting his "personality chip" into an escort-droid with the appearance of a beauty (old, with a non-functioning speech apparatus), eventually helping a loved one to stay with the girl he loves himself.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №125866
I’ll give up my five copies.

I don’t think that women are so upset at night not to sleep, wipe up vomiting, wash out diarrhea and wash the tueva chuchu diaper. (Not to mention that there is an opinion that giving birth is hellish). But the state really needs an average of 2 children per woman to support the population at the same level. Therefore, it is fair to pay these women a salary at the rate of low-qualified staff (pediatric nurses-cleaning workers) for the time when she does not work in her main profession. But what this salary is called a benefit is misunderstood.

I repeat the basic thesis: the benefit is not a gift, but a salary for an unpleasant, heavy, but necessary work for the state. Consider the decretnice as a public servant at freelance, and you will immediately get easier.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №125865
Two news in a row on Gittimes:
1) the Ministry of Finance prepared a bill on the total ban of bitcoin
The Australian government has pledged to abolish the cryptocurrency tax
Indeed, two worlds are two Shapiro.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №125864
Everything is in human hands, but especially effective weapons.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №125863
When my sister and I were young, we wanted an elephant. Mother said that we will have an elephant...Only under one condition: he will be headed to the parent’s bedroom, and pop, respectively, to us in the nursery. They and Dad will feed him, and we will clean up. We have refused)

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №125862
The doctor comes to the sick child. He sees his younger sister running barefoot on the floor.
“Well, sweetheart, put on shoes, or you will get sick.
After leaving the doctor, the mother notices that the girl is still running barefoot.
Have you heard what the doctor said?
He said I was beautiful.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №125861
What if a daughter is born?

No other girls! I will have two sons!

The Brothers Vachovsky also thought so.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №125860
I hear a voice from the neighboring room at 2 o’clock at night, “You don’t want to sleep, I’ll show you the cock,” I see my brother squeezes like a psycho quickly, I ask, “What are you doing?” He: two hours in bed, the body of the fox does not want to sleep! I want to want!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №125859
I went with my grandfather into the woods for mushrooms, he pulled off on a foam with shovels, and I saw that the bushes were shaking, I looked, and there were a few pigs) I shouted " Grandfather! Look what pigs" ) so fast grandfather never ran... he grabbed me, threw me up on a tree, he himself walked on a neighboring branch, so sat for an hour and a half, until this tree reached the head angry cock)

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125858
I come for the challenge. The old woman was sick on the street. I take her into the car, I begin to help, but in vain - she died right on the bearings. I need to go to Morocco. Going to the substation, I ask the sanitary practitioner (the ambulance student of the first course of the medical institute) to inform the dispatcher that we have an exitus (exitus) in the car - usually so in Latin - indicates the case of death.

The guy runs into the control room and asks in a loud voice: "We have coitus (coitus) in the car, what to do?" Poor confused close to the sound of the word, because in the first course so much new information!

The reaction of the attendees was quite adequate to the heard: “What is this??!“The coitus. Where is it?!! In the car. In the car, it can’t be.

If you don’t believe it, go see it yourself.” And here a crowd of highly interested colleagues crashes from the spot and rushes to the sanitary car, in the salon of which next to the deceased old lady sits your submissive servant... Naturally, the homeric whisper was heard in the neighboring street, and stories about it were enough for a long time.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №125857
He told me the story of this file. He was in class sixth or seventh. They were instructed to write a statement on the house, approximately according to this text: "There was a mighty Shah in the East. The caravans often passed through his city, and the caravans often endowed him with strange objects. One day I gave three dolls to the chess team. Chess did not know what to do with them and called a wise man. The wise man took the straw and put the first doll in his ear. The salmon came out through the mouth. The wise man explained that he was a bad man, what you say to him, he will dispel everything. The wise man put a straw in the ear of the second doll, and it came out through the other ear. The wise man explained that he was also a bad man, in his one ear flown out of the other. He inserted the straw to the third doll, and she didn’t come out. This is, says the wise man, a reliable man.”

Time passes and the lesson begins. The teacher said to whom she added, "And this I left for the end!" And began to smell. He reads: “I gave three dolls to the chess. He took the first doll and put it in her, and she had a straw from her mouth. He inserted the second doll, and she had a sludge from the edge. He put in the third doll, and it didn’t help her. “A good doll,” he thought of chess.

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