— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №136301
I am a girl. The most common, never even male-like, but tall (181 cm) and with the corresponding growth size of the leg. If I go to the store for sports shoes, most often I immediately wrap into the men's department, so as not to waste time.

The seller-consultant, a young man of 20 years with a small in response to the request to bring the same size bigger suddenly exploded a loud tirade from the series: "Well, well, the girl - and suddenly the leg is bigger than I have!". And all the people in the store suddenly dropped their stuff and gave up on me. I am not a shy ten, but it became somewhat uncomfortable. And suddenly, somewhere in the neighborhood, there was a loud voice:

What if the girl is even more?! to

Everyone forgot about me and went to the consultant. I did not see the owner of the voice, but thank him, saved from complexes!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136300
The ability to manage and the ability to break up are two completely different talents. They rarely combine together. So, most likely, to power will come, in the end, some very tight and intrusive type, who will be able where by bribery, where by blackmail, and where by direct threats to keep everyone else in subjection. And he will be concerned, first of all, with his own well-being - otherwise he would not have climbed so high.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136299
Since the general of the FSO Lopirev found less money than Colonel Zakharchenko, it can be assured that the general does not correspond to his position.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №136298
This story has long been read in military memoirs. I did not find any further confirmation anywhere. I hope the author is not wrong with the truth.
In the film "Officers" there is an episode: German tanks go to the station, a sanitary train rushes to pick up the wounded, some of the wounded organize the defense. The slogan was “Communists, Komsomolers – forward!” People are deliberately dying in order for others to live. Everyone would die, but the Soviet tanks appear, the Germans turn back in panic. The film did not explain where and how our tanks came from, maybe they thought the main massive feat of Soviet soldiers to show, maybe they't be able to demonstrate this: there was no computer graphics, the shooting was natural, and such a demonstration in peacetime, the pursuit will crash even from the Marshal...
What was outside the screen. In February 1943, the Stalingrad group of Germans was surrounded. The Germans sweep tanks from Kuban to breakthrough to Paulus. Our midst of the steppe somehow organizes defense - the main forces still under Stalingrad blow the boiler. German aviation reconnaissance passes over the steppe - almost - a little infantry, not even artillery. Orders to the tanks in the direction of the station can be attacked. After a few hours in the radio broadcast panic - we are burning! Flanking of Russian tanks. With pilots disassembly at the level of the Gestapo - in the steppe in the winter to see tanks is not possible! A betrayal of the Reich.
What was in reality. There were no tanks for a few hours. Not one one. There were wounded and remains of infantry. A sanitary train arrived at the station and started loading. Half-lived people took the grenades to cover the rest, and in the meantime, whose unreasonable, but as it turned out for everyone, a lucky headshot sent behind the sanitary train a square with platforms - a tank battalion, maybe less, I don't know how many at that time one steam carrier could dismiss heavy-loaded platforms. The station was unable to enter: the road was covered with sanitation. In those regions before the 90s, in most cases, there was still a single-wheel. Maybe now something has changed, but then the composition stood on the approach to the station in the steppe. For unloading tanks in all positions, height is needed - a station platform and bridges that would slide on them. In theory. And in practice - the steppe, tanks are crashed to the height of the platforms and rocks. In 1941 the Germans captured whole unloaded machinery, or simply burned it.
But it was already 1943, people were not the same, the statutes and regulations were observed on the condition - it does not interfere with hitting the enemy, and otherwise - the fight... If it managed to break the enemy, nobody rewarded, but did not pressure, if not - the tribunal. As they say, think for yourself, decide for yourself. The technique will be destroyed on the platforms or... the Combat decided or. Order: From the tanks down. 15 minutes and pulled out. The crew left the cars and watched. Combat himself for the driver sits, turning 90 degrees on the platform - a tank (NOT BTC, but T-34!27 tons - jumping down from a height of at least 2 meters. have seen? Mechanics - the driver - do like me! Upon completion of the load!
In 40 minutes, the battalion is ready to march. Two cars turned to the side - left one to drag them with wires, the others forward. They landed on the side of the station - as a result, they came out on the flank of the offending Germans. The German T4 boards of thirty-four guns fitted well + a surprise. The Germans were assured that this would be a walk by the squads of the infantry, and it turned out to be a beating. I wanted to live by myself, Paulus didn't care, the Germans turned - who didn't have time to burn. Pilots at the Gestapo. No one could believe that tanks could be unloaded like this.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136297
We came for fishing. On the mountain of garbage. And one thought that Darwin got somewhere: not all humans came from monkeys. And the churchmen are mistaken: not all people were created by God. Somewhere in the evolution the pigs were apparently stuck.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №136296
Logic is male.
I like women, it’s a puddle. Especially if you want to like a woman. Although a man with a sweater is not so simple, since he was so stressed by the female attention...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №136295
Many people were ruined at school, by faultless teaching, when grammar was blurred for several years.

I will tell you as an old translator of technical texts - over the years of work I have had the impression that the native speakers themselves DO NOT KNOW all these subtleties of English grammar. Some grammatically wise sentences in technical literature that are disappearing rarely found in modern literature (that is, if the native speaker, especially an American, wrote it). Learn the words, kids. Many words, good and different. Read books, watch movies. Active knowledge of the language will not give you, but in a live conversation you can always ask (unless you are a translator). Grammar... let it go! The English grammar is one of the simplest, with no comparison to Russian. honestly honestly.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136294
He came from the Medical Commission.

That’s all for the gallery. What useful did they do there? Blood was taken, two vaccines were implanted, brains were taken from the nose and somewhere else.
The brain?? to
WOW :...
The masks!
A... is not enough. I checked out what really is...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136293
Lemon: And do the new (cars) do not have a thosol level sensor to silence the engine?
There is something on the old ones. The lamp gives the driver a signal. The machine will not swallow anything, even though the tassol is not even the oil will still work. If the lamp burns, there is no gasoline then it will go out.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136292
In the theater, I like to listen to the audiences talking about the show in an interview and in a line in the closet. Experience shows that they discuss different things - who features the play and characters, who - "and here this actress - is the one who was married to that, well, he was still in the series?...", who else was...

Yesterday we were at a show where one of the heroines is a crazy old lady who carries a dog everywhere. Everyone, literally everyone, discussed only one thing: how they did so that the dog sat quietly and didn’t run away.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136291
A group of British scientists studied the sexual reaction of women to smells from men, and came to the conclusion: ladies arouse the smell... garlic! That is, gathered men who love to eat garlic, took the baby and made themselves smell. Poor grandmothers, smelling to hallucinations, shouted: "Like us, like us, just let us go" - and the scientists were delighted and made this conclusion.

During the Soviet era, there was no sex.
Literature was semi-subterranean.
It was stated that the grandmother in bed is enough to kiss the ear and everything, especially with lusts, should not be stressed.
The ex-husband was surprised how his ear kissed.
She asked for a divorce because she wanted to have an orgasm.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136290
Neighbors have been actively engaged in repairs for a month with almost constant noise of drill and bulgarish. One morning his wife thought:
- And the wallpaper, I wonder, will they also be attached to the perforator?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №136289
The essence of the research is that the result is the absence of any evidence that they help from age-related breast clogging. Whether we wear it or not, gravity will be equally ruthless. Wear for comfort or beauty. It’s not about cuddling, no matter what.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136288
In the German army, a soldier is not allowed to file a complaint or express critical remarks immediately after the incident. He needs to sleep and cool down. If he submits a complaint immediately, he will be punished. It is a pity that my girlfriend did not serve in the German army.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136287
A man with a sweater and wine.

I give a tooth, the seller was embarrassed only because you looked like... No, not a gay, but just a beautiful man. Not a man, not a grown-up odmin, not a hopper, not a big boss from a jeep and other unesthetic options. A young, attractive young man. Fashion has finally taken into account the tastes of women! Take advantage of the moment! We have already got the zone-casarmic "ideals"!

A 27-year-old visualist, an old maid with cats, because just looking at no one, not to mention romance.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №136286
A teacher of biology today told how her acquaintance teacher of English asked the children a homework. It is time to ask the DZ, she begins to defy the program and those who composed it: "Why are they there? How can you ask children to translate 3 texts, teach 40 words and do 3 exercises? In general, I will regret you: do only 2 exercises, learn 20 words, and only 2 translate the text. The children were happy, thanked her and loved her very much, and she laughed in her soul: in fact, it was necessary to ask even less.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №136285
The sign "Data Recovery"
One day a man comes in and looks around.
Do we want something?
I am looking for a home manager.
We: There was never a home administration here.
I know it was around the corner.
Behind the corner and look for it.
Man: And it is closed there.
My uncle made my day. They understood where the joke came from about a drunk man who is looking for the keys not where he fell, but under the lamp.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136284
xxx: My girlfriend loved The Sims gently, and I periodically pulled her updates and addons (in offline times still). At some point, her family couple in the game argued... and fought. So the virtual lady won in the end, because she ran in the morning and kicked the biceps, and the man drank piGo and rubled in video games)

O sport, you are peace! by Pierre de Coubertin

Yyy: Hurry up, what did they have to do with them there so that they could fight up? and :)

xxx: Yes, a friend asked them types: a serious business lady and a break-up-eatishnik) At the same time, she looked at me so echoingly, say, now our virtual avatars will show us a model of a happy family: I was actively promoting the same girlfriend in that period as a mode of vivendi)

As a result, the Aitishnik began to chop pigs, carved his lady's friend's heart and - a cherry on a cake - killed a couple of bushes of some exotic roses. Then I went to Fuji...

Yes, the roses are bad :)))))

XXX: Yeah, I was sitting next to you and enjoying it) The roses are wrapped, the girlfriend hangs off her jaw, she begins to expressively shake her mouse: "What have you done, Herod! I went through so many quests for these seeds!" And these were the third "Simas", with quests there all at the level. Well, right here, in the space of the monitor, a wild mess begins, turning into mutual offensive action and popular Cossack fun. It should have been to see how a girlfriend was sick for her favorite...)))

[ + 25 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136283
We all know at least one language. Their own. English is mastered by the English and Americans with different mindset, both smart and foolish.So the matter, of course, is not in abilities.
This requires time and effort. And if a person does not need this for work, nor does he intend to go anywhere, then he does not see any meaning.
But if he goes to other countries, you need to read some documentation, instructions, and he doesn’t want to teach anything, then his excuses – I don’t have the abilities – look really unfortunate.
I remember as in high school, explaining my assessments in English.
A few years later, after finishing school, he safely mastered it.
Many people were ruined at school, by faultless teaching, when grammar was blurred for several years.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136282
My son goes to school by father. Once, they went away, and I look — the shift lies. And the husband does not take the phone with him, he then returns home. What to do? I waited until they came out of the entrance and called from the balcony. My husband says, give up. Walking is lazy, the elevator in the morning to wait a long time, a peak hour, because, shaped. The ninth floor. I thought I should not get on the roof of the entrance and on the roof of any car. I didn’t have time to think about the trees – I gave up. and ah. In general, our wreath hanged on the top branch of a tree that grows under the window. At the level of the third floor, the agah is well hanged, with both rope bars. The child had to go home for a replacement. Morality is obvious

The Tyrant:
So got the shoes?

Lila got it. This is a separate fairy story. In short, I climbed onto a tree and sprinkled the branch on which the swing hanged (it was already very thin to climb further). Now I walk by, I look and I am terrified.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna