— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №110770
The first officers are accountants.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №110769
Dialogue at work...
Here’s how much you smoke and how much money you could save in your life.
Man under 50
Well, a day pack, a year 365 packets on average the price of 200 tenge, a total of 30 years... 2,200,000
It starts with everyone who can.
You could take the car and other joys of life.
But if you remove vodka from life, then...
But if you remove your wife, you can also smoke and drink and drive in the car)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №110768
WOW: I have long noticed that it is simply impossible to dress perfectly / gather, something must emerge.
You will break your nail.
In the shooters.
The breasts are small.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110767
(from the chat of one group)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx If there are "commercial persons", throw away
YYY: The type of which?
XXX: The Fashion
XXX is fashionable! Just whisper, he will appear. A fashionable slide.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110766

Steve Jobs used a MacBook but did not live to 60
Boris Nemtsov used a MacBook, did not live to 60
MacBook is killing?

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №110765
I don’t understand how it is possible to demand that men respect themselves, and demand that they be insulted and beaten just because we are women. Either we and men equally deserve respect, and must show it and follow our words, or we are weak women, on whom we cannot raise neither the voice nor the hand, but then we remain without the right to vote behind their strong backs, because we are not responsible for our words and deeds, but for what happened.

In the frame. the golden.

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110764
Parked at home. Out of the car. I asked myself "Did I not park like a fool"? was parked.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №110763
Then they are just as confused that Betsy is Elizabeth, Lolita is Dolores, Conchita is Concepción, and Misha Barton is a girl!and "
Margaret, by the way, is also Peggy. Stick to.
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I broke the brain. Checo is Sergio and Pepe is Jose.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №110762
Yesterday, Ukraine received the first tranche from the International Monetary Fund. The share of the Russian Federation in the first tranche from the International Monetary Fund for Ukraine is $13.751 million.

It is wonderful that, despite financial difficulties, the government has found money to support a small but proud democratic country, which with its last strength resists the enormous totalitarian aggressor from the east, who... ah, guess a second, it is us.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110761
I’d joke, but you don’t understand.
YYY: What if I understand?
XXX: Even worse, this means that the number of psychics in this room is 2 times higher than normal!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110760
I knew I would never get married. I have a favorable union only with Benjamin, Karp, Longin, Mercury, Pavlin, Sazon and Philon. And arrest me to come close to Paisia, Parthen and Kupriyan, not to see happiness then.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110759
Much more interesting to chase the cat around the apartment, singing
There is a hunt for cats, there is a hunt for gray predators.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110758
My husband goes to me to open and close the garage, because the rods are heavy and need to be heavy. I’m angry, and I can’t do it myself. But I can’t, in sharp boots on heels.
– – – – –
I will tell you a little. I also had heavy doors and tight loops in the garage. And I, like a real man, closed them with spikes until I cut off the loop. I had to call for help by real men with a welding machine, who explained to me the perniciousness of the principle of "force is - mind is not necessary" and the miraculous properties of machine oil poured into the loop. The door is closed with two fingers. So you hint on your husband - maybe your door has a problem with lubrication...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №110757
Here is the extravagance. Can you see a website without a comp? I wonder what browser does he see? Does he see the source code?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110756
Deep deep in the ass is... the mouth.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №110755
This is:
"Can the admin create a file that can not be deleted later"

Hz as admin but here the user scuco can

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110754
(Interview from VK, father of girl xxx - Colonel of police)
I’ve always known that the police are a muddy syndicate, but it’s shit.
YYY: What is it?
xxx:Yes, Lenki's father has only gprs from the internet if he climbs to the roof, well he sent a list of films for the race: "Carlito's Way" "The Honor of the Principe's Family" and so on. A classic mafia. Now I am sitting here, Ch.
Yyy: To catch a criminal think like a criminal.
You’re funny, and I’m getting married in a month. I will be a member of the "family".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110753
Judging by the grey in her hair, she often forgets to stay in computer games. (c) the

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110752
My husband told me a strange story today.
He works in a store of radio toys, sockets, discs, etc. A man comes to him the other day, stops in front of the stand with disks on the PS3, looks at him for a while and asks:
You have discs with games, right?
and yes.
Why is it written “Forbidden for children”?! to

At that moment something was definitely broken in it.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №110751
I don’t have a house, but a room of laughter. Not only that if someone is fucking on the 5th floor, I hear it all at my 11th.", so yesterday there was laughter.
I drink a beer and I cut off the light. I lighted a candle. The silence is almost grave. From above, the young company, which seemed to celebrate the holiday of Saturday, also silenced... Beer played its evil joke, well, I went on my business.
I hear such a delicious press from above, straight into the toilet where water is, and a characteristic joke is spread across the whole house. I think, let me cried out, and I cried out, but the education said its self and I kept silent, I think suddenly there is a girl, to shame her is not like that.
We finished our affairs at the same time and a couple of seconds before I did it all, the loudspeaker stopped from the top and the bass was released.
Oh guys, I’ve swept loudly, right? :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna