— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91805
here here :
" to this
In 2009-2010 from the Leningrad station went the train-electric, sometimes it started from the platform of suburban trains, sometimes from a long distance. Passengers complained and the train was cancelled.
In 2012-2013, blood donors complained that they had not been compensated for several years. Compensation was canceled.
In 2013, students were awarded medals with a reversed flag. The medals were cancelled.
It seems like a hint that you need to think positively"

And we also complain about the roads, education and medicine))) We will soon stay without it))"

We have to complain to the government. =) is

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №91804
XXX: The Ibiza
You can leave a lot of money there.
Yyy: A lot of money can be left anywhere. For example, I don’t mind if someone leaves a lot of money in my apartment.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №91803
Why are librarians so sharply blocking any penetration for the book publishing office?
Yes "Patamušta do not want a palitzo!"
They have a bar, a sauna and a casino with blackjack and prostitutes hidden in the midst of long book shelves!

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91802
Ro'Ongshn: Our predecessor is Russian democracy in the flesh.
Ro'Ongshn: "You can’t walk and do labs in any language, but if you won’t walk and will do not on the C-you don’t give up".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №91801
I came from the corporation.
Did you come from the corporation?
I : Yes
Is he so sober?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №91800
Home as obsessed.

Netbook with Oleg

No hunger or pain moves them.

A very weak wai fa

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №91799
At some Babian channel, the men prepared a “Unusual” dinner for Christmas. Where the matter happened is unclear, but by tradition they must have a turkey there (America?). They prepared all kinds of omar and other unusual things. Then came the meat dish. And you won’t believe, they started cooking Elena. I was confused at first, said somehow cynically cooking a deer, because Christmas is there, Santa Claus and so on. But then from the screen the guy who was cooking says: -Nothing terrible, Christmas has already arrived, the deer are no longer needed!

P.S To the guests who came to dinner, he never said what meat was.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №91798
by Yascher:
The student has two reasons to be upset:
Why teach it if it can be taught?! to
How can I learn this if it’s not in Google?! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №91797
When he was a little boy, his mother shaved a pig’s suit, and the tail tied, and the threads were brown...The adults just fell.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №91796
The kids ate chocolate and played iPad on my bed. And now it’s all in chocolate, but it doesn’t look like that at all.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №91795
Oh my dear ones!
During the time of juvenile acne and night pollution, he repeatedly met examples of work on certain loads of tower.
I can’t find now...
Please help me.

Yyy ball in the ball and immediately get all the loads in your pocket.

Xxx What time should I go? Is it possible to retire and get a discharge?
The ball in the ball and again in the ball. He knew who did it. He is dead.

Zzz I, when arranged in the instrumental, showed the future boss a ball with two dokedras inside, was delighted with the fifth order, which was recorded in the labor grossbook. And until I was before China with cancer, I saw that our grandparents were producing (by work, not a hobby) when the details of 27 controlled sizes, of which 20 are entered in the passport...horror!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91794
I think a woman who will give birth to Leonardo DiCaprio is just obliged to call her son Oscar and give him to her dad.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №91793
Lav: And for all colleagues in contact, the “mobile phone” item contains the brand or model of their phone. Everyone thinks they are original.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №91792
No, I’m not actively supporting gay people.
Zzzz: Do you support them passively?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №91791
Students and other gastronomically innocent to note - the best shaurma in Moscow is sold at the exit of the Baumanskaya subway. There on the lark is stated "For quality personal responsibility" - apparently allowed to beat the mouth for poor quality. But not have to. The worst shurma in Sergiev Posad, in a barrel near the station, where the suburban box - there the shurma is prepared in the home / kitchen conditions, packed in cellophane, like ice cream, and stored in this form before purchasing. The other food in this barbecue is perfect for yourself. And in Oditsovo, near the underground crossing at the crossroads of Liberty and Fryazinsky highway, a strange action takes place - two shurms at the price of one.

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91790
This is about patriotism and that not every hamster is ready to die for the current power.

Not so long ago, just a couple or three years ago, I sold concert entertainment in a poor regional shopping center. So, it was worth to turn on the anthem of the USSR (not Russia) or "Rise up, the country is huge" by a third of the capacity, as life in the shopping center was dying until the song ended. Everyone was silent, even the cleaners, and people in line at the box office.
The elderly people asked not to do so anymore, because it tends to kill.

I am for what? I am not so old. But, listening to the hymn of the Soviet Union, I feel that for its revival, I and Mikhail Kalashnikov are ready to pay tribute not only to words.

And the brotherly peoples can only be called "chokhlami", "bulbash", "moscals" by fools and enemies. There is no force capable of telling me that Brjansk, Donetsk and Gomel have built different peoples.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №91789
These two:

to this:

My wife is allergic to cats. Echo is strong.

Thank you for not leaving her out, despite the allergy. Please leave the coordinates. Maybe someone will take her to me (I, for example)!

I don’t think a guy will just break up with his wife, despite an allergy.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №91788
The lights were turned off at the factory, I was just going to work. It was a terrible sight - from the dark windows of the department, the red eyes of the staff looked at me with a silent glance.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №91787
The cat drank my coffee. I thought he would wear it, no, he sat quietly, slipped out. Slower than usual.
Yyy: Either it began to move at a speed that exceeded human perception, or (which is more likely) there was a overload of the speed section, it crashed and the rest moved back, so it is slower.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №91786
By the way, there was a reporter about miners in Norway: the pay is higher, the work is cleaner, mechanization is everywhere, normal conditions, no of these "comes any, the forces are not left".
What are they doing wrong?
Here you will tell us how they do :-) We have this: little money, so young people are not in a hurry to the mountain, and ancient technology that buries health. There are new cars, but not a lot. I can see from what state the slugs resurrect the mechanisms coming for repair. The stalls in our workshop, for example, are about 50 years old. Some have already been officially removed, but no one is going to change them. Delivery service does not always come, so you have to regularly drag details on your hole. The furnaces in the "watts" almost no longer include, supposedly, a new order "no more than an hour a day in total".
The official course of leadership is savings. Reducing the state to the absolute minimum, re-calculating wages (the senior classes even lost a little). And it is not only with us. This is in many factories that have entered a well-known Russian chemical holding. As soon as the factory falls into the hands of the Moscovites, it immediately turns out that we are working inefficiently, and it begins to tighten the belts (our, of course, not the management). In a neighboring city, a small electromechanical plant was generally broken down in a few months (as if someone ordered it). There is now full mess, orders are cut off, people are leaving.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna