— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95452
Hello, I invite you to a date on Saturday.
Yyy: No, I’m getting married this Saturday.
Zzzz: Never give up

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №95451
xxx: And that’s not bad even considering that among the famous autists are people like Landau and Einstein!
Yyy: Well, Einstein was burned on fire, for example, what’s good about it? – – – –
zzz: I did not understand the joke ><'
Or was it not burned? – – – –

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №95450
The parents decided to buy a car, asked for advice. MCH took me from work, we go with him on our seven, we discuss the car brands, equipment, pretend what car to advise parents, what they would take themselves. I tell him what I would like to be in the car (since dreaming is not harmful, I list all kinds of plugs such as seat heating, climate control, parktronics...), he enters the courtyards at this time. Spring has arrived in the city, the snow has collapsed, everywhere continuous flour, holes, cars every second risks getting stuck in the courtyards not cleansed from the snow, and maneuvering as much as possible. In the silence:
What are the BTR’s components?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95449
As with photos?
has done. I lost my card reader.
You can, of course, take off the phone, but it is better to buy a new cartridge.
I will look for old. I just bought a new bag, and it’s always scary.
Yes, it’s scary, you usually have a warehouse there.)
We have a nest!
Everyone wondered how so many animals entered the ark.
The weak! Dinosaurs still fit in my bag.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №95448
Discussed at work missing Boeing
I think in a while he will be found in Chechnya with broken numbers.
Probably underestimated.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95447
On the heart discussing the missing Boeing, one asked the other if he was not a radio engineer, the answer:
Here gathered the most experienced specialists of all kinds: a dozen two economists, at least half a hundred political scientists, three commanders and even one fugitive billionaire. With this arrangement, radio engineering as a hobby for each other.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №95446
This masterpiece - translate the phrase "Don't drop litter" as "Don't throw a liter!"

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №95445
The cat has finished feeding, the animal whispers, not silent, loud and demanding. I get a chicken out of the refrigerator to cook for lunch, I cut off a small piece of a cat. The cat is reluctant to chew raw meat. Then he begins to ask for food again. After 10 minutes, Daddy goes into the kitchen, he sees that I am baking the chicken, a dissatisfied cat is sitting next to him.
Father, looking at the cat, asks, “What, did you ask for a fire?”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95444
Well, if you suddenly miraculously cure yourself by imposing your hands.
YYY:... for yourself?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №95443
Mayhew, if there are no options in the men’s shops, the gym or the pool, do you really think the princes were being brought home? Smile to! One of my acquaintances met my future husband, carrying garbage. The second is to take a cat from a tree. I still meet men, although I am not only not 30, but not 40 years old, and I have been married for a long time. I think single girls want to get to know too much, so it doesn’t work. Relax yourself, enjoy life and be surprised yourself, the men will appear, like by magic.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95442
X: I haven’t heard anything lately.
YYY: And it will not be. Danny finally found harmony.
YYY: The meaning of Baian the old man found in the dacha. He is sitting playing and studying.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №95441
I knew I had to wash my socks! This happened after my cat started ripping and attacking them today and then tried to bury them under a chair!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №95440
One thing happened here:
"1 – Give me a whisky
2 – Nothing that eight in the morning?
1 - OK, throw the bowls there "

Fuck, and I quit it!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95439
The disappearance of Malaysia Flight MH370
In addition, the conspiracy scientists note: the serial number of the aircraft 404.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95438
NightHeaven: We recently had the entire female half of the group a collective mimic when one of our brutal guys right on the pair pulled out of the bag the cream "Barry Pins" and used as intended =)

WHC: Are you going to the lecture?

NightHeaven: I knew I needed to clarify.
It was a seminar.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95437
From Habr:
xxx: If you remove zone from the DNS, then no Norwegian site will be opened by name.
yyy: If you remove zone from DNS, then all Norwegian sites will open as before, but the Kingdom of the Netherlands will be outraged.

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95436
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania demands that Russia explain why its flag on the Crimean parliament is beautiful. Second, ask a lot of questions and we will hang you. 2014 is the year of the Russian flag in Ukraine.

NSA (c)

[ + 39 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95435
In the Euromaidan group:
>> For the Russians...
You are so proud of your hypersonic missile... it can do everything...not everything...the U.S. has the latest anti-aircraft missile laser missile...the laser has the speed of light...and it is foolishly driven toward the target and holds it until it is completely destroyed...and such a laser missile costs less than $1.....while one anti-aircraft missile costs about $1 million. The Russian Federation does not have such technology.

Laser missile defense destroys absolutely everything: hypersonic missiles, intercontinental missiles, drones... fire boats, infantry and so on.

>> It is not possible to blur the laser. He does not shoot, but he keeps a beam on the target... the speed of the laser (the speed of the light) is faster than the hypersonic missiles... make the conclusion, Russians... before whom you are throwing your metal in Crimea....

The laser fires with an invisible beam... miles... silently... the infantry burns like a fireplace in seconds...

thank you! It hasn’t been so long :D

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №95434
and Obama:
We will not recognize the results of the Crimean referendum.
The journalist:
What if the Crimeans voted against Russia?
and Obama:
Then we admit.

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95433
of interest:

Are there any Crimeans among you? Do your relatives and acquaintances really want to join Russia and voted for it? It is unclear what kind of news to believe – not Russian, of course, but Ukrainians can thicken the paints, and this is quite understandable. I am sick for the whole of Ukraine.

He independently conducted a small survey on one website among Crimeans. It mainly surveyed young people aged 17-25 years. Of the 100 people, 94 were in favor, 5 against. One girl said there was no difference, only if there was no war.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna