— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95392
This is :

Tell me please!
Where is the most mysterious place "Habr", from which all these scary jokes are taken? "Give up" not to offer! and :)

Well, try Yandex, what the fuck is not a joke.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №95391
From Yandex maps:
"Be mutually polite, dear drivers are your pedestrian"
The first comment:
"AAA and AAA!!! Kegla in the chat!"

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №95390
11 of 11). Venice wants to separate from Italy
by 2222). by :O
by 2222). The Crimean Bite?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95389
You want to - offend yourself, but now you are an indiscriminate cheap girl, enjoying the dirt of another man, and proud of it. It would be something
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
This is what you covered! It can be said in one word: b.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95388
I read here that March 16th is the day of pofigmma. I already wanted to send congratulations to someone, and then I realized that I was really off.
by nsm@

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №95387
Sunday in the morning. On the children's playground on the bottles is a bottle from under the Baltics 7.
I: How organically it fits in here.
No, it’s not for children to drink, really!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №95386
About "Y"
So I understood that if the letter "Y" is banned, then the great film of Gaida will either be banned or renamed into:
"Operation "It Can't Be Called" and the Other Adventures of Shurik"

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95385
- You are not very worried, because people not only live without a kidney, but also without a member.
Who lives without a member?
Half of people.
– to?
and women.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №95384
Can I ask you what your view is of the events in Ukraine?
Muddha Boatama: This is pornography.
The whole of Ukraine is burning by rebellion. The government is slowly leaving.
And then Pu gently introduces his troops into it. They begin to move...

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95383
to this

Stop the planet, I’ll go down.
XX: I sit on forums for young people and not very mom (well, I’m preparing for a young mother’s life). I have in the questionnaire signed that by education I am a doctor (although it is not stated that a psychiatrist).

XX: I am afraid that these people are giving birth to someone, and even worse. My child learns and lives with them.

XX: Virgo asks me as a specialist: “How do I need to lie down to get pregnant after sex?” According to her, the sperm should flow into one of the ovaries.

The second is interested in whether it is true that her child will consist of the genes of different people, because her husband is not the first, and she has read that all of their genes remain in her uterus until conception.

XX: Part of themes are devoted to horoscopes and Orthodoxy. Sometimes one topic discusses how to baptize and what to do if the mother is a lamb, the father is a body, and the child is a cancer.

XX: Share with each other fantastic recipes "how to fly unnoticed" and "how to cure cancer with chamomile infusion".

XX: And those people are all by my side! Aaaahah!

Think positively. So much for a doctor!! and ;)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №95382
Theoretically :

In a relationship, there is no one to blame (he is a goat, and I am a beauty). Maybe you should sit down and think, and what is it really lacking? Why have a mistress?

Sometimes he is a goat, she is beautiful, and sometimes she is a goat, and he is a beautiful man. It is unclear what these beautiful guys had in mind when they were getting involved with this livestock in family life.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95381
We had a soft toy – a bull that spoke when you kicked it or hit it. It contains about 7 short sentences. In general, my husband and I have a complete romance, the process of X is in the midst and here this shit falls and cries: Oh you! is great!

To say that all the mood and desire for the mark, nothing to say!
It is easy to confuse you... how many similar situations have been described here, but they are reduced to the fact that the fly has flown - there was no sex. You probably didn’t want it, and it’s just an excuse to cancel the talk.)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №95380
The homes of the pilots of the missing Malaysian Boeing-777 were searched - but the missing Boeing has never been found.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95379
Some students write the name of the teacher on the cover. So once the teacher asked "whose notebook", he received a quite natural answer "no apparently your";;

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №95378
and plz! Help me find the movie! The story is like this: the main character, not by his will, is drawn into an international mafia group. First, the action takes place in the Middle East, where the main character is used for their purposes by Islamists, who are in conspiracy with the Russian mafia. Then events move to our country, where GH awaits a series of terrible trials, such as: constant panic fear for his life, stress, tension, contempt for neighbors, collapse in family relationships. Alcohol becomes a friend, and a friend turns out to be a traitor and a companion of the bandits. And only thanks to the honesty, decency of the protagonist and his secret cooperation with law enforcement agencies, it is possible to cover up the international syndicate of evil, restore peace and peace in the family and restore honour in the eyes of others. And there the key point was: the main character in the plaster on the hand gold, diamonds were laid.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №95377
The problem is not that I am surrounded by people who are unable to think logically, but that my own desires are illogical. I want to kill them all.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95376
The essence of bureaucracy:
I broke my right arm and left leg.
Fill out this form and go to the traumatologist. Traumatology on the seventh floor, the elevator can not be used, it is only for hospital workers.

[ + 23 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95375
>>> reflexes., going into the kitchen, safely wished a pleasant appetite cat)

What, fucking, is not normal?! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95374

Question: Where does the homeland begin?
Answer: The most unspoken letter

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №95373
You know, I thought and understood: Zhirinovsky is an epithet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna