— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №95372
Depending on the location of the customs office, you can make amounts in EUR, US dollars or censorship at the current rate of EUR at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of the deposit.

The name of its own currency is obscene, it must be renamed as the militia.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №95371
The turbo button, which opens blocked sites, the guys from Opera reworked into "Compression mode". We wanted to name the "Roskomnadzor point compression mode", but there was not enough room in the menu.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95370
As a result of the economic blockade, all the resources of Russia will remain in Russia... Per, even then, the Russian villages will finally be conducted by gas?

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95369
The story was told by an adult uncle who knew his father. From the first person.
When I was young, I was in the style of Lieutenant Rzhevsky.
– Lieutenant, was it true that you were a judge in your youth?
Oh the youth! A member here, a member there.
After graduating from college, he met his current wife, Katherine. However, and with her nothing seriously planned somehow - yes, we walked a couple of months. And when she started making all sorts of hints, dragging me on romantic movies and thinking about wedding dresses for half an hour, I decided it was time and honor to know - I stopped calling her, and if we met somewhere in the university (I was two years older than her) treated her as polite and distantly as possible. And here somehow, when we almost stopped communicating, she suddenly invited me to the country, to the elephant. Her father was a hunter, and, it happened, spent a couple of months somewhere in the taiga. The whole house was hanged with horns and bear heads and covered with skins. I tried to lie, but she broke me.
And this weekend, I went to this place. It was near Zagorsk (now Sergey Posad), and in the spring breakdown it took almost half an hour to get there from the station, bypassing the lawns, mowing dirt on the scattered forest road, and even penetrating somewhere through a drill. I came out all sweaty and dirty. It only comforted Katie’s promise that after the weekend her father would throw me on his UAZIK. When she saw me, Katya stumbled, forced her to dress up, threw her pants into the laundry, and in exchange gave me some of her father’s pants.
One hour later, he sat down at the table where the whole family was gathered. They delivered the promised deer, cooked with some taiji herbs, and then a bottle of vodka appeared on the table. Katka's father plays anecdotes, recalls cases from the hunting life - he was able, I must say, to tell them, the kingdom is heavenly to him. Catherine looks at me somehow especially gently, and I predict that even in the evening I will probably be lucky somewhere in her room. In other words, grace.
And suddenly Uncle Cole (father) turns to me, looks at me with a strict look and asks: Ivan, what do you have with Catherine? When will the wedding be?
I wanted to start reassuring about the fact that it is not yet time to think, and in general, while there is no money, I suddenly felt a strange tension in the area of the spleen. I turned back a little and looked carefully under the table. I see - and there Perseus, Uncle Cole's hunting dog, such a huge love, grabbed me in the causal place. Only I move – it cries.
At the same time, Uncle Cole is looking at me so harshly, waiting for an answer. I think it’s a cape to me. Now I will refuse to get married, maybe it will rise, and who knows it, how the dog interprets the noise and strict intonations in the owner’s voice? I will take the whole farm away from the damn mother. To tell this story out loud is also somewhat uncomfortable. And here I sit, thinking about how to be next, and feel together with the fact that the dog’s teeth are becoming more and more dense in the causal place...
I shrugged my head into my shoulders and said, “Yes, Uncle Cole, I’d be happy to get married. When Katya decides, then there will be a wedding.
The future swocker grabbed my hand, the aunt had a big tear, Katya rages from pleasure. And I also feel that Perseus has weakened the grip. Well, there and mushrooms served, and another bottle - to celebrate, so to speak, our engagement.
Three months later I really got married, and so far my wife and I have been together soul to soul, thirty-five years ago. Three children have been born, the grandchildren are gone.
A couple of years after the wedding, I, ashamed and red, told Katka about the case with Perseus. Here is a coincidence that helped us. She smiled and said, “It’s not a coincidence. I said, Percy has been training for two months. I will put peanuts in the bag, lubricate with saliva and teach the dog to catch it by a click - not strongly, so that it can only pop. The hunting dog, understandable, learned it alive. And when you came in dirty clothes, I gave you my father’s trousers, which I had smashed with the same fat before.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №95368
The self-proclaimed government of Crimea is illegitimate, the self-proclaimed government of Ukraine said.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №95367
"Comment: A tougher response would be to start delivering our automotive industry abroad."
Old man you won’t believe, but... Our people were chasing such export cars, because they differed from the usual ways like a car from a cane with nails... And all because abroad there were consumers, and their citizens where they go from a submarine.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95366
Has the market still improved?
and no.
Okay, I’ll go for a walk.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №95365
Hs, it might run! I planned a trip to Peru this summer. I am looking for people who want to make a company. The floor, the weight, the height, the faith, the apple tree, the androidian! I don’t sponsor, the price is small. Are there those who have been struck by planktonism in offices, organizing bargains, crying about the affairs of politicians, neighbors, etc. And take and take a step toward your happiness and make a mega adventure! Send it to anyone who might be interested.
I apologize in advance for the mistakes, Matt. Happiness is not that.
Short for everyone!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №95364

here here :

To sit on the internet and say that you don’t watch TV is like sitting on a heroine and being proud there that you don’t chew.

This is the case....
Practice at the reactor. You won’t believe... ALL purely heroin addicts considered themselves to be in order of cool "blue", i.e. Alcoholics - say, and their hands do not shake in use, and speech is connected, and ideas are brilliant, and what is broken? I found a dose – and all OK, you’re all in white again.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №95363
XXX: I hope the creators of HAWKEN, having reached heaven without finding a gate, will go to the support, where they will be told to go through the gate to turn to the support.
XXX: The Urals

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95362
Ivan> Is this a reality or a joke?
Serge> Vanja, your question summarizes the last 3 months.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №95361
This Prisoner
Help me find the book.
As far as I remember, it was
Horrible because of something.
Poltergeist things moved.
by home. The protagonist could not.
Nothing but literally.
He broke out of his hands and flew.
In unknown direction. and then
There appeared a speech,
He threatened the hero, and
I tried to drown him, and
Other items also started.
Attacking him
It was really crazy))
Annotation to the work of Korney Ivanovich

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №95360
I look through the Yandex news. Today is March 15.
Read - "13 February in Moscow is expected to be a small rainfall".

Yandex hacked by Estonian hackers? O_O

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №95359
By analogy :
I fell asleep last night and dreamed that
The cat was born small.
creatures, green and slippery, c
Tissues and some other processes.
Lovecraft, you are making my dreams.

After 3 liters of beer in the guests, came home, went to bed. I dreamed that I caught a neighbor's cat and told him something, in the end the cat turned around and looked at me and said to me in human language: "Moreover, man, go away from me with his verbal diarrhea, I need to do something, eat to sleep Murka fuck. Then, judging by my face, the cat realized that he was burning, bitten my hand and ran away. In the morning I woke up with an unclear sense of anxiety, closer and lunch went to visit the neighbor, I sat talking I saw the cat as in a dream and tried to catch / chew, surprisingly the stumpy cat gave in his arms and quietly sat loudly murmuring. When the neighbor said he was surprised by the peaceful behavior of the cat. Just coming home I remembered the dream, and losing the hurt hand... I am scared

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95358
The phrase "I saw a lot in my life" should be read as - "Around the day I sit on the Internet".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95357
The second is interested in whether it is true that her child will consist of the genes of different people, because her husband is not the first, and she has read that all of their genes remain in her uterus until conception.

We laughed, but our 55-year-old aunt with a medical education rubbed us about telegony, so that the girl from the quotation clearly had someone washed their brains.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №95356
The right received a tueva hush time ago, and I never got my own car, I sit down with my father's permission:
I: Dad, where is the gas and where is the brake?
I got out of the car!!! to
I: Too late, daddy, you allowed it yourself!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95355
Ventilation in the pool. In the corner of each room (except the bathroom and toilet), in the floor - ventilation holes. I've been trying to solve mystery for a month - why? For what? What is their meaning?

Kap asked to convey that their purpose was to ventilate the overlay so that it would not rot from moisture.
In modern cottages so often do, and children concrete - not to understand.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95354
About "in time and in the topic" speaking toys.

We gave the daughter a speaking doll for the New Year - on the same day a hundred times listened to the whole repertoire, good, one button on the stomach of everything, the order does not change. The girl played for a month, then dropped. Recently, she got it again, and the doll already says other phrases that were not in the repertoire before!
I am afraid of her...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №95353
In the news about the missing "Boeing":
... presumably, it fell after deviating from the course for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and it was running out of fuel.

Hundreds of thousands...flown to the moon and there fell?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna