— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №124856
A poor man’s wife was making butter, and he was selling it to one of the bakeries. The woman prepared the oil in the form of circles weighing a kilogram. And he sold them to the baker and bought what was needed for his house.

One day the baker doubted the weight of the oil he bought and, weighing each circle, saw that they weighed 900 grams. He was angry at the poor man. The next day, when the poor man came to him, he met him in anger and said to him:
“I’m not going to buy from you anymore because you’re selling me butter, saying it weighs a kilogram and weighs just 900 grams.

Then the poor man, upset and lowered his head, said:
“We, my lord, have no weights, but I bought sugar from you and made it a measure for me to weigh the oil.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124855
Discussion of the Russian monoblock "Tavolga":
zzz: "How did we explain in the company "??", "I didn’t want to come up with another faceless Latin name, usually associated with IT, or an abbreviation. We wanted the name to be recognizable in Russian, not pseudo-Western, melodic and at the same time not banal - this is how Tavolga was chosen out of many options.

Soon they’ll start coding on Cyril...oh, yeah.

Processor: Intel Core i5-5287U

Yyy: Tavolga, or Labádisappeared (lat. Filipéndula) is a family of perennial herbs of the Rosaceae family. There are 10–13 species[3] that grow in the moderate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.
The garden application:
Greatly scares flies, mosquitoes and blinds.

Arrived at a point

zzz: So the guys there healthy fumigator on the fifth bark sprayed

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №124854
You, like most people, extend your personal preferences to all men (and even to all mankind in general). A lot of people like to receive as a gift what they want, rather than what will prove the love and attention of the donor. If you are asked what to give, it means they want to make you pleasant (truly pleasant, really what will bring you joy), rather than just self-affirming and showing yourself good and attentive. Will the filatelist enjoy a duplicate of the brand? And I’m not going to have a pleasant set of colors that I don’t need (I’m an artist). I would be more pleasant if they asked me what I needed, wrote the exact name of the manufacturer on the leaflet and even the exact list of the colors I needed and gave it. This is hidden under the question "What do you give?". And when you answer “Yes, you don’t need anything” – be prepared for what you will be understood literally. For example, people like me, because sometimes I respond in this way, and I don’t even think of being offended when I’m not given anything.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124853
I think everyone has heard the beautiful journalist stamp: “All units are in full combat readiness.” In case you know: full combat readiness implies the operation of radar equipment at full capacity (see. "chop-chop and other fun games with the microwave") and the withdrawal of sabotage groups to the enemy territory beyond the supposed front line. A combat readiness of "one call - and the war will begin" is called increased.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124852
XXX - The Girl

xxx: I, when I hear the javascript instead of the javascript, start to tear my clothes from anger
yyy: Yaaskript, Yaaskript, Yaaskript

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124851
XXX: How is it? Have you tried?
I don’t know, but I think it’s delicious. and :)
HHH: That is to say?
We did not try on Friday, we came back late. We left early on Saturday. I remembered yesterday, but not here. The children say they did not take and did not even see, but are interested in what can be wrapped in a film, dark, smells of meat and when it will be again :)
Oh well :)
So I think it’s delicious :) When will it be again? and :)

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №124850
We have a CEO for many issues, such as:
Why do you think so? Why did they do so?
He replied, “Because I am the king.”
Hopefully this is not a pathology.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124849
In the Russian-language description of the American version of the film "Death Notebook" ("death notebook", as sometimes translated from Japanese Americans) the word "notebook" was translated as "laptop". Commentary of the user:

The laptop? The Death Notebook?? to
Light finds a laptop with a pre-installed OS based on Linux. To kill a person, it is enough for him to enter kill 's name in the terminal. Unfortunately, there are no gods of death there, but demons are quite a Linux term, which adds to the idea. And everything takes an unpredictable turn when Kira discovers the killall team.
Ella will have a “Orthodox” wire with its icons and services, which Kabbe hints at opposition... Who will win in this cyber war? Linuxs or windshields? Judging by computer forums, the war is not a joke.So I would strongly recommend Linus Torvalds for the role of Cyrus, and Bill Gates for the role of Ella. And on whose side are you?"
P.s I can't imagine how you can unnoticedly use a laptop (with the help of a timeview? + also "smartphone of death" to wear with you? ))), although, of course, with the planning of tasks there will be easier )) On the other hand, a laptop, dropped at the right angle with sufficient power automatically becomes a laptop of death...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124848
I have a cat when she asks for food in the kitchen, pressing my back leg on my foot. Because I pressed her finger on her back leg when she ate. For the joke. She continued to eat, but withdrew her leg.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124847
Commentary on the old song:
After listening I become good at this time I can ask for money but the wife thank God does not know about it

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №124846
Man Eats Chocolate (Ordinary Chocolate, Carl!) One day, instead of stretching it for two weeks - it means that he breaks off because of the fact that he was hungry as a child.
The logic of the shops.
I truly sympathize with the man of history. When you are considered food in the family (ah you are like that, eaten a bowl of cucumbers at a time) - it is very heroic.

It is not a matter of counting, but of insult that they did not leave, although it would be enough for both.

Two firefighters at dinner.
You have been polished.

Imho in that original story, a aunt pulls bags with a puppy home on her hill.
then her resentment is understandable and it is understandable why she did not buy anymore - would not bring

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124845
to theatre:

As a person who works in the theater and creates performances: people, we generally fool what you come in, in jeans, in a evening dress or in a fox costume. We need your faces, laughter, tears, reaction and emotions. And of course applause.
Peace to you.
See you in the hall)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №124844
Three pairs of scissors, six pins and a tail in the house – and you bite your nails!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №124843
A small sloth. Why can’t you buy more candy so that everyone gets enough? Do you want to share everything equally?
Some Sado-Mazo family comes up with difficulties and overcomes them every day.

You know, you can’t always buy more sweets, and that doesn’t solve the problem either.
There are lovers to push someone else's share (as much as you buy), and then with a full and satisfied look to declare "in a large family, don't click the clove, and eat it as if it was the last time they were eating."
I bought three bananas.
Husband, child and myself
The baby got half a banana, I got nothing.
And so in many things, money simply lacked to buy more fruit, and he lacked elementary education and respect for others (pressing fruit from a small child is generally beyond understanding).
Therefore, it often occurs from the side of the taper.
PS My husband and I separated (and thanks to the Creator), there are no such problems in the new family

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124842
This dress will fill you! Why are you mistaken...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124841
Academic vocals are when you call a goat on the other side of the river, long and in different voices, and the goat is lost; popular vocals are when drunk men hang-gung for three hours, and then as they tick a girl, and she is so - IX-HA!; and the estrade vocal is when a boiling water is poured on your stomach - and you need to urgently call the "ambulance" on this occasion, well, or call your neighbors.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124840
In the comments to the video Blue Moon of Moiseev Boris from YouTube:
HHH: Yes, they are the pirates. Here is my neighbor behind the wall for the third year on the weekend drill fucking, a real pidaras.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №124839
In connection with theatre, I remembered one of the most funny stories. Not about the theatre, but about the photo exhibition.
One such company of sparkling chickens for a long time, loudly and loudly discussed our appearance - jeans, a shirt on my comrade - and how uncultural we are, and how we glorify this sublime event with our clothes. Probably they were very surprised when the organizer presented the guests of the authors of the works - at least a third of us were there.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124838
When do you go to theaters, when do you constantly meet in intics?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124837
In the visual studio, the xslt decoding works incorrectly, it’s angry. I turn to my colleague:
I: If I break the monitor, how long will a new one come in?
Q: The employee?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna