— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №106314
I’m looking in Google – how to get back the old version of Skype (because for a violent update you have to kill at all), and Google offers me to get back the girlfriend, husband, old love and Donetsk.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106313
The erotic video. The girl dances, slowly dresses up. First comment: her appendix is cut.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106312

The tattoo is made in 4 stages: sketch; work itself; healing; answers to questions of mentally retarded people.

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106311
Go ahead, sex marathoners! Long sex exists only in your imagination, in movies and only in absolutely unoccupied childless youth. Normally working people cannot physically endure. And a dumb man can not and does not want at all, and temperament is not about it. What kind of clock? Clock removed from sleep. You have rattled. Sleep is more important. Also tell, that women with small children dream of a long sex...dreams, they are dreams, and you can only sketch a day for fun on a vacation without children, which for many is simply unrealistic. True 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes and then happiness. And by the age of 40 - honest 1-2 times a month.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106310
Please stop writing a phrase through a defiant.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106309
The knowledgeable:

Sex with a woman, for a man means releasing his sexual tension!

— — —
This does not apply to men, but to bearers.
If we talk about sex between men and women, then sex helps both get pleasure and relieve tension for both.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106308
What about Sheaed?

We humans have only two problems – we can’t count.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106307
xxx: is it permissible to work as a robber in the absence of a certificate of professional classification of the state model?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106306
I sit in the bathroom, the door is not closed. There is no one in the house besides me. And suddenly sounds! A crash, a knock, a whisper... as if my door is being broken, i.e. As if they are trying to open the key, but it doesn’t fit. The sounds are getting louder and louder!! I’m in panic, my heart is in my heels!!! I don’t know what to do in this situation??? And then I remember putting popcorn in the microwave 2 minutes ago >_<

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №106305
I had four girls so far.
WOW, teach us now! All of 4! Authority of course. Explain it again, young man. If a girl/woman is properly attracted. Actually, action, don’t have to train for an hour or two-16! She is not a coach. If it is ready and burns, then three or five minutes are enough. Of course, then it is not forbidden and repeat, and it will be like oil. And if the girl is dry, her legs are still cold, she can only regret that you are already tormenting her.
You girls are honest, clearly said - don't torture, it's better to suffer sooner than then there are sores to treat from your inability.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106304
The boys and girls in the office:
My name is Vyacheslav/Elena.
I don’t care what your name is.
They shut up for a moment, then continue to learn:
How should I address you?
Yesterday I wanted to be addressed by "Your Majesty".
Furthermore, I am proposed to increase, deepen, expand, etc. I always answer that we need to reduce and reduce the number of customers and orders. The weak give up and say goodbye.
But the girl who called me yesterday was great! She sent me the price of her firm, and the letter began with “Your Majesty.” is pleasant.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106303
and sad:

Women are more adaptive and easier to adapt. I went to the governor to wash the floor. What if the old man was not the chief engineer in the CB or the head of the shop? Here is Bats! and reduced. From work, they offer roofs in the houses of new Russians to twist. Or Goga in the jeans shop. Psychologically, it was hard to accept. Here they broke. They sat on the couch, thinking.

Eating, however, lying on the couch, these mentally suffering men regularly, daily, 3 times a day. And somehow they didn’t break up at all. I don’t think that even one of them would die of hunger.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106302
Software office, we have 6 coders in the office. and silence. Everything works (we write the code).
I am joking in the net. Here I notice that Inet lies and nothing opens up. And then another developer asks in the voice "do you work inet?" and all such choir "no-a". And the rainbow 😉
Workers and fucking

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №106301
And, that is, if a woman is a strangle to knock on left-handed men, will this be the norm?

Those yes. If a woman wants to touch someone with a strapon, let them be left-handed men.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №106300
I sit with my mother as a secretary.
I am going to training courses on Thursday.
Q: What are the courses?
The Art of Oral Sex
M: What about what?
I announce the price.
M: What to pay, she would ask me.
He is sitting hiccups.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №106299
From the online game WorldOfTanks
At the beginning of the command battle, Cap arranges the equipment, speaking through headphones. TT there, ST here and others.
A voice from somewhere.
She: And where am I?
Cap: And who are you at all?
She: I’ll pull you out of the comp, you’ll know who I’m!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №106298
Found: In Finnish, “pedant” is “pilkunnussija”, which literally means “the ar of the clutches.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106297
Fuck it when the boss says that tomorrow will be a very tough day and you thought it was a very tough day today.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106296
here here :
<Vanko> We have a customer
<Greece> Orthodox Church
<jelIo> is funny
<Vanko> Should I write in the act of work performed that they have a demon server?
<Vanko> And I revived this demon
— — —
Write "the service has stopped", for its renewal you will receive an extra blessing.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106295
In the Segezh district of Karelia began the search for a meteorite, which is believed to have fallen into a lake.
And suddenly these aliens arrived :-X
YYY: Just the same as in Chelyabinsk last year.
XXX: This repair brigade arrived to repair the first ship.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna