— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №124656
The child had time to eat half the soup with a fork. Because we have a caring mother and a caring daughter.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №124655
I remember a time when in the store for 400 rubles bought a full mountain of products, although since then it has only been 5 years.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124654
That there is no justice in the world I learned at ten.
Mother once cooked some epochally uneatable burda instead of soup: it seems that something of the products was ruined. With the scandal, despite all the tears and assurances that it was poison, made me eat a full plate, in my brother a small silk from a spoon poured half a portion. And here, finally, the children are fed, she pouches a plate for herself, tries... and with the words ‘what a shit’ she pouches her plate and the rest of the pot into the toilet! There is no justice in life, and the soup is a guarantee.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124653
It seems to me that about "public sex" and about the fact that this is the usual animal instinct and should be given to everyone without any discretion here write those to whom no one gives or those to whom no one "never takes"... I suggest immediately sign up for such people, find each other and you will be happy.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124652
It came to eat, but it became a snack.
222 We are angry))
333 No, we are good. I have not eaten for a long time. It is :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124651
If there was one salary before the wedding, and then it was three and a half, why did her subscriptions get cheaper? Even if it is assumed that his husband spent his money exclusively on himself.
– is
His expenses on the farm have increased. When you live alone, life becomes more expensive, so the family usually plans a family budget, rather than two people in the apartment live in the neighborhood, each has their own toilet paper, their own refrigerator and their own personal payments for utilities.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124650
Do you regret spending a third of your life asleep?
I’m sorry I can’t sleep it all.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124649
Discussion of a new flat camera
As an option: GoPro camera in the form of a sticker on the forehead :)
A new word in the pornography industry

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124648
The boss with humour, for the fun in the secretary's vacancy wrote: the mandatory requirement - a certificate of sexrf on passing courses on the art of oral sex. I thought I was joking about HRAM. What to say, I joked. They published without watching. Today, a man called the boss on his mobile phone and said in a practising voice that he did not have a certificate, but had a rich practical experience. It was necessary to see the boss’s face at that moment, changed all the colors of the rainbow flag.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №124647
to this:
Fuck it is shit! Sberbank is burning. I once had an employee's number, there was a mobile bank hanging on it, then I made a friend, 2 months ago on the site of the collector cut off an old number, so that no one was sent there! So, now comes the message that they received a request to disconnect this number from the mobile bank! This application, fucking, by Mail of Russia from the server went, what?!)))))

I am an active employee (not a department!) I say that your application went through the reception hell.. you can't turn off the mobile bank on the site, you just can't))))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №124646
The Bundeswehr will create a super tank to counter the terrible "Armata"

The Iron Coat?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №124645
From the Mommy Forum:

Please tell me if a 6-year-old child can be bathed in the bathroom.
YYY: And where do you get the whole soap bath?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №124644
We are looking for a programmer on the forum.
A: What program to do?
B: a television program for GTR. To write a television program, a television programmer is required.
A: For what reason? I really tried to understand what was written. My brain threw out a white flag and tried to leave the skull box! You are evil...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124643
Wife: I woke up today and I think it was - or dreamed :-)
wife: then looked in the bathroom in the mirror - I see on the happy face - was :-)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124642
by Tim:
We came up with a genius with our colleagues. Toilet with Wi-Fi and Internet connection. App for iOS and Android. To track and build charts: how much, what and when. With hardness indicators and even elements of chemical analysis. And gave recommendations on diet and nutritional norms. "Today you, Vasily, have a bad snack, you need more carrots".
You sit, in short, on the toilet, and immediately automatic such a check: "Vasilius sat on the toilet". See also And all such supportive comments: "Let’s go, Vasya, good luck". "Let’s go, my friend" "Do not give up, brother"
And you can compete: Vasya gave more today than Petya. And the winner of the year is calculated in the end, congratulations, all that. Competition "Best in the runnet"

And the important thing is that Apple doesn’t take that. And then you don’t go without a toilet paper license.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №124641
My job is to warn you. If you’re in Japan, keep in mind. I was there on a trip two years ago. You need to bring something Asian, delicious. My family is only women. In the supermarket in the sweets department lies something fabulous - looking like a zephir, only even more airy, in a pack of four pieces, of different colors. Hieroglyphs, of course, beauty and color. I bought it, brought it home. My ladies open the package, try to eat, no, they don’t bite, they don’t bite with a knife, they don’t soak, they don’t break. Just white hard as a stone mass, but looks dull. I spent a couple of months in the car. I asked my Japanese colleague, what? So know - it is for ritual use, on the graves and monuments are laid. So that the birds don’t fall...

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124640
Fuck, this is a word in the tongue, and I can't remember it!
WOW: For this state even a special term scientific is when the word cannot be remembered.)
WOW: How is this term called? This is the word in the language (
I mean 😉 😉

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124639
From FB.

I am in the October court. They lead the Negro in chains. Lawyer X: Oh you! Freedom to Angela Davis! The Negro: Pashel naked! Everyone is rushing. The Negro went away, continuing to demonstrate the beautiful possession of the great and powerful.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124638
In the store I buy apples, a tall girl on high heels passes by.
The Seller:
Horrible, so tall, and on his heels!
I am :
Talking about other people’s appearance is not polite.
The Seller:
Is it polite to walk on heels with this height? I feel like I am next to her.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124637
Request in Google:
Some issues of repair and reconstruction of buildings. Growth

Links to "Comments":
A childhood book. The most favorite!
I read in youth. I still remember, interesting.
I read the book and couldn’t stay indifferent.
This is the meaning of a book written from the heart and the author knows what he is writing about.
I finished reading the book three days ago and still am deeply impressed by what I read.
It’s so beautiful and simple that it’s hard to get rid of reading.
Good book, read quickly and with pleasure. But it was not enough "drive" And the hero seemed to me too right.
I envy all those who discover this author for the first time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna