— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №27008
The dialogue:
You know, we need to break up.
2) I did not understand. And when did we get there?
(1) What kind of X@I are you @be you???? to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №27007
The microblog:
XXX: Pie to my knees.

In response to the statement "XXX"
YYY: Not only I mean the flowers worked...

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №27006
From the Kaliningrad website:

Who, in your opinion, is to blame for the failed performance of the Russian national team at the Vancouver Olympics?

Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko 9% (70)
Leader of the Russian Olympic Committee Leonid Тягачев 3% (23)
Coach of the national team 2% (15)
Russian athletes 4% (36)
System of sports federations 33% (266)
Governor of the Kaliningrad Region 49% (401)

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №27005
Comments on Striptease:
I think the girl lacks spirituality.
YYYY: zzz, put it out more!!!! Fuck the Estonians!! to

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №27004
A listened dialogue.
Blonde administrator: How long do you want a sauna?
Visitor: We were three people, we wanted an hour for three.
B. A. : It will not work. We close in 3 hours.
Q: What about two and a half?
B. A. and no. Two and a half people for three hours will not work. I said, we are closing.

The case of the perpetrator lives and wins!

[ + 79 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27003
You got the fucking stuff!
Do you want to give flowers on March 8??? Few women, girls, your mothers. Grandmother at the entrance?? to
I bought 101 roses for my girlfriend... but as in the classic she found another! I walked around the city today and gave them to everyone I saw, even ladies with husbands, boys and just everyone I met. Women in shock (pleasant) and no one was against! If you want to do good, go and do it!!!! to
P.S Girls and women on holiday! And the friendship of admin and his cushy cat will come with you!

[ + 57 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27002
I go somewhere in the tram, in the evening, the car is clogged until refusal. At one stop I see a young mother with a four-year-old child — a cute big-eyed girl in a pink pantyhose and a hat with ears. They enter the car, the conductor (sitting right behind my back) gives the child a place...and after a couple of seconds I hear a child’s voice, full of pathos: “I AM THE MASTER OF MIIIRAAA!and "
I am happy with the growing generation.)

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №27001
It’s time to release a cookie called “The Dark Side of the Force Cookies.”

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №27000
When I was taught how to brew alcohol properly, my first words were “You take a three-litre bowl.” : )

[ + 103 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26999
Cinderella (16:51:50)Hello
Rabbit (16:55:17) Are you here?
Rabbit (17:15:16) Well and okay!
Rabbit (17:32:28) Why are you silent?! to
Rabbit (17:36:13)Thank you for everything, I'm tired of running after you
<Contacts has been removed from your contact list>
Rabbit [Not in the list] (17:38:13)I could not do me pleasant :-( I wish you good luck with your girls for them as I understood you no regrets
Rabbit [Not in the list] (18:06:28) Well, stop offending me *SORRY*
Rabbit [not on the list] (18:13:04) Why are you silent?
I just don’t understand why you’re offended, you’ve offended me and what else you want!

And then I finished watching the movie, and finally saw what I was written in the asky :))

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №26998
xxx: she doesn’t tell me anything about her impressions after a time spent together.
WOW: You understand...
WOW: here you gathered a Rubik Cube and go to share with someone your joy, about how cool he is and so on. He knows what makes you happy.
A genius example ))

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №26997
Fuck it, it is disgusting! You pretend.
I walk past my mom and dad’s room.
XXX: They mean they’re going to sleep.
xxx and myself.
XXX: Turn off the lights
XXX: Do you know what they are doing?? to
XXX: They are...
XXX: They are watching!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №26996
B@RT: Interesting, but who has noticed that in the cartoon "Chip and Dale" all the feminism is dominated? All men do not wear any clothes below the belt, when, like all women, they even have underwear.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №26995
Where did you learn to sing so well?
yyy: XD, everything is very simple, as a child we did not have a castle in the toilet, and the family we had was big, and in order not to accidentally come to you, I had to sing loud))))

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №26994
Sometimes "fucked" is a compliment))

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №26993
A new original service for women who want to give birth to a child through IVF, is offered by the American sperm clinic "Criobank". Now anyone can “order” a parent. So, for example, if you want to see in your future child features of David Beckham or Johnny Depp, the agents of the clinic are committed to you to find a celebrity twin who will provide his sperm.
XXX: Chord, I thought they would force a selected celebrity to insect me...

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №26992
Reply to Phone:
I write to you all. I think this phone is one of the best gifts for a loved woman. If you want to be forgiven all the hardship, give it to her and you all say goodbye. It is already tested on itself.
Commentary :
I’m pleased with the phone, just now I’m thinking – and what has my husband done?? to

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №26991
A girl sees a hole in her girlfriend's pants in an intimate place.
You have a hole there.
Do you not have there?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №26990
Fast closed is not considered visited.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №26989
Commentary on the film (Orthography preserved):
For the first time in my life I downloaded a free movie. I don't even believe it!That's possible in our time.I haven't seen yet.Yes and the computer does not play.Thank you huge

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna