— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №124476
From the stones on the Hubra in a post about Arduino: "no matter what you collect on the Arduino, you still get a weather station, I tried it."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124475
First we blamed Tsar Nicholas, then the bourgeoisie, then the Americans, then the oppositionists, then the Jews, then the Communists, then the thieves, then the Blacks, then the Tsar Boris, then the new bourgeoisie, then the new oppositionists. The circle closed. The Jews were frozen in expectation.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124474
Then it is not a childhood tax (it is the same nonsense as the unemployment tax - WHAT to pay it for), but as in self-respecting anti-utopias: permission to reproduce to be given only to either healthy non-drinkers and non-smokers without hereditary diseases, or something outstanding and honorable, whose inheritance can be valuable. Such a cute tribal fascist gets

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124473
Near the mother's house there is a small plot with a burst. There lived a couple of not the most sober way of life and the couple even had their own transport - a motorcycle "Muravey". We somehow made an order with my mother in the garage, the doors on the back of the door, and here comes a slightly unconscious neighbor:

Hi my neighbors! Give me a half litre of gasoline before gasoline?

The gasoline is only in the tank of Moskovich, my mouth-shlang-bak method does not own, I am small, so I am not a professional, and she asks a logical question: -Will you suck?

The neighbor grumbled and said quietly, “I don’t know, I have to ask my wife if she allows it.”

After 15 seconds of universal stupor, the momm begins to laugh wildly and through laughter presses out: - Idiot! Are you going to suck out of the bag? HDD

The neighbor rose even more.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124472
Our grandmother for half an hour cried that a pharmacist was in the corner and did not react. In fact, it was a mannequin, hanging on it a medhalat.)

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124471
I go from work in a trolley bus. A few young people are standing at the door and talking. He tells one:

My grandfather was amazing. He fought in civil war. They had to fight for the red or for the white. He had to choose who to go: to the red or to the white. If you come to the white in the army, then you are given boots, but there are no shoes. And if to the red - then you will get a shoe, and their boots have a strain.

And then the grandfather took and registered first to the red, and then to the white. I got shoes and a shiny. Then he took the shoes and took the red shoes and exchanged them for two shines. And the shinyle opposite to the white took and changed two pairs of boots.

I am shocked by the story, comrades, apparently too, and the cat with the lamp in shock. One asks the storyteller:

For whom did he fight, for the red or for the white?

And he didn’t fight at all, he fixed the clock.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №124470
The cape! The boys born in 2011 are already recruited to the hockey section. I’m used to the fact that the boys of the year 2011 have not been born yet.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124469
On one site, I found a song called “Infinite Music for Sex.” Sound time: 2 minutes and 29 seconds.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №124468
Well, let them provide housing, money, and, most importantly, a WOMAN - so it is not a problem to give birth to children.

The dream of a simple Russian man. Sometimes it may seem like most of them.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №124466
Firefighter Sasha evacuated a man from a burning apartment. A man fell on the street. The disorder! Deciding to check the pupils of the man, Sasha pushed his eyelids. Sasha’s eye fell on his hand. The eye turned out to be artificial, Sasha’s hysteria natural.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №124465
Five years ago, she moved from her institute to another. I come to the first couple, a little late, and I don’t know any of my group yet. If I found an audience, I will go, there is a teacher at the board, quite young, but in thick glasses and slightly dull. I politely apologize and want to sit down, but he immediately makes me notice why I am late. I began to say that I had just moved to this university and had been looking for an audience for a long time, but he replied to me so that I could go to the board. Write, He says you know about the laws of thermodynamics. And while I was recording them on the board, he called another student, whispered something to him and he went out of the audience. After writing all that was possible (and I knew this topic very well, because in the past institute there were always five), I say that I wrote everything, but he asks for everything to be explained, and in the audience, everybody, continuously, chicked over me. Shaken by the fact that I did not have time to enter, as I am arranged for the survey, I begin to answer, but then the student returns, who went out, says something and sits back. Decided to end my torture, the teacher told me to take a free seat in the audience, and as I got up, he suddenly took off his jacket, stood up and took off his glasses. And when the door to the auditorium opened, a 70-year-old uncle entered, put on his glasses and jacket, all the students, no longer restrained, whispered all over. When I asked my tormentor if he had written the laws of thermodynamics, he pointed to the board and replied my words one by one. And when this guy sat down behind me, he told me in his ear that he had a chocolate and that I would not be late for a lecture anymore.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124464
This happened a few years ago in Sevastopol. We sit at the Count's Port in a summer cocktail man 5 - we drink wine! The beauty! Here, a dirty, terribly smelly (not to say smelly) bombage runs down and says, "Girls, pour the vince to bread."

We say, “I’m not sorry, but the glass is not too much.”

Bohm: “Give someone your glass, I’m not a liar.”

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №124463
I was driving in the route. The driver is a carrier, from nearby abroad pressed full gas on the scattered gasoline. He was driving pretty fast and ignored people’s comments about such a ride. Suddenly he began to brake. Our route was overtaken and blocked by a black jeep, which was not visible. From there, he jumped out the driver, opened the door of the driver and began to scream, "You who are carrying? People or wood? What hero do you fly around the city more than 100 km / h with a full car of passengers?!" After that, he sat in the car, blocked the door and half the way moved with the required speed, not allowing the carrier to overtake him and gain speed.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised that there are people who think about others and do such things.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124462
It is hard to find a place under the sun. I need to take others out of him.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №124460
Can you not go with the child?
I actually list the words he scratched on my car!

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124459
Dear admin, at last twist to the quotation forum, more quotations than quotations became.

admin, shredder, cat, something else there

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №124458
Egerša from Baikal said: “He comes here alone!” Someone is a foreigner! On the shore of the Baikal walked, walked, came and showed gestures - drink, say, I want! He had little to drink!

The people who are accustomed to comfort can just fantastically curb.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №124457
She sits in contact 25% of her working time, and the remaining 75 hours she rotates in front of the mirror. Beauty brings, beauty brings...
A creative person, loves painting. by the tree.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №124456
Let us take such a hypothetical example. The brigadier of the cargoes filled their clothes all morning in the office, and when he returned to the workplace, he saw that due to his laziness and lack of control, the cargoes of his brigade put their bags in the staff with a complete violation of the technological instructions for the storage of cargoes and safety rules. Naturally, the carrier gives the brigade a command to dismantle the staff and put it together again. But in order to put the task to the loaders, as I wrote above, you need, first of all, the brigadier to know all these words, secondly, to have them in the operating memory, and it fails if the person is excited. And in order not to tire the brigade from waiting until he remembers all the necessary words, and to show his indignation with the foolish hopes of the carriers that he will agree to such a stamping of the cargo, it is permissible for the brigadier to express his thought approximately as follows: "Nah...i h...inju nahu...yardily x...apples x...evy?! Rush... rush on... y and x... rush without x... yni!! Since the brigade figuratively represents the situation, from this brigadier's speech, each carrier absolutely understood that the marriage made by the brigade will not be accepted and it needs to be corrected, otherwise the angry brigadier can and punish.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124455
I got this intellectual introduction!
Dema: So take it off.
Dema: Though there is no attraction...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna