— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №94252
c 4pda to news about the thinnest smartphone in the world:
I want one, I can cut the bread.
These jokes are not funny anymore.
Zzzz: Intelligence at the level of stupidity!and ;)
aaa: you need to write: at the level of the rear side of the knife))))
BBB: Aaa, very thin :D
ccc: bbb, straight ppc as thin..
ddd: ccc that you can cut bread.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №94251
XX: and you knew that Gazprom employees in the fierce frosts, feeding the birds, will feed them black caviar.
YYY: O_o!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94250
Discuss a camera shooting in color in total darkness, on 4pda.
xxx: It would only not be that in this chamber in total darkness you can see the souls of the dead, lost between heaven and earth. When the ghosts realize that we see them, they will try to get in touch.
The Japanese are like that. I watched the call.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №94249
There are men who promise a lot, and there are those who remain silent.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №94248
As the preamble goes: not everything was bad in Soviet times! And most importantly - people trusted each other more and rarely someone passed the track by the car with a raised cap, without stopping and asking if you need help? And now it stops... yes.
So, in October 1981, the airport of the glorious city-hero of Volgograd. I and two of my colleagues are returning from the seminar, we have been sitting at the airport for a day, there is no departure. I, as the youngest of all, was instructed to go to the train station and see if there is no way to get home by train. I went slightly, learned that there are almost no chances, I return and can not find my companions!!! A familiar on the face of the aunt (in the course of the day, everyone looked at me) pleased me: Did the window on Samara, they flew away! The situation: in the pockets of the stuff and a towel, in the storage chamber a suitcase and a box with gallets and marmelade - a shortage at the time (not everything was good in Soviet times, the shortage was!). The chip of the storage chamber in the cosmetic bag, the cosmetic bag in the bag, the bag was with the companions, now I don't know where. I get a towel, ready to cry - alone in a strange city, without money, tickets, passports and storage camera tokens. The hypothesis. Here by loud communication announce my surname-name-fatherland-city and ask to go to the police department. Ura! I have never loved my family so much. I am wiped out of tears and tears, they pour tea and give me a bag: passport here, tickets and money here, no cosmetics! There is a token! Write a protocol, return the bag without cosmetics. I drop into the storage chamber, explain the situation, fill out a statement: describe what lies in the suitcase on top! I understand that I don’t remember, I almost lose consciousness, it’s good that the guest box was signed by my name. In short, all were handed over, even for the lost token no fine was taken.
A window opens in the sky, they give a plane to Samara, I decide to fly - closer to my city. They arrived. And in Samara, the airport is far from the city, and already at night, I fell asleep in the bus, affected by a day and a half without sleep. I get out of the bus with everyone, the night I don’t know where to go. Everyone went to the side of the station, and I broke behind everyone - in one hand a suitcase, in the other a box with candy cakes, large, uncomfortable to carry. Suddenly, both of them are so gently taken out of my hands by two young men. It would be now that I would give everything and go through so that they’t be killed, and then I’t even be afraid. “Girl, we’ll help you, we’ll go to the station too!”
At the station the same situation as at the airport - people are full, there is nowhere to sit. I extend my wallet to my assistants and ask them to take a ticket for any train to my city and cut myself off again. How much time has passed, I don’t know, but my assistants wake me up and take me on the train. We put things in, we put things in, good luck! I sleep without bed and without back legs. I finally lie!
I wake up in the morning, behind the window of the station with the name of my city, the train is moving quietly - either it brakes, or it accelerates. Lost to walk by the house! “Where you went, we have not yet arrived!”
And just standing on the perron, I finally felt how tired I was! I am finally home! The adventure is over!
And my cosmetic with a token my colleague second-handed into his bag. A long token from the storage chamber of the station of Volgograd was my talisman: in the Soviet country a man will not be given an abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №94247
Teisha washed the jeans, and before this put out of the pockets their contents - money, condoms. The wife, of course, threw his faithful a grand scandal. The man was in defence for two hours.
Here the aunt says:
Oh, I can not! I have been fighting for two hours over you. This is your jeans!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №94246
It’s not a child, it’s a nightmare.
Wife: He will be abandoned in kindergarten in a week
I: What again?
Wife: Smiled on the carpet, spilled all the children’s shampoo throughout the kitchen, and while cleaning it all - wiped out the whole pack of towels
Wife: Do you buy beer?
I: well

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94245

Just think: "From such prices just an eye in the desert falls out" and, from the latter "So this, Anetchka, a grandmother with two ends... said".

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №94244
to this:
I feel that after the protests in Kiev in Moscow in the summer will urgently replace all the tile back on asphalt.

Why in summer? You can change in winter.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №94243
XXX: Yes, the assembly
xxx: who has stumbled and enrolled me in the SPA SALON?
xxx: I won some of their lotteries there and I am going to do spa treatments for face skin and hair for free!!! to
XXX: I tell them I’m bald! They crack but they say you won - at least the face before the holiday correct

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №94242
Tagged: boring
Zerowin: laugh at me
Raf: I can only show the pipeline.
The RAF: 8
Zerowin: By the way, about the pipes, Katya is interested in you
Raf: Oooo, Katya...
RAF: 8 e
RAF : Oh
Zerowin: ))) has already had))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №94241
Not buying in childhood. My school years began in 1991. By this point, 9 out of 10 requests to buy something were reasonably rejected due to financial difficulties. Therefore, I didn’t think about the a-la Barbie dolls that appeared at the time. A friend prompted me to go for such a doll for her, and as a result bought it for myself and me. To us, first-class girls, who appeared to open a store with such money, the seller's aunt, doubting a little, sold them. We forgot to agree on the legend, what we got at home... the dolls were picked out, the money was returned to the father of a friend, who slept peacefully during the purchase. OOOOOOOOOOO!!! My mom bought me a Turkish gum and I won a doll!!! She came to me by mail a couple of months later and she (oh, a miracle!) My legs are on my knees!! Happiness has no limits!! I am for what. Thank you for my happy childhood!!! Well, and yes, agree a lie if suddenly...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №94240
Here is the addition to our football team. They were joined by hockey players and biathletes in full composition.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №94239
The Russian national team in hockey:
We lost in hockey because we played 1-1-3.
Protecting the gate
1 Attacking the gate
And the three watch that these p*dors do not move the gate.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №94238
to this:
A new pyramid was discovered in Egypt. The pyramid is about 4.6 thousand years old. of years. I haven’t seen it, I haven’t seen it, I haven’t seen it, I haven’t seen it! found in the desert.

Just to be aware, deserts are not static. They... The living...? The wind constantly moves the sand, where you passed, after half an hour there may be no trace, and the next day, where there was a barhan high with a two-story house can be a slope of the same depth. The pyramids are not all the size of Cheopsov. There are small ones.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №94237
Eight of the poor!

My friend and I used a needle with a thread of two chairs, five chairs, book shelves, an old tire and a bunch of benches and covers to turn the five-room chords, which occupied almost entirely a room of 19 squares. And in the kitchen we had a country under the kitchen table, and we had little that allowed us not to deal with it all for three days (even though Daddy, in order to get to the compass and work, or there to get to the bed and sleep, had to break through all this beauty), and you could also spend the night in the country in the kitchen, wrapped in the remaining covers.

A great time.

For a historical reference - it was in a one-bedroom non-paphos apartment all unfolded. There was regularly a lack of money. but the chic was - stuck with the head, ears and eyebrows))))) the folder to this day respect for what allowed)))

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94236
You are not Russians! To sell, manufacture and import underwear made of synthetic materials. Attention to below!
The manufacturer will write the note in small letters: "This product is not underwear", "Wear over wool socks" or anything else in this style. In any case, they will find out how to get around.
This is exactly! Until now, there are full of shops "delivery 24 hours", where you buy a light bulb for 1,500 rubles, and Jack Daniels comes to you as a gift :))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №94235
In the refrigerator was an ehermeister (a little more than half a bottle). Drinking clean is not bad, decided to declare cocktails with the participation of this drink.
I found a cocktail of "black blood" with curacao and sprite. I sat all night playing tanks and drank this miracle.
Apparently the stomach and everything that after it became green and already the third morning I remember the phrase "where is the smaragd in the ass."

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №94234
I know why our hockey and figure skating merged: the master’s eye turned west and watched the Maidan!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №94233
Once, my mother and I went to the oculist for a consultation. The weather was ugly. I go and notice that a rubber gum is attached to my boots. I let her tear off with the other leg, tear off, tear off, and she only got more and stretched! My mom started trying to rub her off, too with her legs, and the gum can't give up! Take her hand, and pull her hand! This was my pink socks. The shoe broke, and a piece of socks fell out, and we pulled it! I did not go to the oculist.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna