— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №26608
Picture: Office, two employees each looking for something in Dublin GIS (electronic map of the city). One of them says:
Gagarina is 16.
He was injured (second job)


[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №26607
X: I don’t think I’m going to get married today.
And then the bus cut me off.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №26606
On February 23, the same groups gave each one a pack of condoms. After a little thought, I decided to give a pregnancy test on March 8.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №26605
Two women thought, looking each other in the eyes with a sweet smile...
– ‘๑ –

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №26604
BarBoss: Did you see in the shops powerful electric calls of the time of the Crimean war for security alarm? They are also called "chips", for the resemblance to the original? 20 years ago, my colleague, sleeping at work for the hundred-hundredth time, actually connected these breasts to the electromechanical alarm. For some time, together with him, all five floors and two adjacent entrances were put up for work.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №26603
Are there condoms for oral sex? and :)
YYYYYYYYYYYYY With a pillow to clean the cheeks and tongue!

[ + 141 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26602
To all those who are struggling with hysteria when seeing this: I really want to buy a car this year before my birthday. Just over a month! I wish for those who desire to be fulfilled. and :)

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №26601
of the army life. The time was after the outbreak. The barracks, the lower location, the 2nd squadron, the silence, and the quiet whisper – which was simply impossible not to hear:
"The mattress, the mattress – give me at least once!"
"All of us" all of us! and :)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №26600
She did with me morally what I wanted to do with her physically.

[ + 186 - ] Comment quote №26599
By the way, I read about "History for those who hate officials so much." Here is my story:
My father is a war veteran (Afghanistan). I am very proud of my father and hope to be a little like him. And no, he is psychically normal (and that has become a stereotype for everyone...)! So, we allocated a large sum of money to pay, like my father. In general, there were 15 thousand per 1 person, and veterans in our city are not so few, and it turns out that the total amount looks in a six-digit size (if not in a seven-digit). Only three people will be paid. If suddenly this resource read any authorities, then I ask to pay attention to the city of Sosnovoborsk Krasnoyarsk region.

This is your last hope, please miss it.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №26598
Mary is in love with all her heart.
John sent this message to his father.
Father, share my joy with me,
I’m going to call Mary my wife"
The eyes of the young man burn with passion.
But to the son with a breath the father says:
"Mother Mary twenty years ago
I took care of it, I admit, it was my fault.
You are wedding plans, children, do not build
You have a sister Mary".
Such a terrible alarm,
John was upset for two months.
But Clara saw it and loved it so much.
He forgot all his sorrows.
He comes to his father with a cheerful face:
"With my beloved Clara I am going to the wing"
"Again a failure,” he replied,
It has been nineteenth year since then.
It is time to uncover my secret:
And Clara, unfortunately, you also have a sister".
Such a terrible alarm,
John was hiding from the girls for six months.
But Kate saw it and loved it so much.
forgetting all his sorrows,
The only thing that worries him is:
Suddenly, Daddy will find his relatives again.
When my mother told me about her father,
“So what should I do?” he cried in his hearts.
Escaping from his hometown?
The son is upset and the mother is happy.
Marry Whom You Want, Son, Nothing
Do not listen to your father, for you are not his son.

[ + 40 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26597
I knew a firm where a guard with a weapon was sitting in the server, and in the case of Ahtung, shooting a target specially drawn for him. The bullet passed directly through the raid. Prior to this, we even tested the probes and how many hards.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26596
I am sitting in a box, neither alive nor dead... (from the memories of the cat Schrödinger)

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26595
Here is this:
guys, men!we really the most important of your attention and your smile!no gifts will be so perceived as your love with a smile on the face!Girls, cute!Especially doctors and l2,wowers!we turn off the computer on the evening of March 7, we fall asleep next to the beloved, not asking for sex, just talking, we fall asleep!Every morning with a sweet smile, just say good morning, dear! and all!

Comrades and Comrades!! I disagree with you!! I want sex!!! to

[ + 46 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26594
c is
In Soviet times there was a joke:

What is it, it flies, it flies, it doesn’t get in the ass?
Soviet machine for getting in the ass.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №26593
Did you ever have a girl who just begged you to sleep with her, but you proudly refused?
Then I put it off and put it under the bed.)

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №26592
I sit behind the comp, I don't touch anyone, and here the heracle from below (I live on the first floor) with a terrible groulom "go here, go to me" I almost got upset, I thought everything, in the underground it was called.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №26591
Russia is an invincible country.
Read on the news site
Novosibirsk crematorium bought a camel to reassure visitors.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №26590
Ohhhh: only a miracle saved, these idiots searched the whole house in search of the disc of the promise, except for the drive...

[ + 57 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26589
Lesson of Physics:
What is Kirchhoff’s first rule?
The first rule of Kirchhoff: Don’t tell anyone about Kirchhoff.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna