— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №124074
Southerners do not understand when after a month with air temperature -40 and with a fierce wind comes -15 and silence.

Great weather today.

It is just warm.)

“When it’s snow, it’s always warm.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124073
Testers of a large IT company:
Q: The text editor does not support Klingon) try it yourself)
I: Emm... and how does it show up? Do you want it for Star Trek fans or for extraterrestrial races?)))
Q: Do few people use our product and for what purposes))
I: Well I can tell you, you can ask the designers what they would add)) And then the Klingons are quite hard (((
P: I mean in general, the problem is there)
I: And the elephant by the way supports)))The elves are simply more solvent than the clingons, so the product is primarily aimed at them)
Q: They live in the woods, this is a shorter coincidence.
And: Then probably our director is the Dark Elf)))

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124072
Vodka is a budget option of happiness.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №124071
But culturally it is beneficial.

The words of a friend. A beloved aunt decided to visit her grandson for Christmas - from Peter directly to the French-speaking Geneva. I was flying a Swissair flight in the morning. I fell asleep and had breakfast. She calls the stewardess and, since she is not strong in the foreign, tries to ask her to bring breakfast. Nothing at all. And then the brain, having conducted one known analogy, gives a set of familiar and seemingly appropriate sounds in the situation, but absolutely incomprehensible to him:
“Monsieur, je ne mange pas six jours” (Monsieur, je ne mange pas six jours)

To my surprise, it worked! Two servings of breakfast! True, I had to eat everything under the supervision of a caring stewardess and the victims of what is happening in the crisis in Russia neighbors-francs...

Messie, I don't eat for six days - Kisa Vorobyaninov from "12 chairs"

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №124070
At work in the dining room today was Indian beef in curry sauce. None of the crowd of visitors even thought about what was going on.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124069
If you are attacked by a vampire, bite him first. At least he will be offended.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №124068
XXX is:
A funny story. My daughter (7 years old) became interested in how we jump up, and in Australia (from the other side of the Earth) they still jump up, they also head down.

explained and explained. Then he opened the unit, threw a sphere of 1000 meters in radius on the stage, put a pair of characters: "This is Earth, this is in Moscow, this is in Australia, this is how they jump."

Everything immediately became clear. Gilmore is rolling.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124067
The tax on gasoline in Russia from April 1 may rise by two rubles. According to the head of the Ministry of Finance, the increase in excise taxes, if it will be approved, should not lead to an increase in fuel prices.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №124066
Wife instructs how to put a one-year-old son to sleep:
Don’t look him in the eyes, otherwise it’s over. Better to pretend to be dead, then he goes around and lags behind.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124065
I thought as a child that boys and girls become boys and girls depending on how their parents dress.

Not so much you were mistaken.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №124064
Marrying and marrying no one is hindered either by children or past relationships. But now, when the new lover is hanging on his ears with endless stories about how all three ex-wives who escaped had become pregnant, themselves gave birth, and I was a furry rabbit here has nothing to do with such a goat, such a goat, and I am an unfortunate sheep, at twenty years of age, not knowing, apparently, that from THIS children are - then the new lover inevitably makes the conclusion that it is not about a rabbit or a sheep, but with ameba, whose all around is to blame for amena brainlessness. Well, or does not make conclusions and soon complements the list of "gay and goats"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124063
Have you ever been in a seat?

ALA: It was in the seat, I did not like it. When you are on the big, he does not cross from foot to foot, does not breathe hard and does not walk on the sidewalk, that you have to keep balance every second. I am more on bicycles. And the horse loves to feed carrots and apples, and they are beautiful!!!! to

And I love them more in the baseball. Sorry to. No bikes at all.

Are the roofs rough?

Andrei: We are out of the bearings.

[ + 20 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124062
From reviews to condoms on Aliexpress:
Ordered on November 11, placed on December 30 in the box. The child was born ".

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124061
xxx: Very smiling phrase: “I took a tough step, forcing a whole group of employees to use Android smartphones instead of iPhone.”
Worse than 10 years of Gulag.

[ + 37 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124060
xxx: I know your English fucking, the cat and the teeth are not in order to put, and the tooth is a tooth.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №124059
Freedom Angela Davis, freedom to Julian Assange.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124058
I was delighted with the new manager.) The guy after the universe is all of himself so clever (from under the gentri came on the mud), and himself is dumb like an oak. Not that he is not educated, but just stupid.
In an explanatory for the reason of the marriage on the CNC site wrote: "Halatna PISK programs!"
They rolled under the table all the department)) Especially those who do "pics"!)) We now ask them:
How are you on the fridge?
I haven’t put them yet! :)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №124057
The battle:

Which has been a year for the Hector "and yes" I want to give "and in the mouth"...

But... why, in fact, the Houthis? I too in polemics can sometimes say “yes” and “yes”, and I even have grandparents and grandparents all born in the city.
And IMHO, constantly looking for a reason to give somebody a mouth", somehow not a comilfo.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124056
by Roman Kutuzov:

Sometimes I go to my Twitter account for a joke, which I started but never used. There is a life that I do not understand: he himself makes tweets, retweets, friendships. I want to ask, guys, am I not bothering you?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124055
Reviews for July:

Review of the model: green peanut "Don Green", canned, the highest variety, volume 425 ml (GOST R 54050-2010)
Experience of Use: Recently
Benefits: Cheaper than a video card
Disadvantages: Does not perform video card functions
General impressions: Karoch I wanted to buy a video card, such that witch 3 without brakes went and in the betman to play could be.I looked at means prices, scared, fell into depression. And here I saw this! Green peas proved to be a salvation for me and my nervous system. After 12 pots I could not leave the house for so long (for understandable reasons) that the sadness on the video card seemed so silly that it is not worth thinking about it. I recommend it to everyone, but not less than 12 bottles at a time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna