— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №44532
The surrounding space was offered to be cleaned with a laser.
Matthew has reached a new level.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №44531
by Alina:
The chocolate candy in my pocket was melting.
by Alina:
Like a fucking hand.
It smells delicious)

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №44530
Yesterday I went home in the bus, a guy stands with a phone, texting. I looked through his shoulder, and it was written, "And your parents did not teach you that it is inappropriate to read other people's letters?"

[ + 67 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №44529
If you think that the best toy for your female child will be a large, beautiful doll, then you are very wrong! How much more to taste he will have your wireless keyboard, with which he will hide in some difficult place and with a face full of bliss will tick on a variety of buttons. While you’re trying to prove to your computer that it’s wrong, that you haven’t deleted a folder with your photos a second ago in the last two years and that you haven’t confirmed its deletion.

[ + 123 - ] Comment quote №44528
Few people know, but you can get the key for Windows 7 for free not only in the net, you can just come to the store with notes, choose the one you like and see the serial book from the bottom of the case!

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №44527
Questions and Answers from the Nokia Service Center website:
Question: I don't read the flash card
Answer: It is sad

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №44526
XX> about the cage, the tram and the helicopter history is true. A colleague of his mother was driving in that tram, so his finger was cut off with a piece of glass. Then at work they ask "What about the finger, why was I late?" and he edak carelessly "And the helicopter fell on me"

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №44525
The case at the speech of Viktor Ivanovich P.

How dare you blame me, honest man! My filters filter even dog shit! See also! Here in this glass is the dog shit. Put into the filter. (Get half a glass of water.) See you, see you! The clean water! (Fill the water into the second glass.)
- Viktor Ivanovich,... - an impatient journalist tries to ask a question, P. turns and immediately interrupts the journalist:
Wait and wait! We have not finished our experiment.
P. quickly turns to the table, takes a glass and drinks it.
My filters are the best in the world. You did not believe!
There was complete silence in the room, one journalist with a trembling voice:
- Victor Ivanovich, you poured water from the filter into another glass.
The face of p.

The curtain.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №44524
Is that Hennessy?
It is selfish!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №44523
Xxx: Bring me a magnet from the brown, or better two. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I have a refrigerator and I need to hang it.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №44522
Why is Dr.Web a foreign name, but it was developed in Russia? It could be called Russian.
Do you want to know?ѣra Danilo?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №44521
Don’t you want to go out all summer with your kids? 8) I will be very lonely here, little or nothing.

2: No to fuck! I'll pay your scratch VOV for three months and find it here in September!!! to

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №44520
Books about Harry Potter:

In Hogwarts it is difficult to learn. There is no internet there - all homework must be done by yourself.
WOW: or I’ll have to send a googling sauce!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №44519
Do you keep your ex-girlfriend’s underwear?
WOW : No
WOW: What about you?) of
HHH: Go, how worried you were, it started to stumble!

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №44518
<Gurman> (morally) good cheese is good. Bad cheese is bad.
<Hobober> to develop the mind
<Hobober> cheese is cheese

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №44517
XXX is always so. You sleep quietly, a phone call wakes you up, asks if you are sleeping. You’re sorry that you’ve been up for a long time, but this damn voice of Jiggura gives you up with tricks.

[ + 102 - ] Comment quote №44516
At a meeting with the prosecutor-general of the Russian Federation, the president got his iPad and showed Yuri Tchaika a special site where there are the addresses of hundreds of illegal casinos with an indication about placing them on the map. Chaika assured that prosecutors also use this site.

“Only we don’t have iPads,” said the attorney general and rattled.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №44515
Toha (0:19) : well fucking too much density of boyanes for a square month!

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №44514
I am not a blonde!!! to
YYY: I want evidence
xxx: here

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №44513
<Shot> I am suffering... I suffer the period "Daddy, and why does the sun shine?"... that I should tell her about nuclear synthesis to the shell?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna