— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №61553
I live in Paris. I just saw in the subway a thick old black woman with a T-shirt “A” and “B” sitting on a pipe and the mouths of Abramovich and Berezovsky. Cognitive dissonance at all.

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61552
From Poets of the Fall:

xxx: Have you watched the movie "Start"?
YYY: This is the best movie I’ve seen :)
Zzzz: Yyy, you need to see more movies.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №61551
I am fighting with an ass. He no longer knows how to strike me stronger:
Yes, I have a hundred of you!!! to
I am a anniversary.)
I’m removed from the list 😉

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №61550
xxx: Igor distinguished), while he slept, his house was taken over and even the cell phone was pulled out of the pillow.)
yyy: I always said that you can catch him while he’s asleep, and he doesn’t even scratch, a fool.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №61549
It is spring in Peter. You smell in the window - the sun, the kidneys on the trees, the meadows, the birds will crack. You go out and get a mole in the face.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №61548
Now the degree of degradation of society is felt sharply. There is a full of icons of additional status such as blue hatch - "learn", and so on, even a condom is (and how before sex to quickly status in the asche not to change?A "I read" No Who reads at this time?

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61547
by TUDO:

> but the holes in the paper it makes DREAM!

And you try the archive of documents to do when one case of sheets 300-500 holes to break through. Or are you going to break 1 page?

The drill is not exactly drilled, that I am like a driller, so if we have a small drilling machine, we are more than a solid bank)))

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №61546
From one forum:
I repaired the bank today.
There are a lot of grandmothers, aunts, they can’t take away.
I approach, and there is a Windows error on the screen.I took this window and closed it (touch screen) and it all worked.
That’s how I’m a hacker.
Rejoiced one voice of aunt- "And we have been waiting for you here for an hour, forever your ATMs are not working".and :)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №61545
I apologize for the off-top!

Information for Freelancers.

For all of us there will always be the risk of becoming deceived "the employer"!

One of these is a person with the ICQ number 6four2nine2five5nine0
I periodically follow him, and after all, a slider appears every time in the network with new info.
Just an idiot, an idiot and an idiot!

Do not let God you encounter him, send him at once with all your native vocabulary or in accordance with your education! At the same time you can send "Hello" from George. I will not forget the century.

It is a real human insult and a desire for revenge.
and support!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61544
My girlfriend :
How can your IQ be higher than my if you play computer games?!!!! to

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №61543
It was healed somehow by my wife to pierce her tongue.
I stand, therefore, in the jewelry department in one store, I buy this same stick in the tongue.
Here is a girl (D) says:
You know that piercing in language has a negative effect on speech.
I am not myself - I am a wife
and a! That means less shit.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №61542
He was sick in English. The language, they gave the trainee for a replacement.She hit the car on us and something there captures the whole couple.There the friend steamed and he decided to drop and asks me like English. Will "Can I go out?" well I tell him typically "may I go out?".He rises up and says "may I go out?".That doesn’t even look into his side.He repeats a couple of times.Reactions no.He asks me typically I norm all I say, I answer that everything is OK.He stands up approaches her and again asks "may I go out?".Again nothing.He leanes to the bottom and issues "do you speak English?".

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №61541
[17.03.2012 22:49:59] Baby_Tiger: The mother-in-law (a therapist) wrote us a list of products.
[17.03.2012 22:49:59] Baby_Tiger: As a result we will buy:
Lamp of WOW
Soap of goat
by Ukrush

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №61540
Skellzz: Once Master Yoda was also a human, but Coca-Cola and radiation did their job.

[ + 58 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61539
In 1927, in the framework of the GOELRO plan in the USSR began the construction of DniproGES. The western press immediately swallowed the bile about this construction. "Lapotny Russia never realizes such a project," the newspapers of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Japan wrote.
In 1932 DniproGES was built. And it works until now. And he is not alone - all over the former Union, his troops are working, including a huge Brotherly hydroelectric power plant. And there is a very high probability that the electricity that your computer consumes is produced by the GES.
Why am I?
The people are fucking joking over the gloss!! Sit around your offices, produce exclusively none-needed maculature, but rush over what you do not understand - please. But GLONASS will still work. Russia’s future is space. Even if you hurry.
It’s not funny because we’ve already gotten out.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №61538
Sorry I'm interrupting you, but I need to tell you that you're a fucking fuck.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №61537
Going for a walk without a husband and, painting, singing under the nose " Arthur Piroshkoov will teach the husband of rozhkooov" was clearly a mistake.

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61536
I watched F1 on my laptop. My nephew is 7 years old. He looks at the screen and asks, “Do you watch races or play?” could I have asked a question like that when I was a child?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №61535
Good morning to you 😉
for whom (
XXX has arrived! Not sleeping all night, the dose of caffeine is close to fatal, the headphones broke, the eyes hurt from the light, but the morning, your mother, will still be GOOD!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №61534
We have for a month to the restaurant behind the window the second floor is upbuilt for something.
UUU: Upgrade the tavern to the second level =))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna