— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61493
From a YouTube video comment: Please let me sleep.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61492
A Ukrainian named Peter Vesely practiced the treatment of homosexuality by the "clin cling" method. But Peter’s happy life ended when one of the gay men who turned to him became a police officer.

He worked according to the following scheme: he was found through advertisements in newspapers by men who wanted to get rid of attraction to other men. For a considerable amount (the price for the service, as well as the approach, was individual, and ranged from 200 to 2 thousand hryvnia per session), the client was told a story about the fact that "the cloak is wrapped with a cloak", after which Vesely conducted "procedures" of a sexual nature. Upon completion of the “procedure” pseudo-warch assured that now everything should pass, reports uaReview.

Patients after some time realized that the attraction for men did not happen anywhere, unlike money. And some patients returned to Veselo for new procedures according to the clin method, and became his regular clients.

One of the victims was an employee of the police, and he handed over the complaint on Peter Veselo to his colleagues. After operational searches, the fraudster was caught at the scene of the crime. Now he is waiting for trial in the investigative isolation.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №61491
xxx: Three years as I bought a kalina, "flight normal". There are no complaints, as is the breakdown.
Except only in the summer, when the air conditioning is turned on, the engine is almost not enough.
The difference in convenience, design, capacity, reliability, between the nine-classic (which I used to ride) and my calina,... huge.
Maybe someone will tell me, of course, what is better, I will answer.... there is a different price, both operational and the machine itself, according to my income of 700-600 t.p. Expensive for the car.
Starting and leaving the garage?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №61490
from the comments on the tracker (a book on intimate hairstyles is discussed):
The translation is just a masterpiece :-)
Even Chinese Google can’t do that.
According to the Basic Bikini, but also removes hair from small genital lips, perineum, and
Broken the ass. andquot;

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №61489
A deaf Belarusian depth, a picturesque village on the border with Ukraine: a forest, a lake, all things. We came to the local council to make papers on the ground, because they decided to arrange a house there. From the district center, we brought a sample of these letters in electronic form. Would it seem, what is easier? Take the flash, download the Word file, change your surname and print it. But! Someone very clever invented a clever antivirus scheme. "In order to prevent the virus from being brought to the computer, or all kinds of people are walking here," the flashlight with the document was taken to the local security post by the secretary-in-chief (read: the chamber of the district in the same building), inserted in the computer of the district, opened the document, hand from the screen (!) She re-wrote the text, brought it to her office and printed everything again from the leaflet, inserting the right names and other missing data.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №61488
becomes scary. A well-known colonel walks around the house and says suddenly - it is necessary to roll, first from the army, and then from the country...

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61487
"In the Lipetsk region sank a ponton bridge"
Only in Russia can sink what cannot sink in principle.

[ + 86 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61486
Netoneko: Well, if we are talking about terrible crimes without a deadline – has anyone been responsible for the Soviet occupation of Latvia (50 years, by the way)?
Gipnokote: the Soviet occupation of the Baltic countries was a terrible and bloody tragedy, leaving behind factories, schools, hospitals, libraries...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №61485
xxx: I found an announcement in the newspaper for a variety of workers, came to an interview there they said that the workers are not needed, but couriers are needed, well, the courier is a courier, came the next day to get acquainted with the work, it turned out that this courier himself is looking for someone to sell and deliver the products...

[ + 5 - ] Comment quote №61484
>>> She loved me sincerely and naively. I am her, very much. She was mine
A little girl.
So what then? Why did you break up?
The girl grew up.
For me, she has always been a little girl.
What about your new girlfriend?
She is a crooked fox. I don’t forbid her to smoke and I’m fooled at what she’s doing.
and dressed. I want to fuck her and hate waking up in her blurred poop.
The whole bed sheet... I want it.
And I loved that.

Copypasters of such nonsense, take off your contact, you are not happy here!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №61483
You are both very similar.
The Truth? What is?
Both are terrible...

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61482
Winter jacket with temperature regulator:

by int80h:
Builders often use similar jackets, they are actually not a few different. Also used a couple of such, on "space" technologies, and domestic ones. What else liked, the active sweat collection system, the jacket is designed for active work when a person can sweat, the sweat was collected in a separate bag inside the jacket, so if you even dig a spade all day, then it is absolutely not wet.

by Ocelot:
The sweat was gathered in a separate bag inside the jacket.
At the end of the shift, all the workers give up the sweat. If it’s not enough, it’s hurting at work :)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №61481
XXX: Yes
You need to look for a girl.
TD and TP

I don’t have to TP 😉

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №61480
He invited me to the cinema.
So go on!! to
I cannot...
Why is?? to
-Because fucking when I see him I immediately imagine scenes where I violate him harshly in the first corner!! to

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №61479
From the discussion of Prokhorov’s promise to shut down schools 24 hours a day:

I have 19 lessons today. Don’t wait, I’ll come in the morning.

What change are you studying today?
In the third

I am 24 hours today.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №61478
I went to the Chinese site like ebay, translated with the help of Google...such phrases chic, I quote: "good unlimited", "pilled girls weakness", "breast too full, how to buy", "man bag", "women's charm", "Love to the family, to the end of water pollution, healthy lifestyle, home water purifier is recommended! " and he killed me! - "A romantic festival girl, luster all five times!")))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №61477
I am in mourning :)
ZZZ: What about it?
WOW: Yes, the Persian in the woove performed the quest, there on the dragon you have to fly around some territory, such as to investigate. The dragon is automated. So, he’s stuck and has been flying like this for a week.)
Disney Land is Fucking

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №61476
Meanwhile, the first IBM PCs were leaked in the USSR, and with them the "bourgeois" borrowed VENIX - a clone of UNIX. Unfortunately, the source texts of the core were absent, and Dmitry Burkov decided to take an unprecedented step: he disassembled the core and recreated the source code in the C language, which after compilation gave the identical machine code - a sort of programming feat! (c) What licenses can be purchased? )

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №61475
Article of 81. Termination of employment contract on the initiative of the employer

[Code of Labor of the Russian Federation] [Chapter 13] [Article 81]
The employment contract may be terminated by the employer in the following cases:

12 has lost power.

Jedi can also be fired XD

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №61474
The poor:
The wife in the diary found a record of the "pornish", somewhat miraculously read it, as a "pornish". While washing, she sent a text from my phone to the recorded number: “Don’t dare give my husband this ugliness anymore, fucking!” Blade to! What did it come to her mind??? What is my personal porn dealer? ... now the atelier must be changed (

I changed my wife...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna