— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93912
Claim from the subscriber: I just called in the TP, Andrei answered. I want him
to complain. He explained to me, but I did not understand anything.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №93911
A: If I had the Internet at 39, I would have captured the world without a single shot!
Q:A, "It is not worth believing everything that is written on the Internet" Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
A: He couldn’t say that! When Lenin lived, there was no internet.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93910
We have a door-to-door sex shop with a meat store.
DEMA: So what, it is okay. Everyone comes in for their own sausage.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93909
"Residents of 191 apartments, take out the door!" I still cannot understand: is it my turn to take out the door, is it "why am I?and "
Stick this paper on the displayed door and write the answer.
In a few days there will be a forum)))))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №93908
Discussion of the topic about the Ukrainian giant Leonid Stadnik:

Walmart is resting
I smoke nervously on the side.
Zzzz: I’t smoke, I would grow up too!

c) Picaboo

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №93907
We even experimented with shit. This is when Ephraim says, “Go, I’ll show you what I’m going to do.”"We went to the kindergarten. There were such threatening villages, green. He is
A lot of shit on the ceiling! "Who can do that?" Everything in the waste - KAAK!!!??? Well, he takes the board, squeezes on it, then puts it.
Under it a brick, and once! At the other end of the board!! But the weather
The frosty-minor was, if not in the wrong condition, or the board was short, only it was all imprinted to him! Oh my God, how we wasted!! The guards took us with bare hands. We couldn’t even escape, so roasted.

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93906
This world creates patterns only to brutally break them at the most unexpected moment. I’m sitting in a taxi today – a crushed cherry nine. A brutal taxi driver with a face in the front glass floor quickly stops the cartoon who was looking at the navigator, rubs the chanson, and we touch.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №93905
Tired after a working day, I decided to ask Google: "How long do you need to fuck in order to get busy". The answer struck me: "And no matter how much you fuck, the capitalist will get the money." Thanks I explained.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93904
No, I would have understood if the evil Russian spirit had invaded the Americans from the box and forced them to build communism. But by the story it turned out to be an ancient, evil, Jewish box! What kind of an ancient, evil, Jewish box burmochet in Russian?
Did you think the Jew himself would fall into the damned box?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93903
If a man remembers - it is simply no one to chew him.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93902
I go on a business route. At the next stop, a 17-year-old boy crashes into the salon and asks the driver:
Do I go to the Tukhatshevsky Prospect?
The driver (to the word - a bright representative of the peoples of the Caucasus) answers:
We are going parallel.
The guy, the victim of the EGE, clarifies:
So we cross?
The Driver:
In parallel, in the Euclidean understanding.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №93901
Conqueror from Angola brought his national medal...Where he took them, nobody knows.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93900
Andrei: a Swedish studio will release a goat simulator. Release to PC in 2014
Andrei: The final version of the game will include a new mechanics: it will allow you to lick objects. Finally it is!!! to
Tanja: Negroes simulate goats throughout their conscious lives

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №93899
I bought some vitamins for pregnant women. The pharmacist told me about them in detail. When she broke the check, she handed it over, and she said, “Goodbye!” Good luck to you!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93898
to this:
I watched the movie The Curse Box in English. The first scene. Grandma wants to break the box with a hammer. The box, like every evil thing in Hollywood, begins to whisper and whisper. And then I hear from the box the wicked “I will eat your heart... I will eat your heart...” In the purest Russian language. I drowned abruptly. I turn back, I turn on. “I eat your heart.” In the subtitles – “incomprehensible bullshit.”

No, I would have understood if the evil Russian spirit had invaded the Americans from the box and forced them to build communism. But by the story it turned out to be an ancient, evil, Jewish box! What kind of an ancient, evil, Jewish box burmochet in Russian?

The box whispers not in Russian, but in Polish. This is due, apparently, to the fact that many Jews lived in Poland before, and in addition, Polish itself with its numerous whispering sounds is perfect for otherwise whispering.
Pussy: I watched this movie with my ex, and she is Polish, in fact she translated to me all this outward whisper.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93897
Imagine that your ex-boyfriend is leaving with your current girlfriend.

I read what I wrote... I’m going to smoke.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93896
I determine the days of the week by the size of blue spots under my eyes
Today I have a Thursday.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93895
to this:
God created the world in 7 days, and you are going to write one unfortunate report for 2 weeks.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYY 6 days of development, 1 weekend and 4.5 billion. years of debugging.

And then made a backup (Noah's ark) and removed the entire system of naher)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93894
I went to work this morning by electric car, the Matveevskaya station, a bunch of people are filled, the doors are not closed.
The engineer’s phrase was delighted: "Where are you all? Electric trains like mushrooms in the forest!and "

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93893
Before the arrival of the guests decided to prepare a delicious meal.
xxx: mixed the paste, cut the ingredients, snack two pizzas - one in a multivarka, the other on a bowl (and what to do, a lot of guests)
HH: and went to do his business.
Half an hour later, I remembered that I was cooking something there.
I come to the kitchen and see that the one on the bowl has already burned, and the multivark I have never turned on.
This is called "two pizzas")))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna