— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 71 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №44372
In 1986, an expedition of Soviet polarists reached the pole of inaccessibility in the conditions of the polar night.
And here is a very important question: why?

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №44371
of answers
On the label to one Chinese sweater was written: "To wear longer you should not wear more often";

[ + 67 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №44370
The Mad Donna:
I had to recently be in the company of housekeepers: a demonstration of cosmetics, stories about birth, etc. All in the best traditions. One of them begins to broadcast:
- Girls, in no case should you take a potato that has less than six eyelids - it is a genetically modified product and it causes infertility 100%. Even if you don’t have it!Your children will surely be infertile.If you eat such potatoes.
I take it and crack:
What a great way to save on contraception.
I was almost beaten.

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №44369
This story happened to my friend who works in the forestry. In their village, the local priest decided to restore the church and, naturally, he had to coordinate the construction work himself.
One day he came to the pylorama to check the load of wood material.
The men from the boat put on the body of pine pebbles, and they got one very bitten, so to speak. They suffer with him and so, and so, and the priest is already trying to help - and all in no way. And then the brigadier approaches and advises to close the board to load it from the end:
What are you paying? Put it on the top and push it up!
Give it to yourself, Judas. Followed by the pop replica.
...the loading ended with tears in the eyes and forced stops at the next attack of the whistle, looking at the red, like cancer, priest...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №44368
Cat Leopold: (thinkingly) Buried Gates - broke 256 battlefields.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №44367
Anyon: That is something else. A long time ago, when I just connected to the Internet and could not configure it myself, a young man came to us, who for a certain fee wrote the necessary IP addresses and DNS server. After doing his job, he went to Google to check his performance, wrote in the search line "for", then looked around 15-year-old me, and with an acid mine on his face wrote the word "weather".

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №44366
Metredel (20:15:16 11/03/2011)
Half of the shoes were roaring.

*Made IN paradisE* (20:15:37 11/03/2011)
The admin went to the last battle!!!!! to

Metredel (20:16:36 11/03/2011)
and a young youth carried with an expicious wing

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №44365
Gorynych: Lan, AFC, I’ll go small
Matryoshka: Evil, and whom did he create?
In the sense of creating?
Matryoshka: Did you say, I’ll go small, new pers?
Gorynych: )) ah )) the first Mikhail Alekseevich is called, the second Somochka )) for months 10 I have...

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №44364
Share your recursion and it will come back to you many times.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №44363
My husband is late at work. I ran to the store, cooked dinner, cleaned up in the apartment, met on the threshold.
Mmm... very clean. Going to the kitchen... very delicious. (I pick up my dress) mm... naked. The ideal woman!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №44362
Maybe I don't know, in general, my grandmother's neighbors from China appeared (students rent an apartment) so one day one comes and says, "Give me an egg, please, I'll give you two." Well, my grandmother gave me an egg and said that I don’t need to give, and then the Chinese woman said that they have a tradition of giving everything in a double amount and then my grandmother said: “And if you give 50 dollars, then you believe 100?” Chinese honestly spoke of this logic)))

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №44361
My faithful man, in search of "something to eat," opened the refrigerator and stumbled upon a bowl of freezing saucer.
Behold, there is blood, meat, fat melted.
He was astonished, he got there on the toothbrush a poster with the inscription "Short content of the "Elphic Song"", walks with this dish around the house and bark it.
Q: Who am I living with?! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №44360
A colleague for something carefully grounded the oscillograph and used to look at the chain, where the general wire was under tension relative to the ground... The muscles when passing through the current reduce the seizure, he cramped his jaw for some reason, he pressed out (in fact, not knocked out) eight teeth.

A month later, I had a TB exam. He learned the whole Talmud by the mouth until the last fifth, but at the exam he was asked the only question:

Wouldn’t you go under stage anymore?

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №44359
A friend was sitting playing in the headphones in the dojo, well there was an oral, etc.
To him fits a mommy, brings a piece of salt on a plate.
He turns around, Nifiga doesn’t understand... asks:
Why Why?
I asked what you were going to eat... and you were Salo, Suka, Salo!! to

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №44358
A: Did they really get rid of anything?? to
Andrei, is it you?
A: Oh shit, not to you (
A: In the sense of apologies, Mom, I was wrong by the window.
A: Even if you’re already crazy...

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №44357
X: "The State Duma Deputy at Bentley struck a police car" Everything was mixed up in the house... The police car, and there are police officers in them, people's elected in Bentley, and the people - in the street.
Y: Absurd
X: No, this is news

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №44356
Question: how to determine the readiness of peelmen if they are filled in a pot with a battle and they have nowhere to pop up?! to

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №44355
xxx: I decided to push the modem in the window, because it catches a lot better, you know what happened to it?
xxx: and I don't know, he was struck (

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №44354
The Arms Forum:
The first warning shot is fired at the attacker’s chest. After the first warning follows the second. If the first two shots did not sufficiently warn his friends, then continue to warn them with targeted double shots on the central projection and head until the attackers are fully warned or ammunition is spent.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №44353
TV: - Most mothers at the first feeding prefer fruit...
husband, thoughtfully, without breaking away from the computer: - and most dads at the first feeding prefer a mandula or a moth...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna